< Samuu'Eel Kowaad 10 >

1 Markaasaa Samuu'eel wuxuu qaaday weel saliid ah, kolkaasuu madaxiisii ku shubay, oo intuu dhunkaday ayuu yidhi, Sow Rabbigu kuuma subkin inaad amiir u ahaatid dhaxalkiisa?
Then Samuel took a small jar of olive oil and poured [some of] it on Saul’s head. Then he kissed Saul [on the cheek], and told him, “I am doing this because Yahweh has chosen you to be the leader of his Israeli people.
2 Maanta markaad iga tagto, waxaad laba nin ka heli doontaa qabriga Raaxeel agtiisa, kaasoo ku yaal soohdinta reer Benyaamiinka Selsax ku jira, oo waxay kugu odhan doonaan, Dameerihii aad soo doontay waa la helay, oo bal eeg, aabbahaa dameerihii wuu ka dan baxay, oo adiga aawadaa buu ka fikirayaa, oo wuxuu yidhi, Maxaan wiilkaygii u sameeyaa?
[And this will prove it to you]: When you leave me today, when you arrive near Rachel’s tomb at Zelzah, in the area where the descendants of Benjamin live, you will meet two men. They will say to you, ‘The donkeys have been found, but now your father is worrying about you, and he is asking people, “Have you seen my son?’”
3 Oo halkaasna waad ka sii socon doontaa oo waxaad iman doontaa geedka Taaboor, oo halkaasna waxaad kula kulmi doontaa saddex nin oo u socota xagga Ilaah iyo ilaa Beytel; mid wuxuu sidaa saddex orgi oo yaryar, mid kalena wuxuu sidaa saddex xabbadood oo kibis ah, kan kalena wuxuu sidaa sibraar khamri ah.
When you arrive at the [large] oak tree at Tabor [town], you will see three men coming toward you. They will be on their way to [worship] God at Bethel [town]. One of them will be leading three young goats, one will be carrying three loaves of bread, and one will be carrying a container of wine.
4 Way ku salaami doonaan, oo waxay ku siin doonaan laba xabbadood oo kibis ah, oo aad gacantooda ka guddoomi doonto.
They will greet you, and they will offer you two of the loaves of bread. Accept them.
5 Oo taas dabadeedna waxaad iman doontaa buurta Ilaah, meeshaasoo ay joogaan ciidankii Falastiin, oo waxay noqon doontaa markaad magaalada timaadid inaad la kulmi doonto guuto nebiyo ah ee ka soo degaysa meesha sare iyagoo horta ku sita shareerad, iyo daf, iyo biibiile, iyo kataarad, oo iyana wax bay sii sheegi doonaan.
When you arrive at the hill [where people worship] God near Gibeah [town], where there is the camp where the Philistine soldiers stay, you will meet a group of prophets who will be coming down from the altar on top of the hill. There will be people in front of them who will be playing [various musical instruments]: a harp, a tambourine, a flute, and a lyre. And all of them will be speaking messages that come directly from God.
6 Markaasaa Ruuxa Ilaah si xoog leh kuugu soo degi doonaa, oo markaasaad iyaga wax la sii sheegi doontaa, oo waxaad u beddelmi doontaa nin kale.
At that time the Spirit of Yahweh will come upon you, and you also will speak messages that come directly from God. (You will be changed/The Spirit of Yahweh will change you), so that you will become like a different person.
7 Haddaba markii calaamooyinkaasu ku soo gaadhaan, waxaad samaysaa wixii ku soo gaadha oo dhanba, maxaa yeelay, Ilaah baa kula jira.
After those things occur, do whatever you think is right to do, and God will (be with/help) you.
8 Oo waxaad ku dhaadhacdaa, oo iga hor martaa xagga Gilgaal; oo bal eeg, anna waan kuu iman doonaa, inaan bixiyo qurbaanno la gubo, iyo inaan bixiyo qurbaanno nabaadiino. Toddoba maalmood waa inaad i sugtaa, ilaa aan kuu imaado oo aan ku tuso waxaad samayn doonto.
Then go ahead of me, down to Gilgal [city], and wait for me there, for seven days. Then I will join you there, to burn sacrifices and offer other sacrifices to enable you to maintain fellowship with God. When I arrive there, I will tell you what [other] things you should do.”
9 Oo waxaa dhacday markuu dhabarka u jeediyey Samuu'eel, inuu Ilaah siiyey qalbi kale, oo calaamooyinkaasi oo dhammuna maalintaasay wada ahaadeen.
As Saul started to leave there, God changed Saul’s inner being. And all the things that Samuel had predicted happened on that day.
10 Oo markay buurtii yimaadeen waxaa la kulmay guuto nebiyo ah, oo Ruuxii Ilaahna si xoog leh ayuu ugu soo degay isagii, markaasuu dhexdoodii wax ka sii sheegay.
When Saul and his servant arrived at Gibeah, they saw some prophets who were [speaking messages that came directly from God. As the prophets were] approaching Saul and his servant, God’s Spirit came upon Saul powerfully, and he also began to speak messages from God.
11 Oo kuwii mar hore isaga yiqiin oo dhammu, markay arkeen inuu nebiyada wax la sii sheegayo, ayaa dadkii midba kan kale ku yidhi, War waa maxay waxan ku dhacay wiilkii Qiish? Saa'uulna ma nebiyaduu ka mid yahay?
When people who had known Saul previously heard him speaking messages from God as the prophets were doing, they said to each other, “What has happened to this son of Kish? Is he now really one of the (prophets/men who speak messages from God)?”
12 Oo mid halkaas joogay ayaa isna yidhi, Oo aabbahoodna waa kuma? Sidaas daraaddeed taasu waxay noqotay maahmaah; Saa'uulna ma nebiyaduu ka mid yahay?
One of the men who lived there replied, “[Saul cannot be a prophet, because] all prophets receive their power to speak messages from God, not from their parents.” And that is why, [when people hear about a report of someone prophesying, they think about what happened to Saul and] say, “[We are surprised about that person becoming a prophet, like] we were surprised to hear that Saul had really become one of the prophets.”
13 Oo markuu dhammeeyey waxsheegiddii ayuu yimid meeshii sare.
When Saul finished speaking the messages that God gave him, he went to the place where the people offered sacrifices.
14 Markaasaa Saa'uul adeerkiis wuxuu ku yidhi isagii iyo midiidinkiisiiba, War xaggee baad tagteen? Markaasuu yidhi, Dameerihii baannu doonnay, oo markaannu ogaannay inaan la helin ayaannu Samuu'eel u nimid.
Later, Saul’s uncle [saw him there, and] asked him, “Where did you go?” Saul replied, “We went to look for the donkeys. When we could not find them, we came here to ask Samuel [if he could tell us where they were].”
15 Markaasaa Saa'uul adeerkiis wuxuu ku yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye, ii sheeg wixii Samuu'eel idinku yidhi.
Saul’s uncle replied, “What did Samuel tell you?”
16 Kolkaasaa Saa'uul wuxuu adeerkiis ku yidhi, Bayaan buu noogu sheegay in dameerihii la helay. Laakiinse xagga waxa boqortooyadii ku saabsan Samuu'eel ka hadlay uma uu sheegin.
Saul replied, “He assured us that the donkeys had been found.” But he did not tell his uncle what Samuel had said about him becoming the king [of Israel].
17 Oo Samuu'eelna dadkii buu dhammaan isugu yeedhay xagga Rabbiga ilaa Misfaah;
[Later] Samuel summoned the people of Israel to gather at Mizpah to [hear a message from] Yahweh.
18 oo wuxuu reer binu Israa'iil ku yidhi, Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil sidaasuu leeyahay, Reer binu Israa'iilow, anaa Masar idinka soo bixiyey oo anaa idinka soo samatabbixiyey gacantii Masriyiinta, iyo kulli boqortooyooyinkii idin dulmay gacantoodii oo dhan.
After they arrived, he said to them, “This is what Yahweh, the God we Israeli people [worship], says: I brought you Israeli people out of Egypt. I rescued your [ancestors] from the power of the rulers of Egypt and from all the other kings who oppressed them.
19 Laakiinse idinku maanta waad diiddeen Ilaahiinnii idinka badbaadshay belaayooyinkiinnii iyo dhibaatooyinkiinnii oo dhan, oo waxaad isagii ku tidhaahdeen, Maya, laakiinse boqor noo yeel. Haddaba Rabbiga hortiisa ku soo ururiya qabiilooyinkiinna, iyo kumanyaalkiinna.
I am the one who saves you from all your troubles and difficulties. But today you have rejected me, your God, and you have said, ‘We don’t care! Give us a king!’ So [I will do what you want]. Now have [representatives of] your tribes and [of] your clans stand here in the presence of Yahweh.’”
20 Sidaas aawadeed Samuu'eel wuxuu soo dhoweeyey qabiilooyinkii reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan, oo waxaa lala baxay qabiilkii reer Benyaamiin.
When those representatives came near to Samuel, [God indicated that] he had chosen someone from the tribe descended from Benjamin.
21 Oo haddana wuxuu soo dhoweeyey qabiilkii reer Benyaamiin oo qoys qoys ah, oo waxaa lala baxay qoyskii reer Matrii, oo waxaa kaloo lala baxay Saa'uul oo ahaa ina Qiish; laakiinse markay doondooneen waa la waayay.
Then Samuel told representatives of the tribe of Benjamin to come forward, and God indicated that [from that tribe] he had chosen someone from the family of Matri, and then God indicated that [from the family of Matri] he had chosen Saul, the son of Kish. But when they looked for Saul, they could not find him.
22 Sidaas daraaddeed Rabbiga wax kalay sii weyddiiyeen, Weli ma waxaa jira nin kaloo halkan imanaya? Oo Rabbiguna wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Bal eega, alaabta dhexdeeda ayuu ku dhuuntaye.
So they asked Yahweh, “Where is Saul?” Yahweh replied, “He is hiding among the army equipment.”
23 Oo intay ordeen ayay halkaas ka soo kexeeyeen, oo markuu dadkii soo dhex joogsaday, wuu ka dheeraa dadkii oo dhan garbihiisa iyo waxa ka sarreeyaba.
So they quickly went there [and found him, ] and brought him [in front of all the people]. They could see that [truly] he was a head taller than anyone else.
24 Markaasaa Samuu'eel wuxuu dadkii oo dhan ku yidhi, Ma aragtaan kan Rabbigu doortay inaan mid la mid ahu dadka ku jirin? Kolkaasaa dadkii oo dhammu dhawaaqeen oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Boqorku ha noolaado.
Then Samuel said to all the people there, “This is the man whom Yahweh has chosen to be your king. Among all us Israeli people, there is no one like him!” Then all the people shouted, “We hope that this king will live a long time!”
25 Kolkaasaa Samuu'eel wuxuu dadkii u sheegay sida boqortooyada xaalkeedu noqon doono, oo buug buuna ku qoray, oo Rabbiga hortiisa dhigay. Samuu'eelna markaasuu dadkii oo dhan iska diray, oo nin waluba gurigiisii buu tegey.
Then Samuel told the people what things the king would force them to do, and all the things the king was required to do. He wrote all those things on a scroll, and then he put it in a sacred place in the temple. Then Samuel sent all the people home.
26 Oo Saa'uulna wuxuu tegey gurigiisii oo Gibecaah ku yiil; oo waxaa raacay isagii rag geesiyo ah, oo qalbigooda Ilaah taabtay.
When Saul returned to his home in Gibeah [town], a group of men decided to continually accompany Saul. They did that because God (motivated them/put it in their minds) to do that.
27 Laakiinse kuwo waxmatarayaal ah ayaa waxay yidhaahdeen, Ninkanu sidee buu noo badbaadin doonaa? Oo isagiina way quudhsadeen, oo hadiyadna uma ay keenin. Laakiinse isagu wuu iska aamusay.
But some worthless men said, “(How can this man save us [from our enemies]?/This man will not be able to save us [from our enemies].)” [RHQ] They despised him, and refused to give him any gifts [to show that they would be loyal to him]. But Saul did not say anything [to rebuke them].

< Samuu'Eel Kowaad 10 >