< Taariikhdii Labaad 36 >

1 Markaasaa dadkii waddanku soo wateen Yehoo'aaxaas ina Yoosiyaah, oo waxay meeshii aabbihiis boqor ugaga dhigeen Yeruusaalem.
The people of the land took Jehoahaz, son of Josiah, and made him king in Jerusalem in succession to his father.
2 Oo Yoo'aaxaasna markuu boqor noqday wuxuu jiray saddex iyo labaatan sannadood, oo intii saddex bilood ah ayuu Yeruusaalem boqor ku ahaa.
Jehoahaz was twenty-three when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for three months.
3 Markaasaa boqorkii Masar Yeruusaalem kaga dejiyey carshigiisii, oo dalkiina wuxuu saaray baad ah boqol talanti oo lacag ah iyo talanti dahab ah.
Then the king of Egypt removed him from the throne in Jerusalem and imposed a tax on Judah of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold.
4 Kolkaasaa boqorkii Masar wuxuu dalkii Yahuudah iyo Yeruusaalemba boqor uga dhigay walaalkiis Elyaaqiim, oo magiciisiina wuxuu u beddelay Yehooyaaqiim. Oo walaalkiis Yoo'aaxaasna Nekoo wuxuu u kaxaystay dalkii Masar.
Neco, king of Egypt, made Eliakim, Jehoahaz's brother, king over Judah and Jerusalem, and he changed Eliakim's name to Jehoiakim. Neco took Eliakim's brother Jehoahaz back with him to Egypt.
5 Oo Yehooyaaqiimna markuu boqor noqday wuxuu jiray shan iyo labaatan sannadood, oo Yeruusaalemna wuxuu boqor ku ahaa kow iyo toban sannadood, oo isna wuxuu sameeyey wax shar ku ah Rabbiga Ilaahiisa ah hortiisa.
Jehoiakim was twenty-five when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for eleven years. He did evil in the sight of the Lord his God.
6 Oo waxaa isagii ku soo kacay Nebukadnesar oo ahaa boqorkii Baabuloon, silsilado buuna ku xidhay oo Baabuloon u kaxaystay.
Then Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, attacked Jehoiakim. He captured him and put bronze shackles on him, and brought him to Babylon.
7 Oo Nebukadnesar weliba wuxuu kaloo Baabuloon u qaatay weelashii guriga Rabbiga, oo wuxuu dhigtay macbudkiisii Baabuloon ku yiil.
Nebuchadnezzar also took some items from the Lord's Temple, and he put them in his temple in Babylon.
8 Haddaba Yehooyaaqiim falimihiisii kale, iyo karaahiyadiisii uu sameeyey, iyo wixii isaga laga helayba, bal eeg, dhammaantood waxay ku qoran yihiin kitaabkii boqorrada dalka Israa'iil iyo dalka Yahuudah, oo meeshiisiina waxaa boqor ka noqday wiilkiisii Yehooyaakiin.
The rest of what Jehoiakim, the disgusting sins he committed, and all the evidence against him, are written down in the Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah. His son Jehoiachin took over as king.
9 Oo Yehooyaakiinna markuu boqor noqday wuxuu jiray siddeed sannadood, oo Yeruusaalem boqor buu ku ahaa saddex bilood iyo toban maalmood, oo isna wuxuu sameeyey wax Rabbiga hortiisa shar ku ah.
Jehoiachin was eighteen when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for three months and ten days. He did evil in the Lord's sight.
10 Oo markii sannaddii soo wareegtay ayaa Boqor Nebukadnesar soo cid diray, oo wuxuu Baabuloon keenay isagii iyo weelashii wanaagsanaa oo gurigii Rabbiga, oo walaalkiis Sidqiyaahna ayuu boqor uga dhigay dalkii Yahuudah iyo Yeruusaalem.
In the spring of the year, King Nebuchadnezzar summoned him and brought him to Babylon, along with valuable items from the Lord's Temple, and he made Jehoiachin's uncle Zedekiah king over Judah and Jerusalem.
11 Oo Sidqiyaahna markuu boqor noqday wuxuu jiray kow iyo labaatan sannadood, oo Yeruusaalemna wuxuu boqor ku ahaa kow iyo toban sannadood.
Zedekiah was twenty-one when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for eleven years.
12 Oo isna wuxuu sameeyey wax Rabbiga Ilaahiisa ah hortiisa shar ku ah, oo iskuma uu hoosaysiin Nebi Yeremyaah oo afka Rabbiga ku hadlayay hortiisa.
He did evil in the sight of the Lord his God, and he refused to admit his pride when the prophet Jeremiah warned him directly from the Lord.
13 Oo weliba wuxuu ka fallaagoobay Boqor Nebukadnesar oo isaga Ilaah ku dhaariyey, laakiinse wuu madax adkaaday oo qalbigiisana wuu qallafiyey si uusan ugu soo noqon Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil.
He also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him swear an oath of loyalty by God. Zedekiah was arrogant and hard-hearted, and refused to come back to the Lord, the God of Israel.
14 Oo weliba kuwii wadaaddada sarsare ahaa iyo dadkiiba si weyn bay u xadgudbeen oo waxay wada sameeyeen karaahiyadii quruumuhu samayn jireen oo dhan, oo waxay nijaaseeyeen gurigii Rabbiga, ee uu isagu Yeruusaalem quduus kaga dhigay.
All the leaders of the priests and the people were also totally faithless and sinful, following all the disgusting practices of the heathen nations. They defiled the Lord's Temple that he had set apart as holy in Jerusalem.
15 Oo Rabbiga ah Ilaaha awowayaashood goor wanaagsan ayuu iyagii u soo diray wargeeyayaashiisii, maxaa yeelay, dadkiisa iyo meesha rugtiisa ah ayuu u naxay.
Again and again the Lord, the God of their fathers, warned his people through his prophets, because he wanted to show mercy to them and to his Temple.
16 Laakiinse way ku majaajiloodeen Ilaah wargeeyayaashiisii, oo eraygiisiina way quudhsadeen, nebiyadiisiina way fududaysteen, ilaa ay cadhadii Rabbigu ku dhacday dadkiisii oo dawo loo waayay.
But they ridiculed God's messengers, they despised his warnings and mocked his prophets, until the Lord's anger against his people was provoked to such an extent it couldn't be stopped.
17 Sidaas daraaddeed wuxuu iyagii ku soo kiciyey boqorkii reer Kaldayiin, kaasoo raggoodii dhallinyarada ahaa seef ku laayay iyagoo ku jira gurigii meeshoodii quduuska ahayd, oo isaguna uma uu nixin wiil ama gabadh, ama oday ama cirroole, dhammaantoodna wuu u gacangeliyey.
So the Lord brought the king of Babylon to attack them. His army killed by the sword their best young men even in the sanctuary. The Babylonians did not spare young men or young women, the sick or the elderly. God handed them all over to Nebuchadnezzar.
18 Oo weelashii guriga Ilaah oo dhan yar iyo weynba, iyo khasnadihii guriga Rabbiga, iyo khasnadihii boqorka iyo kuwii amiirradiisaba dhammaantood wuxuu geeyey Baabuloon.
He took back to Babylon all the articles, large and small, from God's Temple, and from the Temple treasury, and from the king and from his officials.
19 Oo gurigii Ilaah waa la gubay, oo derbiyadii Yeruusaalem waa la dumiyey, oo guryaheedii waaweynaa oo dhanna waa la gubay, oo weelasheedii wanaagsanaa oo dhanna waa la wada baabbi'iyey.
Then the Babylonians burned down God's Temple and demolished Jerusalem's walls. They set fire to all the palaces and destroyed everything that had any value.
20 Oo kuwii seefta ka baxsadayna wuxuu u kaxaystay Baabuloon, oo waxay addoommo u ahaan jireen isaga iyo wiilashiisii ilaa la gaadhay boqortooyadii Faaris,
Nebuchadnezzar took into exile in Babylon those who had not been killed. They were slaves for himself and his sons, until the kingdom of Persia took over.
21 si uu ku rumoobo Eraygii Rabbiga ee ka baxay afkii Yeremyaah, ilaa dalkii ku istareexay sabtiyadiisii, waayo, in alla intii uu baabba'sanaa ayuu sabti dhawrayay, si ay u dhammaadaan toddobaatan sannadood.
So to fulfill the Lord's prophecy given through Jeremiah, the land enjoyed its Sabbaths as rest all the time it was left desolate, keeping the Sabbath until seventy years were completed.
22 In Eraygii Rabbiga ee Yeremyaah afkiisa ka soo baxay uu ahaado aawadeed, sannaddii kowaad oo Kuuros oo ahaa boqorkii Faaris ayaa Rabbigu kiciyey ruuxii Kuuros oo ahaa boqorkii Faaris, oo isna boqortooyadiisii oo dhan ayuu ogeysiis ugu dhawaaqay, oo weliba qoray, oo wuxuu yidhi,
In the first year of Cyrus, king of Persia, to fulfill the Lord's prophecy given through Jeremiah, the Lord encouraged Cyrus, king of Persia, to issue a proclamation throughout his kingdom and also to put it in writing, saying,
23 Kuuros oo ah boqorka Faaris wuxuu leeyahay, Boqortooyooyinka dhulka oo dhan waxaa i siiyey Rabbiga ah Ilaaha samada, oo wuxuu igu amray inaan isaga guri uga dhiso Yeruusaalem oo ku taal dalka Yahuudah. Haddaba ku alla kii idinku dhex jira oo dadkiisa ah Rabbiga Ilaahiisa ahu ha la jiro oo isna ha tago.
“This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: ‘The Lord, the God of heaven, who has given to me all the kingdoms of the earth, has given me the responsibility to build a Temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. Anyone among you who belongs to his people can go there. May the Lord your God be with you.’”

< Taariikhdii Labaad 36 >