< Taariikhdii Kowaad 9 >

1 Sidaasaa reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan loogu abtiriyey, oo bal eeg, iyagu waxay ku qoran yihiin kitaabkii boqorrada reer binu Israa'iil. Oo dadkii Yahuudahna xadgudubkoodii aawadiis ayaa maxaabiis ahaan loogu kaxaystay Baabuloon.
The [names of all the] people of Israel were listed/written with the names of their clans, and that information was written in the scroll/book named ‘The Record of the Kings of Israel’. [Many of] the people of Judah were captured and forced to go to Babylon. That happened because they did not faithfully [do what was pleasing to] God.
2 Haddaba kuwii ugu horreeyey oo degay dalkii ay hantiyeen iyo magaalooyinkoodii waxay ahaayeen reer binu Israa'iil, wadaaddadii, iyo kuwii reer Laawi, iyo reer Netiiniim.
The first people who returned [to Judah 70 years later] and lived in their own land and in their own cities and towns were some Israeli priests, other descendants of Levi, and men who worked in the temple.
3 Oo Yeruusaalem waxaa ka degganaa reer Yahuudah, iyo reer Benyaamiin, iyo reer Efrayim, iyo reer Manaseh:
[Other] people from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh [also returned to Judah and] lived in Jerusalem. This is a list of those people [of the tribe of Judah]:
4 Cuutay oo ahaa ina Cammiihuud, ina Coomrii, ina Imrii, ina Baanii oo ahaa reer Feres oo ahaa wiilkii Yahuudah.
Uthai the son of Ammihud. Ammihud was the son of Omri; Omri was the son of Imri; Imri was the son of Bani; Bani was a descendant of Perez; Perez was the son of Judah.
5 Oo reer Shiilohna waxaa ka degganaa Casaayaah oo ahaa curadkii iyo wiilashiisii.
Asaiah and his sons were descendants of Shelah. Asaiah was the oldest son in his family.
6 Reer Seraxna waxaa ka joogay Yecuu'eel iyo walaalahood, oo waxay ahaayeen lix boqol iyo sagaashan.
Jeuel and others of his relatives in Zerah’s clan. There were 690 people in this clan.
7 Oo reer Benyaamiinna waxaa ka joogay Sallu oo ahaa ina Meshullaam, ina Hoodawyaah, ina Hasenu'aah,
From the tribe of Benjamin, Sallu, the son of Meshullam. Meshullam was the son of Hodaviah; Hodaviah was the son of Hassenuah.
8 iyo Yibneyaah oo ahaa ina Yeroxaam, iyo Eelaah oo ahaa ina Cusii, ina Mikrii, iyo Meshullaam oo ahaa ina Shefatyaah, ina Recuu'eel, ina Yibniyaah,
Ibneiah the son of Jeroham. Elah the son of Uzzi. Uzzi was the son of Micri. Meshullam the son of Shephatiah. Shephatiah was the son of Reuel; Reuel was the son of Ibnijah.
9 iyo walaalahood oo ahaa sidii dhalashadoodu ahayd, oo waxayna ahaayeen sagaal boqol iyo lix iyo konton. Oo nimankaas oo dhammu waxay ahaayeen madaxdii reerahooda siday kala reer u ahaayeen.
In other records of the people descended from Benjamin, there are the names of 956 people who were living in Jerusalem. All these were leaders of their clans.
10 Oo wadaaddadiina waxaa ka joogay Yedacyaah, iyo Yehooyaariib, iyo Yaakiin,
Some of the priests [who returned to Judah were]: Jedaiah, Jehoiarib, Jakin,
11 iyo Casaryaah oo ahaa ina Xilqiyaah, ina Meshullaam, ina Saadooq, ina Meraayood, ina Axiituub oo ahaa taliyihii guriga Ilaah,
and Azariah who was the son of Hilkiah. Hilkiah who was the son of Meshullam; Meshullam who was the son of Zadok, Zadok who was the son of Meraioth; Meraioth who was the son of Ahitub; Ahitub who supervised the temple guards;
12 iyo Cadaayaah oo ahaa ina Yeroxaam, ina Fashxuur, ina Malkiiyaah, iyo Macsay oo ahaa ina Cadii'eel, ina Yaxseraah, ina Meshullaam, ina Meshilleemiid, ina Immeer,
Adaiah who was the son of Jeroham; Jeroham who was the son of Pashhur; Pashhur who was the son of Malchijah; Maasai who was the son of Adiel; Adiel who was the son of Jahzerah; Jahzerah who was the son of Meshullam; Meshullam who was the son of Meshillemith; Meshillemith who was the son of Immer.
13 iyo walaalahood oo ahaa madaxdii reerahooda, oo tiradooduna ahayd kun iyo toddoba boqol iyo lixdan, oo waxayna ahaayeen rag aad karti ugu leh shuqulka adeegidda guriga Ilaah.
Altogether there were 1,760 priests [who returned to Judah]. They were leaders of their clans, and they all were responsible for doing work in the temple of God.
14 Oo reer Laawina waxaa ka joogay Shemacyaah oo ahaa ina Xashuub, ina Casriiqaam, ina Xashabyaah oo ahaa reer Meraarii,
From the descendants of Levi [who returned to Judah] there was Shemaiah the son of Hasshub. Hasshub was the son of Azrikam; Azrikam was the son of Hashabiah; Hashabiah was a descendant of [Levi’s youngest son] Merari.
15 iyo Baqbaqar, iyo Xeresh, iyo Gaalaal, iyo Matanyaah oo ahaa ina Miikaa, ina Sikrii, ina Aasaaf,
[Other descendants of Levi who returned to Judah were] Bakbakkar, Heresh, Galal, and Mattaniah the son of Mica. Mica was the son if Zicri; Zicri was the son of Asaph.
16 iyo Cobadyaah oo ahaa ina Shemacyaah, ina Gaalaal, ina Yeduutuun, iyo Berekyaah oo ahaa ina Aasaa, ina Elqaanaah, kaasoo degganaan jiray tuulooyinkii reer Netofaah.
There was also Obadiah the son of Shemaiah. Shemaiah was the son of Galal. Galal was the son of Jeduthun. There was also Berekiah the son of Asa. Asa was the son of Elkanah, who lived in one of the villages where the Netophath people-clan lived.
17 Oo iridjoogayaashiina waxaa ka joogay Shalluum, iyo Caquub, iyo Talmon, iyo Axiiman, iyo walaalahood, oo waxaa iyaga madax u ahaa Shalluum,
From the [descendants of Levi who returned to Judah] who guarded the temple gates there were Shallum, Akkub, Talmon, Ahiman, and some of their relatives. Shallum was their leader.
18 oo ilaa maantadan la joogo boqorka iriddiisa xaggeeda bari joogi jiray, oo iyagu waxay iridjoogayaal u ahaayeen xeradii reer Laawi.
Those gatekeepers from the tribe of Levi stood at the King’s Gate on the east side [of the temple].
19 Oo Shalluum ina Qore oo ahaa ina Ebiyaasaaf, ina Qorax, iyo walaalihiis oo ahaa reer Qorax, waxay u talin jireen shuqulkii adeegidda, oo waxay ahaayeen waardiyayaashii irdaha taambuugga, oo awowayaashoodna waxay u talin jireen xeradii Rabbiga, oo waxay ahaayeen waardiyayaashii iridda.
Shallum was the son of Kore. Kore was the son of Ebiasaph. Ebiasaph was the son of Korah. Shallum and his relatives were gatekeepers, and they were responsible to guard the gates of the Sacred Tent of Yahweh, like their ancestors had done.
20 Oo waagii hore waxaa iyaga madax u ahaan jiray Fiinexaas oo ahaa ina Elecaasaar, oo Rabbiguna isaga wuu la jiri jiray.
Previously Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, had supervised the gatekeepers, and Yahweh (was with/helped) Phinehas.
21 Oo Sekaryaah ina Meshelemyaahna wuxuu ahaan jiray iridjoogihii iridda teendhadii shirka.
Zechariah the son of Meshelemiah was the gatekeeper at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
22 Oo kulligood intaas loo doortay inay iridjoogayaal ahaadaan waxay dhammaantood ahaayeen laba boqol iyo laba iyo toban. Oo kuwaas abtiriskooda waxaa lagu tiriyey tuulooyinkoodii, kuwaasoo Daa'uud iyo Samuu'eel oo ahaa waxarkihii ay u doorteen shuqulkoodii lagu aaminay.
Altogether, there were 212 men who were chosen to guard the gates. Their names were written in the records of the clans in their villages. [King] David and the prophet Samuel appointed/chose those men because those men (were dependable/always did what they were told to do).
23 Haddaba iyaga iyo carruurtooduba waxay u sarrayn jireen irdaha guriga Rabbiga, kaasoo ahaa gurigii taambuugga iyagoo waardiyayaal ah.
The work of those gatekeepers and their descendants was to guard the entrances of the Sacred Tent of Yahweh. That was before the temple was built to replace the Sacred Tent.
24 Oo afarta dhinacba waxaa joogay iridjoogayaashii xagga bari, iyo xagga galbeed, iyo xagga woqooyi, iyo xagga koonfureedba.
There were gatekeepers on each of the four sides of the Sacred Tent.
25 Oo walaalahoodii tuulooyinkooda joogayna had iyo goor toddobadii maalmoodba way u iman jireen inay iyaga la joogaan,
Sometimes it was necessary for the relatives of the gatekeepers who lived in those villages to come and help them. Each time some of them came, they helped the gatekeepers for seven days.
26 waayo, afarta iridjooge oo sare oo ahaa reer Laawi waxay ku jireen jagooyin joogto ah, oo waxay u talin jireen qolalka, iyo khasnadihii guriga Ilaah.
There were four descendants of Levi who [worked every day, and they] supervised the gatekeepers. They also took care of the rooms and treasures in the Sacred Tent of God.
27 Oo iyagu waxay u hoyan jireen guriga Ilaah hareerihiisa, maxaa yeelay, ilaalinta gurigu iyagay saarnayd, oo waxaa iyaga joogto u ahaa inay subax kasta furaan.
They remained awake all during the night to guard the Sacred Tent, and each morning they opened the gates.
28 Oo iyaga qaarkoodna waxay u talin jireen weelasha lagu adeego, waayo, weelasha tiraa lagu soo gelin jiray, oo tiraa lagu bixin jiray.
Some of the gatekeepers took care of the articles that were used in worship. They also took care of the flour, wine, olive oil, incense, and spices [that were used in the sacrifices].
29 Oo iyaga qaarkood kalena waxaa loo doortay inay u taliyaan alaabta guriga iyo weelasha meesha quduuska ah oo dhan, iyo burka, iyo khamriga, iyo saliidda, iyo fooxa, iyo uunsiga.
Other gatekeepers were appointed to take care of the other things in the Sacred Tent.
30 Oo wiilashii wadaaddada qaarkoodna waxay hagaajin jireen cadarkii uunsiga lahaa.
But some of the priests had the work of mixing the spices.
31 Oo Matityaah oo ka mid ahaa reer Laawi, oo ahaa curadkii Shalluum oo ahaa reer Qorax shuqulkiisii joogtada ahaa wuxuu ahaa inuu ilaaliyo waxyaalaha digsiyada lagu dubo.
There was a descendant of Levi named Mattithiah, the oldest son of Shallum, who was a descendant of Korah. He (was very dependable/always did what he was told to do), so they gave him {he was given} the work of baking the bread that was used in the offerings [on the altar].
32 Oo walaalahood qaarkood oo reer Qohaad ahaana waxay u talin jireen kibistii tusniinta, si ay sabti kasta u diyaariyaan.
Some of the gatekeepers who were descended from Kohath prepared the freshly baked loaves of sacred bread that were placed on the table [inside the Sacred Tent] every Sabbath/rest day.
33 Oo kuwanuna waa nimankii gabayaaga ahaa oo ahaa madaxdii qolooyinka reer Laawi, oo waxay joogi jireen qolalka oo hawl kalena ma ay hayn, waayo, iyagu habeen iyo maalinba waxay qabanayeen shuqulkoodii.
Some of the descendants of Levi were musicians who worked in the Sacred Tent. The leaders of those families [stayed/slept] in the rooms [of the Sacred Tent]. They did not do [any other work] in the Sacred Tent because they were responsible to serve [as musicians] day and night.
34 Kuwaasu waxay ahaayeen madaxdii qolooyinka reer Laawi, oo qarniyadoodii oo dhan waxay ahaayeen rag madax ah, oo waxay degganaan jireen Yeruusaalem.
Those are [the names of] the leaders of the clans descended from Levi. Their names were written in the records of the clans. They all lived in Jerusalem.
35 Oo Gibecoonna waxaa degganaa Gibecoon aabbihiis oo la odhan jiray Yecii'eel, oo naagtiisa magaceedana waxaa la odhan jiray Macakaah,
[One of the descendants of Benjamin, ] Jeiel, lived in Gibeon [city]. He was the city leader. His wife’s name was Maacah.
36 iyo curadkiisii Cabdoon ahaa, iyo Suur, iyo Qiish, iyo Bacal, iyo Neer, iyo Naadaab,
His oldest son was Abdon. His other sons were Zur, Kish, Baal, Ner, Nadab,
37 iyo Gedoor, iyo Axiyoo, iyo Sekaryaah, iyo Miqlood.
Gedor, Ahio, Zechariah, and Mikloth.
38 Miqloodna wuxuu dhalay Shime'aam. Iyana walaalahood ayay la degganaayeen Yeruusaalem meel walaalahood ka soo hor jeedda.
Mikloth was the father of Shimeam. Jeiel’s family lived near their relatives in Jerusalem.
39 Neerna wuxuu dhalay Qiish, Qiishna wuxuu dhalay Saa'uul, Saa'uulna wuxuu dhalay Yoonaataan, iyo Malkiishuuca, iyo Abiinaadaab, iyo Eshbacal.
Ner was the father of Kish. Kish was the father of [King] Saul. Saul was the father of Jonathan, Malchishua, Abinadab, and Esh-Baal.
40 Wiilkii Yoonaataanna wuxuu ahaa Meriibacal, Meriibacalna wuxuu dhalay Miikaah.
Jonathan’s son was Merib-Baal. Merib-Baal was the father of Micah.
41 Wiilashii Miikaahna waxay ahaayeen Fiitoon, iyo Meleg, iyo Taxreeca iyo Aaxaas.
Micah’s sons were Pithon, Melech, Tahrea, [and Ahaz].
42 Aaxaasna wuxuu dhalay Yacraah, Yacraahna wuxuu dhalay Calemed, iyo Casmaawed, iyo Simrii, Simriina wuxuu dhalay Moosaa.
Ahaz was the father of Jadah (OR, Jarah). Jadah was the father of Alemeth, Azmaveth, and Zimri. Zimri was the father of Moza.
43 Moosaana wuxuu dhalay Bincaa, oo wiilkiisiina wuxuu ahaa Refaayaah, oo dhalay Elecaasaah, oo isna dhalay Aaseel,
Moza was the father of Binea. The son of Binea was Rephaiah. The son of Rephaiah was Eleasah. The son of Eleasah was Azel.
44 Aaseelna wuxuu lahaa lix wiil, oo magacyadoodiina waa kuwan: Casriiqaam, iyo Bokeruu, iyo Ismaaciil, iyo Shecaryaah, iyo Cobadyaah, iyo Xaanaan. Intaasu waxay ahaayeen wiilashii Aaseel.
Azel had six sons: Azrikam, Bokeru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah, and Hanan.

< Taariikhdii Kowaad 9 >