< 2 Korintos 9 >

1 Looma baahna inaan idiin soo qoro wax ku saabsan caawimaadda xagga quduusiinta,
With reference, indeed, to the Fund for your fellow-Christians, it is quite superfluous for me to say anything to you.
2 waayo, waan garanayaa diyaarnimadiinna aan kuwa Makedoniya idinku faaniyey, in dadka Akhaya sannaddii hore ay diyaar ahaayeen, oo jacaylkiinna kulaylkiisuna badidood buu sii kiciyey.
I know, of course, your willingness to help, and I am always boasting of it to the Macedonians. I tell them that you in Greece have been ready for a year past; and it was really your zeal that stimulated most of them.
3 Laakiin waxaan u dirayaa walaalaha si aan faanka aannu idinku faaninnay micnela'aan loogaga dhigin xaalkan, inaad diyaar u ahaataan sidaan idhi,
So my reason for sending our Brothers is to prevent what we said about you from proving, in this particular matter, an empty boast, and to enable you to be as well prepared as I have been saying that you are.
4 waaba intaasoo aannu faankan ku ceebownaaye, annagoo keliyana ma aha, laakiin idinkuna waad ku ceeboobaysaan, haddii kuwo reer Makedoniya ahi ay i soo raacaan oo ay idin arkaan idinkoo aan diyaar ahayn.
Otherwise, if any Macedonians were to come with me, and find you unprepared, we — to say nothing of you — should feel ashamed of our present confidence.
5 Taas aawadeed waxaan u maleeyey inay dhaanto inaan walaalaha ka baryo inay hortay idiin yimaadaan, inay hore diyaar uga sii dhigaan deeqda aad ballanqaaddeen, inay taasi diyaar u ahaato deeq ahaan, mana aha qasab ahaan.
Therefore I think it necessary to urge the Brothers to go to you in advance, and to complete the arrangements for the gift, which you have already promised, so that it may be ready, as a gift, before I come, and not look as if it were being given under pressure.
6 Laakiin tan ogaada, Kii wax yar beeraa, wax yar buu goostaa, kii wax badan beeraana, wax badan buu goostaa.
Remember the saying — ‘Scanty sowing, scanty harvest; plentiful sowing, plentiful harvest.’
7 Qof kastaa wax ha u bixiyo siduu qalbiga ka goostay, oo yaanu ku bixin caloolxumo ama qasab, waayo, Ilaah wuxuu jecel yahay kan farxad wax ku bixiya.
Let every one give as he has determined before hand, not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves ‘a cheerful giver.’
8 Ilaah wuxuu karaa inuu nimco oo dhan idiin badiyo inaad mar walba wax kasta oo idinku filan haysataan inaad shuqul kasta oo wanaagsan ku badisaan;
God has power to shower all kinds of blessings upon you, so that, having, under all circumstances and on all occasions, all that you can need, you may be able to shower all kinds of benefits upon others.
9 sida qoran, Isagu wuu kala firdhiyey, masaakiintana wax buu siiyey, Xaqnimadiisuna way sii jirtaa weligeedba. (aiōn g165)
(As Scripture says — ‘He scattered broadcast, he gave to the poor; His righteousness continues for ever.’ (aiōn g165)
10 Kii beerreyga siiya abuur uu abuuro iyo kibis uu cuno, wuu siin doonaa wuuna badin doonaa abuurkiinna aad abuuraysaan, wuuna kordhin doonaa midhaha xaqnimadiinna.
And he who supplies ‘seed to the sower, and bread for eating,’ will supply you with seed, and cause it to increase, and will multiply ‘the fruits of your righteousness’).
11 Wax kasta idinka waa laydinku hodansiin doonaa xagga deeqsinimada inaga dhex shaqaysa oo dhan ee aawadeed Ilaah loogu mahadnaqo.
Rich in all things yourselves, you will be able to show liberality to all, which, with our help, will cause thanksgiving to be offered to God.
12 Waayo, samaynta shuqulkani ma dhammaystirto waxa dhiman ee ay quduusiintu u baahan yihiin oo qudha, laakiin waxaa kale oo ay kordhisaa in Ilaah aad loogu mahadnaqo.
For the rendering of a public service such as this, not only relieves the needs of your fellow-Christians, but also results in the offering to God of many a thanksgiving.
13 Caddaynta adeegiddan aawadeed, waxaa Ilaah loo ammaanaa addeeciddiinna markaad qirataan injiilka Masiix, iyo deeqsinimada markaad la wadaagtaan iyaga iyo dadka kale oo dhan.
Through the evidence afforded by the service thus rendered, you cause men to praise God for your fidelity to your profession of faith in the Good News of the Christ, as well as for the liberality of your contributions for them and for all others.
14 Way idiin duceeyaan, wayna idiin xiisoodaan nimcada aad u badan ee Ilaah ee idinku jirta aawadeed.
And they also, in their prayers for you, express their longing to see you, because of the surpassing love of God displayed toward you.
15 Ilaah baa mahad leh hadiyaddiisa aan la sheegi karin aawadeed.
All thanks to God for his inestimable gift!

< 2 Korintos 9 >