< 2 Korintos 3 >

1 Miyaannu bilaabaynaa inaannu haddana is-ammaanno? Ama miyaannu u baahan nahay warqado ammaan ah in laydiin diro ama in laydiinka soo diro sida qaar kale?
Doe we begin to praise our selues againe? or neede we as some other, epistles of recommendation vnto you, or letters of recommendation from you?
2 Idinku waxaad tihiin warqaddayada ee qalbigayaga ku qoran, tan ay dadka oo dhammu garanayaan oo akhriyaan,
Yee are our epistle, written in our hearts, which is vnderstand, and read of all men,
3 idinkoo muuqanaya inaad tihiin warqadda Masiixa ee ah taannu ka adeegnay, ee aan khad lagu qorin, laakiinse lagu qoray Ruuxa Ilaaha nool, oo aan lagu qorin looxyo dhagax ah dushood laakiin lagu qoray looxyo qalbiyo jiidh ah dushood.
In that yee are manifest, to be the Epistle of Christ, ministred by vs, and written, not with yncke, but with the Spirite of the liuing God, not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart.
4 Hubaalkan oo kale ayaannu Masiix ku leennahay xaggii Ilaah;
And such trust haue we through Christ to God:
5 ma aha inaannu isku filan nahay inaannu wax ka tashanno xagga qudhayada, laakiin iskufillaantayadu waa xagga Ilaah,
Not that we are sufficient of our selues, to thinke any thing, as of our selues: but our sufficiencie is of God,
6 kan haddana naga dhigay kuwa ku filan inaannu ka adeegno axdiga cusub, ma aha xagga qorniinka, laakiin xagga ruuxa, waayo, qorniinku wax buu dilaa, laakiin ruuxu wax buu nooleeyaa.
Who also hath made vs able ministers of the Newe testament, not of the letter, but of the Spirite: for the letter killeth, but the Spirite giueth life.
7 Laakiin adeegidda dhimashada keentaa ee qorniin lagu xardhay dhagaxyo, hadday ammaan la ahaatay, si aan reer binu Israa'iil u karin inay Muuse wejigiisa aad u eegaan ammaanta wejigiisa aawadeed ee ah tan idlaanaysa,
If then the ministration of death written with letters and ingrauen in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel coulde not beholde the face of Moses, for the glorie of his countenance (which glorie is done away.)
8 sidaanay u ahayn adeegidda ruuxa inay la ahaan doonto ammaan?
Howe shall not the ministration of the Spirite be more glorious?
9 Waayo, hadday adeegidda xukunka keentaa ammaan ahayd, adeegidda xaqnimada keentaa aad bay uga ammaan badan tahay.
For if the ministerie of condemnation was glorious, much more doeth the ministration of righteousnesse exceede in glorie.
10 Waayo, wixii ammaan lahaan jiray, ammaan kama lahayn wixii kan ku saabsan, ammaanta ka sarraysa aawadeed.
For euen that which was glorified, was not glorified in this point, that is, as touching the exceeding glorie.
11 Waayo, haddii waxa idlaanayaa ammaan lahaan jiray, intee ka badan baa waxa hadhaa ammaan leeyahay.
For if that which should be abolished, was glorious, much more shall that which remaineth, be glorious.
12 Haddaba rajo caynkaas ah oo aannu leennahay aawadeed bayaan ayaannu u hadalnaa.
Seeing then that we haue such trust, we vse great boldnesse of speach.
13 Ma nihin sida Muuse, kan indho shareertay inaan reer binu Israa'iil aad u eegin dhammaadka tan idlaanaysay.
And we are not as Moses, which put a vaile vpon his face, that the children of Israel should not looke vnto the ende of that which should be abolished.
14 Laakiin fikirradoodii way adkaadeen. Waayo, tan iyo maalintaas markii axdiga hore la akhriyo, indho shareerkaas ayaa hadha isagoo aan laga saarin, kan xagga Masiix ka idlaaday.
Therefore their mindes are hardened: for vntill this day remaineth the same couering vntaken away in the reading of the olde Testament, which vaile in Christ is put away.
15 Laakiin tan iyo maalintaas mar alla markii Muuse wax laga akhriyo dabool ayaa qalbigooda saaran.
But euen vnto this day, whe Moses is read, the vaile is laid ouer their hearts.
16 Laakiin mar alla markii loo soo leexdo Rabbiga daboolka waa laga qaadaa.
Neuertheles when their heart shall be turned to the Lord, the vaile shalbe taken away.
17 Rabbigu waa Ruuxa, oo meeshii Ruuxa Rabbigu joogana, waxaa jira xorriyad.
Nowe the Lord is the Spirite, and where the Spirite of the Lord is, there is libertie.
18 Laakiin dhammaanteen innagoo aan indho shareernayn, ammaanta Rabbiga ayaynu arkaynaa sidii oo muraayad lagu arko, oo isu-ekaanta ayaa laynoo roogayaa, ammaan ilaa ammaan, sida tan xagga Rabbiga Ruuxa ah ka timaada.
But we al behold as in a mirrour the glory of the Lord with open face, and are changed into the same image, from glorie to glorie, as by the Spirit of the Lord.

< 2 Korintos 3 >