< Taariikhdii Labaad 12 >

1 Markii boqortooyadii Rexabcaam ay dhisantay oo uu xoogaystay ayuu ka tegey sharcigii Rabbiga, iyadoo ay reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammuba la jiraan.
After Rehoboam was in complete control of his kingdom, he and all [the other people in] Judah stopped obeying the laws of Yahweh.
2 Oo sannaddii shanaad oo Boqor Rexabcaam ayaa Shiishaq oo boqorkii Masar ahaa Yeruusaalem ku kacay, maxaa yeelay, iyagu waxay ku xadgudbeen Rabbiga,
As a result, after Rehoboam had been king for almost five years, Yahweh sent Shishak, the king of Egypt, [with his army] to attack Jerusalem.
3 oo wuxuu kaxaystay kun iyo laba boqol oo gaadhifaras iyo lixdan kun oo fardooley ah, oo dadkii isaga Masar kala soo baxayna tiro ma ay lahayn, waxayna ahaayeen reer Luubiim iyo reer Sukiyiim iyo reer Itoobiya.
Along with his army he brought 1,200 chariots and 60,000 soldiers riding horses and a very large number of troops from two regions in Libya, and from Ethiopia.
4 Oo isagu wuxuu qabsaday magaalooyinkii deyrka lahaa ee dalka Yahuudah, oo haddana wuxuu yimid Yeruusaalem.
They captured many of the cities in Judah that had walls around them, and they came as far as Jerusalem.
5 Haddaba Nebi Shemacyaah ayaa u yimid Rexabcaam iyo amiirradii dalka Yahuudah oo Yeruusaalem ugu urursanaa Shiishaq daraaddiis, oo wuxuu iyagii ku yidhi, Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Idinku waad i dayriseen oo sidaas daraaddeed ayaan gacanta Shiishaq idinkaga tegey.
Then the prophet Shemaiah came to Rehoboam and the other leaders of Judah who had gathered in Jerusalem because they were afraid of [the army of] Shishak. Shemaiah said to them, “Yahweh says this: ‘You have abandoned me; so now I am abandoning you, to [allow you to be captured by the army of] Shishak.’”
6 Markaasaa amiirradii dadka Israa'iil iyo boqorkiiba is-hoosaysiiyeen, oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Rabbigu waa xaq.
Then the king and the other Israeli leaders humbled themselves and said, “What Yahweh is doing to us is fair.”
7 Oo Rabbiguna markuu arkay inay is-hoosaysiiyeen ayaa eraygii Rabbigu u yimid Shemacyaah, wuxuuna ku yidhi, Iyagu way is-hoosaysiiyeen oo taas aawadeed anigu baabbi'in maayo, laakiinse waan samatabbixin doonaa, oo cadhadayduna Yeruusaalem kuma degi doonto iyadoo gacanta Shiishaq ku timid.
When Yahweh realized that they had humbled themselves, he gave this message to Shemaiah: “Because they have humbled themselves, I will not allow them to be destroyed. Instead, I will soon rescue them. I will not use Shishak’s army to completely destroy the people of Jerusalem,
8 Habase ahaatee waxay ahaan doonaan addoommadiisa, si ay u ogaadaan adeegiddayda iyo adeegidda boqortooyooyinka waddammadaba.
but they will conquer Jerusalem and force the people there to do what Shishak wants them to do. As a result, the people of Jerusalem will learn [that it is better] to serve me than to serve the kings of other countries.”
9 Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed Shiishaq oo ahaa boqorkii Masar wuxuu ku kacay Yeruusaalem oo wuxuu qaatay khasnadihii guriga Rabbiga iyo khasnadihii guriga boqorkaba, oo dhammaantood wuu wada qaatay, oo wuxuu kaloo wada qaatay gaashaammadii dahabka ahaa oo Sulaymaan sameeyey.
When Shishak’s [army] attacked Jerusalem, they took/carried away the valuable things that were in the temple of Yahweh and the valuable things that were in the king’s palace. They took everything [that was valuable], including the gold shields that Solomon’s [workers] had made.
10 Oo Boqor Rexabcaam ayaa meeshoodii ka sameeyey gaashaammo naxaas ah, oo wuxuu u dhiibay saraakiishii waardiyayaashii albaabka guriga boqorka dhawri jiray.
So King Rehoboam’s workers made bronze shields to be used instead of the gold ones and gave the bronze shields to the commanders of the men who guarded the entrance to his palace.
11 Oo mar alla markuu boqorku gurigii Rabbiga galo ayay waardiyayaashu iman jireen oo ay gaashaammada soo qaadi jireen, oo haddana waxay ku soo celin jireen qolkii waardiyayaasha.
After that, whenever the king went to the temple, the guards went with him, carrying those bronze shields. Then [when the king left, ] they would return the shields to the guards’ room.
12 Oo markuu isagu is-hoosaysiiyey ayaa cadhadii Rabbigu ka noqotay si aan Rabbigu isaga dhammaantiisba u baabbi'in, oo weliba dalka Yahuudah waxyaalo wanwanaagsan baa laga heli jiray.
Because Rehoboam humbled himself, Yahweh stopped being angry with him and did not get rid of him. Instead, he caused good things to happen in Judah.
13 Haddaba Boqor Rexabcaam wuxuu ku xoogaystay Yeruusaalem oo xukumay, oo Rexabcaam markuu boqor noqday wuxuu jiray kow iyo afartan sannadood, oo toddoba iyo toban sannadood ayuu boqor ku ahaa Yeruusaalem oo ahayd magaaladii Rabbigu ka doortay qabiilooyinka reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan inuu magiciisa halkaas dhigo; oo hooyadiis magaceedu wuxuu ahaa Nacamaah tii reer Cammoon.
King Rehoboam again was in complete control in Jerusalem and continued to be the king [of Judah]. He was 41 years old when he became the king. He ruled for 17 years in Jerusalem, which is the city that Yahweh had chosen from all the tribes in Israel to be the place in which people were to worship him.
14 Oo isagu wuxuu sameeyey wax shar ah, maxaa yeelay, qalbigiisa uma uu diyaarin inuu Rabbiga doondoono.
Rehoboam’s mother’s name was Naamah. She was from the Ammon people-group. Rehoboam did evil things because he did not try to find out what Yahweh wanted him to do.
15 Haddaba Rexabcaam falimihiisii, intii hore iyo intii dambeba, sow kuma qorna taariikhdii Nebi Shemacyaah iyo tii Iddo oo ahaa waxarkihii, siday ahaayeen abtirsiinyadii? Oo had iyo goorna dagaal baa ka dhaxayn jiray Rexabcaam iyo Yaaraabcaam.
An account of all the things that Rehoboam did while he was the king, and lists of the members of his family, are in the scrolls written by the prophets Shemaiah and Iddo. The armies of Rehoboam and Jeroboam were constantly fighting each other.
16 Oo Rexabcaamna wuu dhintay oo la seexday awowayaashiis, oo waxaa lagu aasay magaaladii Daa'uud, oo meeshiisiina waxaa boqor ka noqday wiilkiisii Abiiyaah.
When Rehoboam died, he was buried in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’. Then his son Abijah became the king.

< Taariikhdii Labaad 12 >