< Boqorradii Labaad 24 >

1 Oo wakhtigiisii ayaa Nebukadnesar oo ahaa boqorkii Baabuloon ku soo kacay, markaasaa Yehooyaaqiim isagii addoon u noqday intii saddex sannadood ah, dabadeedna wuu ka jeestay, oo ka fallaagoobay.
In days his he came up Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon and he was of him Jehoiakim a subject three years and he turned back and he rebelled against him.
2 Markaasaa Rabbigu u soo diray guutooyin reer Kaldayiin ah, iyo guutooyin reer Suuriya ah, iyo guutooyin reer Moo'aab ah, iyo guutooyin reer Cammoon ah, oo wuxuu iyaga u soo diray inay dalka Yahuudah baabbi'iyaan sidii Rabbigu uga hadlay nebiyadii addoommadiisa ahaa.
And he sent Yahweh - on him [the] marauding bands of [the] Chaldeans and [the] marauding bands of Aram and - [the] marauding bands of Moab and [the] marauding bands of [the] people of Ammon and he sent them on Judah to destroy it according to [the] word of Yahweh which he had spoken by [the] hand of servants his the prophets.
3 Hubaal amarkii Rabbiga aawadiis ayaa tanu ugu soo degtay dadkii Yahuudah, inuu iyaga ka dhaqaajiyo hortiisa dembigii Manaseh sameeyey aawadiis, sidii ay ahaayeen kulli waxyaalihii uu sameeyey oo dhan,
Surely - on [the] mouth of Yahweh it happened in Judah to remove [it] from on face his for [the] sins of Manasseh according to all that he had done.
4 iyo dhiiggii aan xaq qabin oo uu daadshay, waayo, Yeruusaalem wuxuu ku nijaaseeyey dhiig aan xaq qabin; oo Rabbiguna ma uu cafiyeen.
And also [the] blood of the innocent which he had shed and he filled Jerusalem blood innocent and not he was willing Yahweh to forgive.
5 Haddaba Yehooyaaqiim falimihiisii kale iyo wixii uu sameeyey oo dhammu sow kuma qorna kitaabkii taariikhda boqorradii dalka Yahuudah?
And [the] rest of [the] matters of Jehoiakim and all that he did ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Judah.
6 Markaasaa Yehooyaaqiim dhintay oo la seexday awowayaashiis, oo meeshiisiina waxaa boqor ka noqday wiilkiisii Yehooyaakiin.
And he lay down Jehoiakim with ancestors his and he became king Jehoiachin son his in place of him.
7 Oo boqorkii Masarna mar dambe dalkiisii kama uu soo bixin, waayo, boqorkii Baabuloon baa wada qaatay ilaa durdurkii Masar iyo tan iyo Webi Yufraad ee uu dhammaan boqorka Masar lahaa.
And not he repeated again [the] king of Egypt to come out from own land his for he had taken [the] king of Babylon from [the] wadi of Egypt to [the] river of Euphrates all that it had belonged to [the] king of Egypt.
8 Oo Yehooyaakiinna markuu boqor noqday wuxuu jiray siddeed iyo toban sannadood, wuxuuna Yeruusaalem boqor ka ahaa intii saddex bilood ah; oo hooyadiis magaceedana waxaa la odhan jiray Nexushtaa ina Elnaataan, oo reer Yeruusaalem ahayd.
[was] a son of Eight-teen year[s] Jehoiachin when became king he and three months he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his [was] Nehushta [the] daughter of Elnathan from Jerusalem.
9 Oo isna wuxuu sameeyey wax Rabbiga hortiisa shar ku ah sidii wixii uu aabbihiis sameeyey oo dhan.
And he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh according to all that he had done father his.
10 Markaasaa waxaa Yeruusaalem yimid oo magaaladii hareereeyey addoommadii Nebukadnesar oo ahaa boqorkii Baabuloon.
At the time that (they went up *Q(K)*) [the] servants of Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon Jerusalem and it came the city in state of siege.
11 Oo Nebukadnesar oo ahaa boqorkii Baabuloon ayaa soo gaadhay magaaladii intay addoommadiisii hareera joogeen.
And he came Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon to the city and servants his [were] laying siege on it.
12 Markaasaa Yehooyaakiin oo ahaa boqorkii dalka Yahuudah u soo baxay boqorkii Baabuloon, isagii, iyo hooyadiis, iyo addoommadiisii, iyo amiirradiisii, iyo saraakiishiisiiba, oo boqorkii Baabuloon ayaa isagii kaxeeyey sannaddii siddeedaad oo boqornimadiisa.
And he went out Jehoiachin [the] king of Judah to [the] king of Babylon he and mother his and servants his and officials his and court-officials his and he took him [the] king of Babylon in year eight of reigning his.
13 Oo isna halkaasuu ka qaatay khasnadihii guriga Rabbiga oo dhan iyo khasnadihii guriga boqorka, oo wuxuu kala jejebiyey weelashii dahabka ahaa oo boqorkii reer binu Israa'iil oo Sulaymaan ahaa uu ku dhex sameeyey macbudkii Rabbiga, siduu Rabbigu yidhi.
And he brought out from there all [the] treasures of [the] house of Yahweh and [the] treasures of [the] house of the king and he cut up all [the] articles of gold which he had made Solomon [the] king of Israel for [the] temple of Yahweh just as he had spoken Yahweh.
14 Oo haddana wuxuu kaxaystay reer Yeruusaalem oo dhan, iyo amiirradii oo dhan, iyo raggii xoog lahaa oo dhan, oo wada ahaa toban kun oo maxaabiis ah, iyo saanacyadii oo dhan, iyo tumaalladii, oo ninna ma hadhin dadkii dalka ugu liitay mooyaane.
And he took into exile all Jerusalem and all the officials and - all [the] mighty [men] of strength (ten *Q(K)*) thousand exile[s] and every craftsman and smith not anyone was left except [the] poor people of [the] people of the land.
15 Oo wuxuu Baabuloon u kaxaystay Yehooyaakiin; oo boqorka hooyadiis, iyo boqorka naagihiisii, iyo saraakiishiisii, iyo raggii dalka madaxda u ahaa maxaabiis ahaan ayuu Yeruusaalem uga kaxaystay oo Baabuloon la tegey.
And he took into exile Jehoiachin Babylon towards and [the] mother of the king and [the] wives of the king and court-officials his and ([the] leaders of *Q(K)*) the land he led away exile[s] from Jerusalem Babylon towards.
16 Oo boqorkii Baabuloon maxaabiis ahaan ayuu Baabuloon u keenay raggii xoogga lahaa oo dhan oo tiradoodu ahayd toddoba kun, iyo saanacyadii iyo tumaalladii oo iyana kun ah, oo kulligood way wada xoog badnaayeen, oo dagaalyahan bay ahaayeen.
And all [the] men of strength seven thousand and the craftsman and the smith one thousand everyone warriors makers of war and he brought them [the] king of Babylon exile[s] Babylon towards.
17 Markaasaa boqorkii Baabuloon wuxuu Yehooyaakiin meeshiisii boqor uga dhigay adeerkiis Matanyaah oo magiciisiina wuxuu u beddelay Sidqiyaah.
And he made king [the] king of Babylon Mattaniah uncle his in place of him and he changed name his Zedekiah.
18 Oo Sidqiyaahna markuu boqor noqday wuxuu jiray kow iyo labaatan sannadood, oo Yeruusaalemna wuxuu boqor ka ahaa kow iyo toban sannadood, oo hooyadiis magaceeduna wuxuu ahaa Xamuutal ina Yeremyaah oo reer Libnaah ahayd.
[was] a son of Twenty and one year[s] Zedekiah when became king he and one [plus] ten year[s] he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his ([was] Hamutal *Q(K)*) [the] daughter of Jeremiah from Libnah.
19 Oo isna wuxuu sameeyey wax Rabbiga hortiisa shar ku ah, sidii wixii Yehooyaaqiim sameeyey oo dhan.
And he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh according to all that he had done Jehoiakim.
20 Oo tanu waxay Yeruusaalem iyo Yahuudah ugu dhacday cadhadii Rabbiga aawadeed ilaa uu hortiisa iyaga ka tuuray; kolkaasaa Sidqiyaah ka fallaagoobay boqorkii Baabuloon.
For - on [the] anger of Yahweh it happened in Jerusalem and in Judah until threw he them from on face his and he rebelled Zedekiah against [the] king of Babylon.

< Boqorradii Labaad 24 >