< Taariikhdii Labaad 7 >

1 Haddaba Sulaymaan markuu tukashadiisii dhammeeyey, dab baa samada ka yimid oo wada gubay qurbaankii la gubayay iyo allabaryadiiba, oo gurigana waxaa ka buuxsantay ammaantii Rabbiga.
When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from the sky and burned all the offerings and sacrifices [that were on the altar], and the glorious radiance of Yahweh filled the temple.
2 Oo wadaaddadiina ma ay geli karin gurigii Rabbiga, maxaa yeelay, gurigii Rabbiga waxaa ka buuxsantay ammaantii Rabbiga.
The radiance [was extremely bright], with the result that the priests could not enter the temple of Yahweh.
3 Oo reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammuna way wada eegeen markii dabku samada ka yimid, oo ammaantii Rabbiguna ay guriga kor joogtay, markaasay wada sujuudeen oo wejigooda dhulka sallaxa ah saareen, oo Rabbigay caabudeen oo ku mahadnaqeen, waxayna yidhaahdeen, Isagu wuu wanaagsan yahay, waayo, naxariistiisu weligeedba way raagtaa.
When all the Israeli people [who were there] saw the fire coming down and the glory of Yahweh above the temple, they prostrated themselves with their faces touching the ground. They worshiped and thanked Yahweh, singing, “Yahweh is always good to us; he faithfully loves us forever.”
4 Markaasay boqorkii iyo dadkii oo dhammuba allabari Rabbiga hortiisa ku bixiyeen.
Then the king and all the people who were there dedicated the temple to Yahweh by offering more sacrifices to him. King Solomon gave 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep and goats to be sacrificed.
5 Oo Boqor Sulaymaan wuxuu allabari ahaan u bixiyey laba iyo labaatan kun oo dibi iyo boqol iyo labaatan kun oo ido ah. Sidaasay boqorkii iyo dadkii kale oo dhammuba gooni uga dhigeen gurigii Ilaah.
6 Markaasaa wadaaddadii waxay u istaageen sidii shuqulkoodu kala ahaa, kuwii reer Laawina way istaageen iyagoo haysta alaabtii muusikada ee Rabbiga, taasoo uu Boqor Daa'uud u sameeyey in Rabbiga lagu mahadnaqo markii Daa'uud Rabbiga ku ammaanay hawshooda, waayo, naxariistiisu weligeedba way raagtaa, oo wadaaddadiina hortooday turumbooyin kaga dhawaajiyeen, oo reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammuna way wada istaageen.
The priests stood in their positions, and the other descendants of Levi stood in their positions holding the musical instruments [to praise] Yahweh, instruments that King David had caused to be made for praising Yahweh and thanking him. [They sang], “He faithfully loves us forever.” Facing the other descendants of Levi the priests stood, blowing their trumpets, while all the Israeli people were standing [and listening].
7 Oo weliba Sulaymaan wuxuu quduus ka dhigay barxaddii ka horraysay guriga Rabbiga dhexdeeda, waayo, halkaas wuxuu ku bixiyey qurbaannada la gubo, iyo baruurtii qurbaannada nabaadiinada, maxaa yeelay, meeshii allabariga oo naxaasta ahayd ee uu Sulaymaan sameeyey ma ay wada qaadi karin qurbaanka la gubo iyo qurbaanka hadhuudhka iyo baruurtaba.
Solomon dedicated the middle part of the courtyard in front of the temple. Then he gave offerings to be completely burned there along with the fat of the animals to be sacrificed to maintain fellowship with Yahweh. The priests burned them there in the courtyard because in addition to those things there were offerings of grain, with the result that there was not enough space on the bronze altar to burn all those sacrifices.
8 Oo wakhtigaas Sulaymaan sidaasuu iiddii u sameeyey toddoba maalmood, iyadoo ay la joogaan reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammu, kuwaasoo ahaa shir aad u weyn, oo waxay ka yimaadeen meesha Xamaad laga soo galo iyo ilaa durdurka Masar.
Solomon [and the other people] celebrated the Festival of Living in Temporary Shelters for seven days. There was a huge group of people who celebrated with him. Some of them came from [as far away as] Lebo-Hamath [in the far north] and the border of Egypt [in the far south].
9 Oo maalintii siddeedaadna waxay sameeyeen shir quduus ah, waayo, iyagu meesha allabariga gooni-ka-dhigiddeedii waxay ku jireen toddoba maalmood, toddoba maalmoodna waxay ku jireen iiddii.
On the eighth/next day they gathered again [to worship Yahweh]. They had celebrated the dedication of the altar for seven days and the Festival of Living in Temporary Shelters for seven days.
10 Oo bishii toddobaad maalinteedii saddex iyo labaatanaad ayuu dadkii u kala diray teendhooyinkoodii iyagoo faraxsan oo qalbiga kaga rayraynaya wanaaggii uu Rabbigu u sameeyey Daa'uud iyo Sulaymaan iyo dadkiisii reer binu Israa'iilba.
Then on the next day Solomon sent them to their homes. They were very joyful because of all the good things that Yahweh had done for David and Solomon and for all his Israeli people.
11 Haddaba Sulaymaan sidaasuu u dhammeeyey gurigii Rabbiga iyo gurigii boqorkaba, oo wax alla wixii galay Sulaymaan qalbigiisa inuu u sameeyo gurigii Rabbiga iyo isaga gurigiisiiba dhammaan wuu ku liibaanay.
Solomon’s [workers] finished building the temple and Solomon’s palace. And Solomon finished doing everything else that he had planned to do.
12 Oo Rabbiga wuxuu Sulaymaan u muuqday goor habeennimo ah, oo ku yidhi, Baryadaadii waan maqlay oo meeshanna waan u doortay inay guri lagu allabaryo ii ahaato.
Then Yahweh appeared to him one night [in a dream] and said to him, “I have heard your prayer, and I have chosen this temple to be the place where my people will offer sacrifices to me.
13 Haddaba haddaan samada xidho oo roob laga waayo, ama haddaan ayaxa ku amro inuu dalka cuno, ama haddaan dadkayga belaayo ku soo dhex daayo,
“When I prevent any rain from falling, or when I command locusts to eat all the crops, or when I send a plague among my people,
14 haddii dadkayga oo ah kuwa magacayga lagu yeedhay ay is-hoosaysiiyaan, oo i baryaan, oo wejigayga doondoonaan, oo jidadkoodii xumaa ka soo noqdaan, de markaasaan samada ka maqli doonaa, oo dembigoodana waan ka cafiyi doonaa, oo dalkoodana waan bogsiin doonaa.
if the people who belong to me humble themselves and pray, and request me to help them, and if they turn away from their sinful behavior, then I will hear from heaven. I will forgive them for having sinned and I will cause them to prosper again.
15 Oo weliba indhahaygu way furmi doonaan oo dhegahayguna way maqli doonaan baryootanka meeshan lagu baryootamo.
I [SYN] will see them and I [SYN] will hear them when they pray to me in this place.
16 Maxaa yeelay, hadda waxaan gurigan u doortay oo quduus uga dhigay si magacayga weligiisba halkaas loogu daayo, oo indhahayga iyo qalbigayguba halkaasay joogi doonaan weligood iyo weligoodba.
I have chosen and have (set apart/dedicated) this temple in order that people may worship [MTY] me there forever. I will always watch over [MTY] it and protect [IDM] it.
17 Oo adiguna haddaad sidii aabbahaa Daa'uud oo kale hortayda ugu socotid, si aad u yeeshid wax alla wixii aan kugu amray oo dhan, oo aad u xajisid qaynuunnadayda iyo xukummadayda,
“And as for you, if you obey me as David your father did, and if you do all that I command you to do, and obey all my laws and decrees,
18 markaasaan dhisi doonaa carshiga boqortooyadaada, sidaan axdi kula dhigtay aabbahaa Daa'uud markaan ku idhi, Lagaa waayi maayo nin reer binu Israa'iil u taliya.
I will make sure that your descendants will always be kings, which is what I promised to David your father, saying, ‘Some of your descendants will always be the kings of Israel.’
19 Laakiinse haddaad iga leexataan oo aad ka tagtaan qaynuunnadayda iyo amarradayda aan idin hor dhigay, oo aad intaad tagtaan ilaahyo kale u adeegtaan oo caabuddaan,
“But if you Israelis turn away from me and disobey the decrees and commands that I have given to you, and you start to worship other gods,
20 de markaasaan xididdadooda ka rujin doonaa dalkayga aan iyaga siiyey, oo gurigan aan magacayga aawadiis quduus uga dhigayna hortaydaan ka tuuri doonaa, oo waxaan isaga dadyowga oo dhan kaga dhex dhigi doonaa maahmaah iyo halqabsi.
I will cause you to be expelled from this land that I have given to you, and I will abandon this temple that I have set apart to be the place where people should worship me. I will cause it to be despised and ridiculed by people of all nations.
21 Oo gurigan aad u dheerna ku alla kii soo ag maraaba wuu la yaabi doonaa, oo wuxuu odhan doonaa, Rabbigu muxuu sidan uga dhigay dalkan iyo gurigan?
Although this temple is now greatly respected, when that happens, all the people who pass by will be appalled, and they will say, ‘Why has Yahweh done terrible things like this to this country and to this temple?’
22 Oo waxaa lagu jawaabi doonaa, Waxay ka tageen Rabbigii ahaa Ilaaha awowayaashood oo iyaga ka soo bixiyey dalkii Masar, oo waxay raaceen ilaahyo kale, wayna caabudeen oo u adeegeen, oo sidaas daraaddeed ayuu xumaantan oo dhan ugu soo dejiyey.
And others will reply, ‘It happened because they rejected Yahweh, the God to whom their ancestors belonged, the one who brought their ancestors out of Egypt, and they have been worshiping other gods and trying to please them. And that is why Yahweh has caused them to experience all these disasters.’”

< Taariikhdii Labaad 7 >