< Samuu'Eel Kowaad 20 >

1 Markaasaa Daa'uud wuxuu ka cararay Naayood oo Raamaah ku taal, oo intuu Yoonaataan u yimid ayuu ku yidhi, War maxaan sameeyey? Oo dembigaygu waa maxay? Oo dembiga aan aabbahaa ku sameeyey ee uu naftayda u doonayaa waa maxay?
And Dauid fled from Naioth in Ramah, and came and sayd before Ionathan, What haue I done? what is mine iniquitie? and what sinne haue I committed before thy father, that he seeketh my life?
2 Oo isna wuxuu ku yidhi, Yaanay noqon, adigu dhiman maysid. Aabbahay wax yar iyo wax weyn toona ma sameeyo wixii uu daaha iiga qaaday mooyaane. Maxaa aabbahay waxaas oo kale iiga qarinaya? Saas ma aha.
And he sayde vnto him, God forbid, thou shalt not die: beholde, my father will do nothing great nor small, but he will shewe it me: and why should my father hide this thing from me? he will not doe it.
3 Oo haddana Daa'uud wuu dhaartay oo yidhi, Aabbahaa aad buu u og yahay inaad raalli iga tahay; oo wuxuu isyidhaahdaa, Yuusan Yoonaataan tan ogaanin waaba intaasoo uu ka calool xumaadaaye; laakiinse sida runta ah, waxaan ku dhaartay Rabbiga noloshiisa iyo adiga naftaada inaan aniga iyo dhimasho waxba noo dhaxayn tallaabo mooyaane.
And Dauid sware againe and sayd, Thy father knoweth that I haue found grace in thine eyes: therefore he thinketh, Ionathan shall not knowe it, lest he be sorie: but in deede, as the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, there is but a step betweene me and death.
4 Markaasaa Yoonaataan wuxuu Daa'uud ku yidhi, Wax alla wixii naftaadu jeceshahayba waan kuu samayn doonaa.
Then said Ionathan vnto Dauid, Whatsoeuer thy soule requireth, that I wil do vnto thee.
5 Oo Daa'uudna Yoonaataan buu ku yidhi, Bal eeg, berrito bil baa dhalanaysa, oo waa inaanan ka baaqan inaan boqorka cunto ula fadhiisto, laakiinse i sii daa, aan tagee, oo aan ilaa maalinta saddexaad duurka ku dhuuntee.
And Dauid said vnto Ionathan, Behold, to morowe is the first day of the moneth, and I shoulde sit with the King at meate: but let me goe, that I may hide my selfe in the fieldes vnto the third day at euen.
6 Oo haddii aabbahaa i waayo, waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Daa'uud aad buu fasax ii weyddiistay inuu magaaladiisii Beytlaxam ku ordo; waayo, ehelkiisii oo dhan ayaa halkaas ku bixinaya allabarigii sannadka.
If thy father make mention of me, then say, Dauid asked leaue of me, that he might goe to Beth-lehem to his owne citie: for there is a yeerely sacrifice for all that familie.
7 Hadduu kugu yidhaahdo, Waa hagaag, anoo addoonkaaga ah nabad baan helayaa. Laakiinse hadduu cadhoodo, bal ogow inuu shar maaggan yahay.
And if he say thus, It is well, thy seruant shall haue peace: but if he be angrie, be sure that wickednesse is concluded of him.
8 Sidaas daraaddeed anoo addoonkaaga ah ii roonow; waayo, adigu waxaad ila dhigatay axdi xagga Rabbiga ah. Laakiinse haddaan dembi galay, adiguba i dil; bal maxaad aabbahaa iigu geeynaysaa?
So shalt thou shew mercy vnto thy seruant: for thou hast ioyned thy seruant into a couenant of the Lord with thee, and if there be in me iniquitie, slay thou me: for why shouldest thou bring me to thy father?
9 Markaasaa Yoonaataan wuxuu yidhi, Taasu ha kaa fogaato, waayo, haddaan ogahay in aabbahay maaggan yahay inuu shar kugu sameeyo, sow kuuma soo sheegeen?
And Ionathan answered, God keepe that from thee: for if I knewe that wickednesse were concluded of my father to come vpon thee, would not I tell it thee?
10 Kolkaasaa Daa'uud wuxuu Yoonaataan ku yidhi, Haddii aabbahaa si xun ugu jawaabo bal yaa ii soo sheegaya?
Then said Dauid to Ionathan, Who shall tell me? how shall I knowe, if thy father answere thee cruelly?
11 Oo Yoonaataanna wuxuu Daa'uud ku yidhi, Kaalay oo ina keen aan duurka tagnee. Oo labadoodiiba waxay tageen duurka.
And Ionathan sayde to Dauid, Come and let vs goe out into the fielde: and they twaine went out into the fielde.
12 Markaasaa Yoonaataan wuxuu Daa'uud ku yidhi, Rabbiga Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil ahu, markhaati ha ka ahaado; berrito ama saa dambe haddaa oo kale, markii aan aabbahay soo calool baadho, hadduu wanaag kuu qabo, sow kuu soo cid diri maayo, oo daaha kaaga qaadi maayo wuxuu maaggan yahay oo dhan?
Then Ionathan sayde to Dauid, O Lord God of Israel, when I haue groped my fathers minde to morow at this time, or within this three dayes, and if it be well with Dauid, and I then send not vnto thee, and shewe it thee,
13 Hadday aabbahay ka farxin lahayd inuu shar kugu sameeyo oo aanan daaha kaaga qaadin, oo aanan weliba ku dirin si aad nabdoonaan ugu tagtid, Rabbigu saas iyo ka sii daran ha igu sameeyo; Rabbiguna ha kuula jiro siduu aabbahay ula jiray oo kale.
The Lord doe so and much more vnto Ionathan: but if my father haue minde to doe thee euill, I will shew thee also, and sende thee away, that thou mayest goe in peace: and the Lord be with thee as he hath bene with my father.
14 Waa inaanad raxmadda Rabbiga i tusin intaan noolahay oo keliya, si aanan u dhiman,
Likewise I require not whiles I liue: for I dout not but thou wilt shew me the mercy of the Lord, that I die not.
15 laakiinse raxmaddaada waa inaanad ka gooyn reerkayga weligaa, oo xataa ma aha markii Rabbigu cadaawayaashaada ka dhammeeyo dhulka.
But I require that thou cut not off thy mercie from mine house for euer: no, not when the Lord hath destroyed the enemies of Dauid, euery one from the earth.
16 Sidaasuu Yoonaataan axdi ula dhigtay reerkii Daa'uud, oo yidhi, Taas wuxuu Rabbigu ka doonayaa cadaawayaasha Daa'uud gacantooda.
So Ionathan made a bond with the house of Dauid, saying, Let the Lord require it at the hands of Dauids enemies.
17 Oo Yoonaataan mar kaluu Daa'uud dhaariyey, jacaylkii uu u qabay aawadiis, waayo, wuxuu isaga u jeclaa siduu naftiisa u jeclaa oo kale.
And againe Ionathan sware vnto Dauid, because he loued him (for he loued him as his owne soule)
18 Markaasaa Yoonaataan wuxuu isagii ku yidhi, Berrito bil baa dhalanaysa oo waa lagu waayi doonaa, maxaa yeelay, kursigaagu wuu madhnaan doonaa.
Then said Ionathan to him, To morowe is the first day of the moneth: and thou shalt be looked for, for thy place shalbe emptie.
19 Markaad saddex maalmood joogto dabadeed waa inaad dhaqsataa oo aad tagtaa halkaad ku dhuumatay markii xaalkanu dhacay, oo waa inaad sii ag joogtaa dhagixii Kalategidda.
Therefore thou shalt hide thy selfe three dayes, then thou shalt goe downe quickely and come to the place where thou diddest hide thy selfe, when this matter was in hand, and shalt remayne by the stone Ezel.
20 Oo anna waxaan meeshaas dhinaceeda ku soo gani doonaa saddex fallaadhood, sidii anigoo calaamad ku ganaya.
And I will shoote three arrowes on the side thereof, as though I shot at a marke.
21 Oo bal eeg, wiil yar baan u soo diri doonaa, oo waxaan ku odhan doonaa, Tag oo fallaadhihii soo doondoon. Haddaba haddaan yarka ku idhaahdo, War fallaadhihii waa kaa sokeeyaan, soo qaad oo kaalay; waayo, nabad baa kuu jirta oo waxyeello lama arko, Rabbiga noloshiisaan ku dhaartaye.
And after I wil sende a boy, saying, Goe, seeke the arrowes. If I say vnto the boy, See, the arrowes are on this side thee, bring them, and come thou: for it is well with thee and no hurt, as the Lord liueth.
22 Laakiinse haddaan wiilka ku idhaahdo, War fallaadhihii waa kaa shisheeyaan; markaas iska tag, waayo, Rabbigu wuu ku diray.
But if I say thus vnto the boy, Behold, the arrowes are beyonde thee, goe thy way: for the Lord hath sent thee away.
23 Oo xagga xaalkii aynu ka hadalnay, bal eeg, aniga iyo adiga waxaa inoo dhexeeya Rabbiga weligiisba.
As touching the thing which thou and I haue spoken of, beholde, the Lord be betweene thee and me for euer.
24 Sidaasaa Daa'uud duurka ugu dhex dhuuntay, oo markii bishii dhalatay ayaa boqorkii u fadhiistay inuu wax cuno.
So Dauid hid him selfe in the field: and when the first day of the moneth came, the King sate to eate meate.
25 Markaasaa boqorkii wuxuu ku fadhiistay kursigiisii, sidii mararkii hore oo kale, kaasuna wuxuu ahaa kursigii derbiga ag yiil; oo Yoonaataanna wuu istaagay, Abneerna wuxuu dhinac fadhiistay Saa'uul, laakiinse meeshii Daa'uud way madhnayd.
And the King sate, as at other times vpon his seate, euen vpon his seate by the wall: and Ionathan arose, and Abner sate by Sauls side, but Dauids place was emptie.
26 Habase yeeshee Saa'uul maalintaas waxba kuma uu hadlin, waayo, wuxuu u maleeyey in wax ku dhaceen, oo wuxuu isyidhi, Ma uu nadiifsana, hubaal isagu ma uu nadiifsana.
And Saul sayde nothing that day: for hee thought, Some thing hath befallen him, though he were cleane, or els becaus he was not purified.
27 Oo maalintii ka dambaysay galabtii bishu dhalatay, taasoo ahayd maalintii labaad, Daa'uud meeshiisii way madhnayd, markaasaa Saa'uul wuxuu wiilkiisii Yoonaataan ku yidhi, War wiilka Yesay muxuu cuntada ugu iman waayay shalay iyo maantaba?
But on the morowe which was the second day of the moneth, Dauids place was emptie againe: and Saul sayde vnto Ionathan his sonne, Wherefore commeth not the sonne of Ishai to meate, neither yesterday nor to day?
28 Markaasaa Yoonaataan wuxuu Saa'uul ugu jawaabay, Daa'uud aad buu fasax ii weyddiistay inuu Beytlaxam tago,
And Ionathan answered vnto Saul, Dauid required of me, that he might goe to Beth-lehem.
29 oo wuxuu yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye, i sii daa, aan tagee, waayo, ehelkayagii baa magaalada allabari ku leh, oo walaalkay baa igu amray inaan halkaas joogo, haddaba haddii aad raalli iiga tahay i sii daa aan tagee oo walaalahay soo arkee, waan ku baryayaaye. Oo sidaas daraaddeed buu u iman waayay miiska boqorka.
For he sayde, Let me goe, I pray thee: for our familie offreth a sacrifice in the citie, and my brother hath sent for me: therfore now if I haue found fauour in thine eyes, let me goe, I pray thee, and see my brethren: this is the cause that he commeth not vnto the Kings table.
30 Markaasaa Saa'uul aad ugu cadhooday Yoonaataan, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Kaagan naag qalloocan oo caasiyad ah inankeed ahow, war sow ma aan ogi inaad wiilka Yesay dooratay adoo ceeb u soo jiidaya naftaada iyo cawrada hooyadaa?
Then was Saul angrie with Ionathan, and sayde vnto him, Thou sonne of the wicked rebellious woman, doe not I know, that thou hast chosen the sonne of Ishai to thy confusion, and to the confusion and shame of thy mother?
31 Waayo, inta wiilka Yesay dhulka ku nool yahay, adiga iyo boqortooyadaada midna dhismi maayo. Sidaas daraaddeed u cid dir oo soo kexee, waayo, hubaal wuu dhimanayaa.
For as long as the sonne of Ishai liueth vpon the earth, thou shalt not be stablished, nor thy kingdome: wherefore now send and fet him vnto me, for he shall surely die.
32 Markaasaa Yoonaataan wuxuu u jawaabay aabbihiis Saa'uul oo ku yidhi, Maxaa loo dilayaa? Oo bal muxuu sameeyey?
And Ionathan answered vnto Saul his father, and said vnto him, Wherefore shall he die? what hath he done?
33 Kolkaasaa Saa'uul warankiisii ku soo gantaalay si uu u dilo. Sidaasaa Yoonaataan taas ku ogaaday in aabbihiis maagganaa inuu Daa'uud dilo.
And Saul cast a speare at him to hit him, whereby Ionathan knew, that it was determined of his father to slay Dauid.
34 Oo Yoonaataanna miiskuu kala kacay cadho kulul, oo bisha maalinteedii labaadna waxba ma cunin, waayo, wuxuu u calool xumaaday Daa'uud aawadiis, maxaa yeelay, aabbihiis baa ceeb ku sameeyey.
So Ionathan arose from the table in a great anger, and did eate no meate the seconde day of the moneth: for he was sorie for Dauid, and because his father had reuiled him.
35 Oo subaxdii dambe ayuu Yoonaataan duurka tegey wakhtigii uu Daa'uud la ballamay isagoo wata wiil yar.
On the next morning therefore Ionathan than went out into the fielde, at the time appoynted with Dauid, and a litle boy with him.
36 Markaasuu wiilkii yaraa ku yidhi, Orod hadda oo soo doondoon fallaadhaha aan ganayo. Oo intii yarkii sii ordayay ayuu fallaadh shishadiisa ku ganay.
And he saide vnto his boy, Runne now, seeke the arrowes which I shoote, and as the boy ran, he shot an arrowe beyond him.
37 Oo yarkii markuu yimid meeshii Yoonaataan fallaadhii ku soo ganay ayaa Yoonaataan ka soo daba qayliyey yarkii, oo ku yidhi, War sow fallaadhii kaama sii shishayso?
And when the boy was come to the place where the arrowe was that Ionathan had shot, Ionathan cryed after the boy, and sayde, Is not the arrowe beyond thee?
38 Oo haddana Yoonaataan wuxuu ka soo daba dhawaaqay wiilkii oo ku yidhi, War dheeree oo dhaqso oo ha joogsan. Markaasaa Yoonaataan yarkiisii soo ururiyey fallaadhihii oo sayidkiisii u yimid.
And Ionathan cryed after the boy, Make speede, haste and stand not still: and Ionathans boy gathered vp the arrowes, and came to his master,
39 Laakiin yarku waxba ma ogayn, Yoonaataan iyo Daa'uud keliya ayaase xaalka ogaa.
But the boy knewe nothing: onely Ionathan and Dauid knew the matter.
40 Markaasaa Yoonaataan hubkiisii yarkii u dhiibay, oo ku yidhi, Tag, oo magaaladii gee.
Then Ionathan gaue his bowe and arrowes vnto the boy that was with him, and sayd vnto him, Goe, carrie them into the citie.
41 Oo isla markiiba kolkii yarkii tegey ayaa Daa'uud ka soo baxay meel Yoonaataan xagga koonfureed ka ahayd, markaasuu wejiga dhulka ku dhuftay oo saddex jeer sujuuday, wayna isdhunkadeen oo isla ooyeen ilaa Daa'uud sii badiyey.
Assoone as the boy was gone, Dauid arose out of a place that was towarde the South, and fel on his face to the ground, and bowed him selfe three times: and they kissed one another, and wept both twaine, till Dauid exceeded.
42 Markaasaa Yoonaataan wuxuu Daa'uud ku yidhi, Nabad ku tag, maxaa yeelay, labadeennuba waxaynu isugu dhaarannay magaca Rabbiga, innagoo leh, Rabbigu ha inoo dhexeeyo aniga iyo adiga, iyo farcankayga iyo farcankaaga weligiisba. Markaasaa Daa'uud kacay oo tegey, oo Yoonaataanna magaaladuu galay.
Therefore Ionathan said to Dauid, Goe in peace: that which we haue sworne both of vs in the Name of the Lord, saying, The Lord be betweene me and thee, and betweene my seede and betweene thy seede, let it stand for euer. And he arose and departed, and Ionathan went into the citie.

< Samuu'Eel Kowaad 20 >