< Boqorradii Labaad 6 >
1 Oo qoonkii nebiyada ahaana waxay Eliishaa ku yidhaahdeen, Bal eeg, meesha hortaada ah ee aannu deggan nahay waa nagu cidhiidhi.
One day a group of prophets said to Elisha, “Look, this place where we meet together with you is very small.
2 Haddaba waannu ku baryaynaaye aannu tagno xagga Urdun oo halkaas nin waluba dogob ha ka qaado, oo aannu halkaas ka dhisanno meel aan degno. Oo isna wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Orda oo taga.
Allow us to go to the Jordan [River and cut down some trees to make] logs to build a new meeting place.” So Elisha said, “Okay, go.”
3 Oo midba wuxuu yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye raalli ahow oo na raac annagoo addoommadaada ah. Oo isna wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Waan idin raacayaa.
One of them said to Elisha, “Please come with us.” So Elisha replied, “Okay, I will go with you.”
4 Sidaas daraaddeed wuu raacay. Oo iyana markay Urdun yimaadeen ayay geedo jareen.
So they went together. When they reached the Jordan [River], they cut down some trees.
5 Laakiinse midba intuu qori jarayay ayaa faaskii intii birta ahayd biyihii ku dhex dhacday, oo isna intuu qayliyey ayuu yidhi, Sayidkaygiiyow, hoogay! Waayo, deyn buu igu ahaa.
But while one of them was cutting down a tree, suddenly the axe head [separated from the handle and] fell into the water. He cried out to Elisha, “O, Master, what shall I do? [The axe is not mine]; I borrowed it!”
6 Markaasaa ninkii Ilaah wuxuu yidhi, War xaggee bay ku dhacday? Oo isna markaasuu meeshii tusay. Markaasuu ul soo goostay oo meeshii ku riday, birtiina waa soo dabaalatay.
Elisha replied, “Where did it fall into the water?” After the man showed him the place, Elisha cut off a stick, and threw it into the water, and caused the iron axe head to float [on top of the water].
7 Wuxuuna yidhi, War haddaba soo qaado. Sidaas daraaddeed gacantii buu fidiyey oo soo qaatay.
Elisha said, “Take it out of the water.” So the man reached his hand down and picked up the axe head.
8 Haddaba boqorkii Suuriya wuxuu la diriray dadkii Israa'iil, oo intuu addoommadiisii la tashaday ayuu ku yidhi, Meesha saa iyo saa ah ayaa xeradaydu ahaan doonta.
Whenever the king of Syria [prepared to send his army to] fight against Israel, he first consulted his officers, and then told them where they should set up their tents.
9 Markaasaa ninkii Ilaah u cid diray boqorkii dalka Israa'iil oo wuxuu ku yidhi, War iska jir oo ha soo marin meesha saas ah, waayo, reer Suuriya meeshaasay ku dhaadhacayaan.
But each time, Elisha would send a message to warn the king of Israel, [telling him where the army of Syria was planning to attack them, ] saying, “Be sure that your army does not go near that place, because the army of Syria has set up their tents there.”
10 Oo boqorkii dalka Israa'iilna cid buu u diray meeshii ninkii Ilaah isaga u sheegay oo uu uga digay, oo isna intuu halkaas iska nabadgeliyey mar iyo laba toona ma aha.
So the king of Israel would send [messengers] to warn [the people who lived in] that place, and the people would remain on guard. That happened several times.
11 Oo boqorkii Suuriyana qalbigiisu waxyaalahan aad buu uga welwelsanaa; oo wuxuu isugu yeedhay addoommadiisii, oo ku yidhi, War maad ii sheegtaan midkeenna la jira boqorkii dalka Israa'iil?
The king of Syria was very upset/disturbed/angry about that. So he summoned his army officers and said to them, “[Obviously] one of you is (betraying us/revealing our plans) to the king of Israel. Which one of you is doing it?”
12 Markaasaa mid addoommadiisii ka mid ahu wuxuu ku yidhi, Boqorow, sayidkaygiiyow, saas ma aha; laakiinse Eliishaa oo ah nebi dalka Israa'iil dhex jooga ayaa boqorka dadka Israa'iil u sheega erayada aad kaga hadasho qolkaaga aad seexato.
One of his officers answered, “Your Majesty, it is not one of us. Elisha the prophet [knows what we plan to do, and he] tells the king of Israel everything. He even knows what you say in your own bedroom!”
13 Oo isna wuxuu ku yidhi, Tag oo soo arag meeshuu joogo si aan isaga ugu cid diro ha la soo qabtee. Oo waxaa loo sheegay oo lagu yidhi, War wuxuu joogaa Dotaan.
The king of Syria replied, “Go and find out where he is, and I will send [some men there] to capture him.” Someone told him, “People say that he is in Dothan [town north of Samaria].”
14 Sidaas daraaddeed wuxuu halkaas u diray fardo, iyo gaadhifardood, iyo ciidan faro badan; oo iyana intay habeennimo yimaadeen ayay magaaladii hareereeyeen.
So the king sent a large group of soldiers [to Dothan] with horses and chariots. They arrived at night and surrounded the town.
15 Oo ninkii Ilaah shaqeeyihiisii markuu aroortii soo toosay oo uu baxay, bal eeg, waxaa la arkay ciidan fardo iyo gaadhifardood wata oo magaaladii ku wareegsan. Markaasaa midiidinkiisii wuxuu isagii ku yidhi, Sayidow, hoogaye! sidee baynu yeeli doonnaa?
Early the next morning, Elisha’s servant got up and went outside the house. He saw the soldiers of Syria with their horses and chariots surrounding the town. So he went inside [the house and reported it to Elisha] and exclaimed, “O, sir! What are we going to do?”
16 Oo isna wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Ha cabsan, waayo, kuwa inala jiraa way ka sii badan yihiin kuwa iyaga la jira.
Elisha replied, “Do not be afraid! Those who will be helping us will be more than those who will be helping them!”
17 Markaasaa Eliishaa baryootamay oo yidhi, Rabbiyow, waxaan kaa baryayaa inaad ninkan indhaha u furtid wax ha arkee. Markaasaa Rabbigu ninkii dhallinyarada ahaa indhihii u furay, wax buuna arkay; oo wuxuu u jeeday fardo iyo gaadhifardood dab ah oo buurta ka buuxa ee Eliishaa ku wareegsan.
Then he prayed, “Yahweh, I request that you open my servant’s eyes in order that he can see [what is out there]!” So Yahweh enabled the servant to look out and see that surrounding the hill on which the town [was built] was a huge number of horses, and chariots made of fire!
18 Oo iyana markay isagii u soo dhaadhaceen ayaa Eliishaa Rabbiga baryay oo yidhi, Rabbiyow, waxaan kaa baryayaa inaad dadkan indhabbeel ku riddid. Oo isna indhabbeel ayuu ugu riday sidii eraygii Eliishaa u ahaa.
When the army of Syria prepared to attack Elisha, he prayed again, saying, “Yahweh, cause all these soldiers to become blind!” Yahweh answered his prayer and caused them to be unable to see clearly.
19 Markaasaa Eliishaa wuxuu iyagii ku yidhi, War jidkanu ma aha jidkii, magaaladanuna ma aha magaaladii. Haddaba i soo raaca oo waxaan idiin geeynayaa ninkaad doonaysaan. Oo isna wuxuu u hor kacay xagga Samaariya.
Then Elisha went to them and said, “You are not on the right road; this is not the city that you are searching for. I will take you to the man whom you are searching for.” But he led them to Samaria, [the capital of Israel]!
20 Oo markay Samaariya soo galeen ayaa Eliishaa yidhi, Rabbiyow, nimankan indhaha u fur, wax ha arkeene. Kolkaasaa Rabbigu indhaha u furay, wax bayna arkeen, oo waxay u jeedeen inay Samaariya dhex joogaan.
As soon as they entered Samaria, Elisha prayed again, saying, “Yahweh, now enable these soldiers to see correctly again!” So Yahweh enabled them to see correctly, and they were surprised to see that they were inside Samaria [city].
21 Markaasaa boqorkii dalka Israa'iil wuxuu Eliishaa ku yidhi markuu nimankii arkay, Aabbahayow, miyaan laayaa? Miyaan laayaa?
When the king of Israel saw them, he said to Elisha, “Sir, shall I [tell my soldiers to] kill them? Shall we kill all of them?”
22 Oo isna wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Maya, waa inaadan layn. Ma layn lahayd kuwaad ku soo qabsatay seeftaada iyo qaansadaada? Waxaad soo hor dhigtaa kibis iyo biyo ay cunaan oo ay cabbaan, oo dabadeedna ha u tageen sayidkoodii.
Elisha replied, “No, you must not kill them. If your army captured many of your enemies in a battle, you would certainly not [RHQ] kill them. Give these men something to eat and drink, and then allow them to return to their king.”
23 Markaasuu wuxuu iyagii u diyaariyey cunto badan, oo markay wax cuneen oo wax cabbeen ayuu iska diray, oo sayidkoodii bay u tageen. Oo guutooyinkii reer Suuriyana mar dambe ma soo gelin dalkii Israa'iil.
So the king of Israel did that. He told his servants to provide a big feast for them. And when they had eaten and drunk plenty, he sent them away. They returned to the king of Syria [and told him what had happened]. So for a while after that, soldiers from Syria stopped raiding/attacking towns in Israel.
24 Oo taas dabadeed Benhadad oo ahaa boqorkii Suuriya wuxuu soo wada urursaday ciidankiisii oo dhan, oo intuu soo kacay ayuu Samaariya hareereeyey.
But some time later, Ben-Hadad, the king of Syria, assembled his entire army, and they went to Samaria and surrounded the city [for a long time].
25 Oo Samaariyana abaar weyn baa ku dhacday, oo bal eeg iyana waxay hareeraha ka joogeen ilaa madax dameer lagu iibiyey siddeetan sheqel oo lacag ah, oo qab rubuciis digo qolley ahna lagu iibiyey shan sheqel oo lacag ah.
Because of that, after a while there was hardly any food left inside the city, with the result that eventually a donkey’s head, [which was usually worthless, ] cost eighty pieces of silver, and (one cup/0.3 liter) of dove’s dung cost five pieces of silver.
26 Oo boqorkii dalka Israa'iil oo derbiga dul maraya ayaa naagu u qayshatay oo ku tidhi, Boqorow, sayidkaygiiyow, i caawi.
One day when the king of Israel was walking on top of the city wall, a woman cried out to him, “Your Majesty, help me!”
27 Oo isna wuxuu ku yidhi, Naa haddii uusan Rabbigu ku caawin, anigu xaggee baan kaa caawinayaa? Naa ma waxaan kaa caawinayaa meesha hadhuudhka lagu tumo; mase meesha canabka lagu tuujiyo?
He replied, “If Yahweh will not help you, I certainly cannot [RHQ] help you. I certainly [RHQ] do not have any wheat or wine!
28 Markaasaa boqorkii wuxuu iyadii ku yidhi, Naa maxaa ku helay? Oo iyana waxay ugu jawaabtay, Naagtan waxay igu tidhi, Naa wiilkaaga na sii aan maanta cunnee oo wiilkaygana berri baannu wada cuni doonnaa.
What is your problem?” She replied, “Several days ago, that woman [over there] said to me, ‘[Because we have nothing left to eat, ] let’s kill your son today, in order that we can eat his flesh. Then tomorrow we can [kill] my son [and] eat his flesh.’
29 Sidaas daraaddeed wiilkaygii waan karsannay oo waannu cunnay; markaasaan maalintii dambe iyadii ku idhi, Naa wiilkaagii na sii aan cunnee; laakiinse iyadu way qarisay wiilkeedii.
So we [killed my son and cut his body up and] boiled his flesh and ate it. The next day, I said to her, ‘Now give your son to me, in order that we can [kill him and cook his flesh and] eat it.’ But she has hidden her son!”
30 Oo markii boqorkii naagtii hadalkeedii maqlay ayuu dharkiisii dildillaaciyey; (oo markaas wuxuu dul marayay derbiga), oo dadkiina way wada arkayeen inuu jidhkiisii ku guntaday joonyado.
When the king heard what the woman said, he tore his robe [to show that he was very distressed]. The people who were standing close to the wall were able to see that the king was wearing rough cloth underneath his robe [because he was very distressed].
31 Oo markaasuu yidhi, Ilaah saas iyo si ka sii daranba ha igu sameeyo, haddii Eliishaa ina Shaafaad madaxiisu maanta ku sii yaallo.
The king exclaimed, “I wish/hope that God will strike me dead if I do not cut off the head of Elisha today, [because he is the one who has caused these terrible things to happen to us]!”
32 Oo Eliishaana markaas wuxuu dhex fadhiyey gurigiisii, oo odayaashiina way la fadhiyeen; oo boqorkiina nin buu iska soo hor mariyey; laakiinse ninkii wargeeyska ahaa intuusan isagii u iman ayuu Eliishaa odayaashii ku yidhi, War bal eega siduu kan gacankudhiigluhu dhalay cid ugu soo diray in madaxa layga gooyo? War markii wargeeysku yimaado albaabka xidha, oo dib ugu celiya albaabka. War waxa ka dambeeya sow ma aha sanqadhii cagihii sayidkiisa?
So the king sent an officer to get Elisha. Before the officer arrived, Elisha was sitting in his house with some Israeli elders who were talking with him. Elisha said to them, “That murderer, [the king of Israel, ] is sending someone here to kill me. Listen: When he arrives, shut the door and do not allow him to come in. And the king will be coming right behind that officer!”
33 Oo intuu iyagii weli la hadlayay ayaa wargeeyskii u soo dhaadhacay; oo isna wuxuu yidhi, Belaayadanu xagga Rabbigay ka timid; haddaba maxaan Rabbiga weli u sii sugaa?
And while he was still speaking, the king and the officer arrived. The king said, “It is Yahweh who has caused us to have all this trouble/suffering. (Why should I wait any longer [RHQ] for him to do something [to help us]?/It is useless for me to wait any longer for him [to help us]!)”