< Taariikhdii Labaad 26 >

1 Markaasaa dadkii Yahuudah oo dhammu waxay soo kaxaysteen Cusiyaah oo lix iyo toban sannadood jiray, oo isagay boqor uga dhigeen meeshii aabbihiis Amasyaah.
Then all the people of the land took Ozias, and he was sixteen years old, and they made him king in the room of his father Amasias.
2 Oo isna Eelood wuu dhisay oo dalka Yahuudah u soo celiyey markii boqorkii dhintay oo la seexday awowayaashiis dabadeed.
He built Aelath, he recovered it to Juda, after the king slept with his fathers.
3 Cusiyaah markuu boqor noqday wuxuu jiray lix iyo toban sannadood, oo laba iyo konton sannadoodna Yeruusaalem buu boqor ku ahaa, oo hooyadiis magaceedana waxaa la odhan jiray Yekaalyaah tii reer Yeruusaalem.
Ozias began to reign at the age of sixteen years, and he reigned fifty-two years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Jechelia of Jerusalem.
4 Oo isna wuxuu sameeyey wax Rabbiga hortiisa ku qumman, oo wuxuu wada yeelay sidii aabbihiis Amasyaah yeelay oo kale.
And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that Amasias his father did.
5 Oo wakhtigii Sekaryaah, oo waxgarasho u lahaa waxa la arko ee Ilaah, ayuu isu diyaariyey inuu Ilaah doondoonto, oo intuu Rabbiga doonayayna Ilaah baa isaga liibaaniyey.
And he sought the Lord in the days of Zacharias, who understood the fear of the Lord; and in his days he sought the Lord, and the Lord prospered him.
6 Markaasuu baxay oo reer Falastiin la dagaallamay, oo wuxuu dumiyey derbigii Gad, iyo derbigii Yabneh, iyo derbigii Ashdood, oo wuxuu magaalooyin ka dhisay waddankii reer Ashdood iyo reer Falastiin dhexdoodaba.
And he went out and fought against the Philistines, and pulled down the walls of Geth, and the walls of Jabner, and the walls of Azotus, and he built cities [near] Azotus, and among the Philistines.
7 Oo Ilaah baa isaga uga hiiliyey reer Falastiin, iyo kuwii reer Carbeed ee Guur Bacal degganaa, iyo reer Mecuuniimba.
And the Lord strengthened him against the Philistines, and against the Arabians that dwelt on the rock, and against the Minaeans.
8 Oo reer Cammoonna waxay Cusiyaah siin jireen gabbaro, oo magiciisiina wuxuu ku faafay oo gaadhay xataa meesha Masar laga galo, maxaa yeelay, aad iyo aad buu u xoogaystay.
And the Minaeans gave gifts to Ozias; and his fame spread as far as the entering in of Egypt, for he strengthened [himself] exceedingly.
9 Oo weliba Cusiyaah wuxuu Yeruusaalem ka dhisay oo xoogeeyey munaarado, oo waxay ku yiilleen iriddii geeska, iyo iriddii dooxada, iyo meesha derbigu ka leexdo.
And Ozias built towers in Jerusalem, both at the gate of the corners, and at the valley gate, and at the corners and he fortified them.
10 Oo haddana wuxuu munaarado ka dhisay cidlada, oo ceelal badanna wuu qotay, maxaa yeelay, xoolo badan buu lahaa, oo waxayna u joogeen dhulka dooxada iyo dhulka bannaanka ahba, oo buuraha iyo beeraha barwaaqaysanba wuxuu ku lahaa rag beeraley ah iyo kuwa canabka xannaaneeya, maxaa yeelay, wuxuu jeclaa beeraha.
And he built towers in the wilderness, and dug many wells, for he had many cattle in the low country and in the plain; and vinedressers in the mountain country and in Carmel: for he was a husbandman.
11 Oo weliba Cusiyaah wuxuu lahaa ciidan dagaalyahan ah oo dagaalka koox koox ugu baxa sidii ay ahayd tiradooda ay sameeyeen Yecii'eel oo ahaa karraanigii iyo Macaseeyaah oo sirkaalkii ahaa, sidii uu ku amray Xananyaah oo ahaa boqorka saraakiishiisa midkood.
And Ozias had a host of warriors, and that went out orderly to war, and returned orderly in number; and their number was [made] by the hand of Jeiel the scribe, and Maasias the judge, by the hand of Ananias the king's deputy.
12 Oo raggii xoogga badnaa, oo ahaa madaxdii qolooyinka oo dhan tiradoodu waxay ahayd laba kun iyo lix boqol oo nin.
The whole number of the chiefs of families of the mighty men of war [was] two thousand six hundred;
13 Oo waxaa gacantooda ku jiray ciidan ah saddex boqol iyo toddoba kun iyo shan boqol oo nin, kuwaasoo xoog badan ku dagaallama, si ay boqorka uga caawiyaan cadowga.
and with them was a warrior force, three hundred thousand and seven thousand and five hundred: these waged war mightily to help the king against [his] enemies.
14 Oo Cusiyaah wuxuu ciidankii oo dhan u diyaariyey gaashaammo iyo warmo, iyo koofiyado bir ah, iyo jubbado bir ah, iyo qaansooyin, iyo dhagaxyada la wadhfiyo.
And Ozias prepared for them, [even] for all the host, shields, and spears, and helmets, and breastplates, and bows, and slings for stones.
15 Oo Yeruusaalemna wuxuu ku sameeyey makiinado ay soo hindiseen rag saanacyo ahu, oo alaabtaas waxaa la saari jiray munaaradaha iyo geesaska derbiyada, in iyaga laga gano fallaadho iyo dhagxan waaweynba. Oo weliba magiciisii aad iyo aad buu u sii faafay oo meel fog gaadhay, maxaa yeelay, ilaa uu xoogaystay si yaab leh ayaa loo caawiyey.
And he made in Jerusalem machines invented by a wise contriver, to be upon the towers and upon the corners, to cast darts and great stones: and [the fame] of their preparation was heard at a distance; for he was wonderfully helped, till he was strong.
16 Laakiinse markuu xoogaystay ayuu isla weynaaday ilaa uu halligmay, oo wuxuu ku xadgudbay Rabbiga Ilaahiisa ah, waayo, macbudkii Rabbiga ayuu u galay inuu foox ku shido girgirihii fooxa.
And when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction; and he transgressed against the Lord his God, and went into the temple of the Lord to turn incense on the altar of incense.
17 Markaasaa waxaa isagii ka daba galay wadaadkii Casaryaah oo ay la socdaan siddeetan ah Rabbiga wadaaddadiisa, oo ah rag xoog badan.
And there went in after him Azarias the priest, and with him eighty priests of the Lord, mighty men.
18 Markaasay Boqor Cusiyaah hor istaageen, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Cusiyaahow, adigu ma lihid inaad Rabbiga foox u shiddid, laakiinse waxaa leh wadaaddada reer Haaruun oo quduus looga dhigay inay foox shidaan; haddaba meesha quduuska ah ka bax, waayo, waad xadgudubtay, oo tanuna kuuma ahaan doonto sharaf Rabbiga Ilaaha ah xaggiisa kaaga timaada.
And they withstood Ozias the king, and said to him, [It is] not for thee, Ozias, to burn incense to the Lord, but only for the priests the sons of Aaron, who are consecrated to sacrifice: go forth of the sanctuary, for thou hast departed from the Lord; and this shall not be for glory to thee from the Lord god.
19 Markaasaa Cusiyaah cadhooday, oo gacantana waxaa ugu jiray idan uu doonayay inuu foox ku shido; oo markuu wadaaddadii u cadhooday ayaa baras wejiga ka soo baxay, isagoo wadaaddadii hor jooga oo guriga Rabbiga ku jira oo girgirihii fooxa dhiniciisa taagan.
And Ozias was angry, and in his hand [was] the censer to burn incense in the temple: and when he was angry with the priests, then the leprosy rose up in his forehead before the priests in the house of the Lord, over the altar of incense.
20 Markaasaa Casaryaah oo ahaa wadaadka sare iyo wadaaddadii oo dhammu isagay fiiriyeen, oo waxay arkeen inuu wejigiisa baras ku leeyahay, markaasay haddiiba halkaas ka saareen, oo isaga qudhiisiina wuu isdedejiyey inuu baxo, maxaa yeelay, Rabbigaa wax ku dhuftay.
And Azarias the chief priest, and the [other] priests, turned [to look] at him, and, behold, he [was] leprous in his forehead; and they got him hastily out thence, for he also hasted to go out, because the Lord had rebuked him.
21 Oo Boqor Cusiyaahna tan iyo maalintii uu dhintay wuxuu ahaa barasle, oo isagoo baras qaba ayuu joogi jiray guri gaar ah, waayo, wuu ka go'ay gurigii Rabbiga, oo wiilkiisii Yootam ayaa reerka boqorka u talin jiray, isagoo dadkii dalka degganaa u gar qaybinaya.
And Ozias the king was a leper to the day of his death, and he dwelt [as] a leper in a separate house; for he was cut off from the house of the Lord: and Joathan his son [was set] over his kingdom, judging the people of the land.
22 Haddaba Cusiyaah falimihiisii kale, intii hore iyo intii dambeba, waxaa qoray Nebi Ishacyaah oo ahaa ina Aamoos.
And the rest of the acts of Ozias, the first and the last, [are] written by Jessias the prophet.
23 Oo Cusiyaah wuu dhintay oo la seexday awowayaashiis, oo waxaa awowayaashiis lagula aasay berrinkii xabaalaha oo ay boqorradu lahaayeen, waayo, waxay isyidhaahdeen, Isagu waa barasle, oo meeshiisiina waxaa boqor ka noqday wiilkiis Yootam.
And Ozias slept with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the field of the burial [place] of the kings, for they said, He is a leper; and Joatham his son reigned in his stead.

< Taariikhdii Labaad 26 >