< Taariikhdii Kowaad 23 >

1 Haddaba Daa'uud wuu gaboobay, wuuna da' weynaa, markaasuu reer binu Israa'iil boqor uga dhigay wiilkiisii Sulaymaan.
And David was old and full of days; and he made Solomon his son king over Israel in his stead.
2 Oo wuxuu soo wada ururiyey amiirradii reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan, iyo wadaaddadii iyo kuwii reer Laawiba.
And he assembled all the chief men of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites.
3 Markaasaa la tiriyey reer Laawi intoodii soddon sannadood jirtay ama ka sii weynayd, oo markii nin nin loo tiriyey, dhammaantood tiradoodii waxay noqotay siddeed iyo soddon kun oo nin.
And the Levites numbered [themselves] from thirty years old and upward; and their number by their polls amounted to thirty and eight thousand men.
4 Oo kuwaas afar iyo labaatan kun oo ka mid ahu waxay ahaayeen kuwo ilaaliya hawsha guriga Rabbiga, oo lix kunna waxay ahaayeen saraakiil iyo xaakinno,
Of the overseers over the works of the house of the Lord [there were] twenty-four thousand, and [there were] six thousand scribes and judges;
5 oo afar kunna waxay ahaayeen iridjoogayaal, oo afar kunna waxay Rabbiga ku ammaani jireen alaabtii aan u sameeyey in isaga lagu ammaano ayuu Daa'uud yidhi.
and four thousand door-keepers, and four thousand to praise the Lord with instruments which he made to praise the Lord.
6 Oo Daa'uud wuxuu iyagii u kala qaybiyey koox koox sidii ay ahaayeen wiilashii Laawi, kuwaas oo ahaa: Gershoon, iyo Qohaad, iyo Meraarii.
And David divided them [into] daily courses, for the sons of Levi, for Gedson, Caath, and Merari.
7 Reer Gershoon waxaa ahaa Lacdaan iyo Shimcii.
And for [the family of] Gedson, Edan, and Semei.
8 Wiilashii Lacdaan waxay ahaayeen saddex, waana Yexii'eel oo madax ahaa, iyo Seetaam, iyo Yoo'eel.
The sons of Edan [were] Jeiel, the chief, and Zethan, and Joel, three.
9 Wiilashii Shimciina waxay ahaayeen saddex, waana Shelomood, iyo Xasii'eel, iyo Xaaraan, kuwaasu waxay ahaayeen madaxdii qolooyinkii reer Lacdaan.
The sons of Semei; Salomith, Jeiel, and Dan, three: these [were] the chiefs of the families of Edan.
10 Oo waxaa wiilashii Shimcii ahaa Yaaxad, iyo Siinaa, iyo Yecuush, iyo Beriicaah. Afartaasuba waxay ahaayeen wiilashii Shimcii.
And to the sons of Semei, Jeth, and Ziza, and Joas, and Beria: these [were] the four sons of Semei.
11 Oo waxaa madax ahaa Yaaxad, Siisaahna wuxuu ahaa kii labaad, laakiinse Yecuush iyo Beriicaah wiilal badan ma ay lahayn, oo sidaas daraaddeed iyaga waxaa loo tiriyey isku reer.
And Jeth was the chief, and Ziza the second: and Joas and Beria did not multiply sons, and they became [only] one reckoning according to the house of their father.
12 Wiilashii Qohaadna waxay ahaayeen afar, waana Camraam, iyo Isehaar, iyo Xebroon iyo Cusii'eel.
The sons of Caath; Ambram, Isaar, Chebron, Oziel, four.
13 Wiilashii Camraamna waxay ahaayeen Haaruun iyo Muuse, oo Haaruun waxaa gooni looga dhigay inay isagii iyo wiilashiisuba weligood quduus ka dhigaan waxyaalaha ugu wada quduusan iyo inay Rabbiga hortiisa foox ku shidaan, oo ay u adeegaan oo ay weligoodba magiciisa ku duceeyaan.
The sons of Ambram; Aaron and Moses: and Aaron was appointed for the consecration of the most holy things, he and his sons for ever, to burn incense before the Lord, to minister and bless in his name for ever.
14 Laakiinse Muuse oo ahaa nin Ilaah wiilashiisii waxaa lagu tiriyey qabiilka reer Laawi.
And [as for] Moses the man of God, his sons were reckoned to the tribe of Levi.
15 Wiilashii Muusena waxay ahaayeen Gershoom iyo Eliiceser.
The sons of Moses; Gersam, and Eliezer.
16 Ina Gershoomna wuxuu ahaa Shebuu'eel oo madax ahaa.
The sons of Gersam; Subael the chief.
17 Ina Eliiceserna wuxuu ahaa Rexabyaah oo madax ahaa. Oo Eliiceser innaba wiilal kale ma lahayn, laakiinse Rexabyaah wiilashiisu aad bay u badnaayeen.
And the sons of Eliezer were, Rabia the chief: and Eliezer had no other sons; but the sons of Rabia were very greatly multiplied.
18 Ina Isehaarna wuxuu ahaa Shelomiid oo madax ahaa.
The sons of Isaar; Salomoth the chief.
19 Wiilashii Xebroonna waxay ahaayeen Yeriyaah oo madax ahaa, iyo Amaryaah oo ahaa kii labaad, iyo Yaxasii'eel oo ahaa kii saddexaad, iyo Yeqamcaam oo ahaa kii afraad.
The sons of Chebron; Jeria the chief, Amaria the second, Jeziel the third, Jekemias the fourth.
20 Wiilashii Cusii'eelna waxay ahaayeen Miikaah oo madax ahaa, iyo Yishiyaah oo ahaa kii labaad.
The sons of Oziel; Micha the chief, and Isia the second.
21 Wiilashii Meraariina waxay ahaayeen Maxlii iyo Mushii. Wiilashii Maxliina waxay ahaayeen Elecaasaar iyo Qiish.
The sons of Merari; Mooli, and Musi: the sons of Mooli; Eleazar, and Kis.
22 Oo Elecaasaarna wuxuu dhintay isagoo gabdho keliya mooyaane aan wiilal lahayn, oo waxaa gabdhihiisii guursaday reer Qiish oo ahaa ilma-adeerradood.
And Eleazar died, and he had no sons, but daughters: and the sons of Kis, their brethren, took them.
23 Wiilashii Mushiina waxay ahaayeen saddex, waana Maxlii iyo Ceeder iyo Yereemood.
The sons of Musi; Mooli, and Eder, and Jarimoth, three.
24 Kuwaasu waxay ahaayeen reer Laawi sidii qolooyinkoodu kala ahaayeen, waana kuwii ahaa madaxdii reeraha kuwii la tiriyey, oo magacyadooda nin nin loo tiriyey, kuwaasoo samayn jiray shuqulkii hawsha guriga Rabbiga, waana intii labaatan sannadood jirtay ama ka sii weynayd.
These [are] the sons of Levi according to the houses of their fathers; chiefs of their families according to their numbering, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, doing the works of service of the house of the Lord, from twenty years old and upward.
25 Waayo, Daa'uud wuxuu yidhi, Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil dadkiisuu nasiyey, oo weligiis wuxuu deggan yahay Yeruusaalem.
For David said, The Lord God of Israel has given rest to his people, and has taken up his abode in Jerusalem for ever.
26 Weliba reer Laawina mar dambe uma baahan doonaan inay qaadaan taambuugga iyo weelashiisa lagaga adeego oo dhan.
And the Levites bore not the tabernacle, and all the vessels of it for its service.
27 Oo Daa'uud dardaarankiisii ayaa reer Laawi lagu tiriyey, intoodii labaatan sannadood jirtay ama ka sii weynayd.
For by the last words of David was the number of the Levites [taken] from twenty years old and upward.
28 Waayo, shuqulkoodu wuxuu ahaa inay reer Haaruun amarkooda ku adeegaan oo ay qabtaan hawshii guriga Rabbiga, iyo inay ka adeegaan barxadaha iyo qowladaha, iyo inay daahiriyaan waxyaalaha quduuska ah oo dhan, kaasu wuxuu ahaa shuqulka hawsha guriga Rabbiga.
For he appointed them to wait on Aaron, to minister in the house of the Lord, over the courts, and over the chambers, and over the purification of all the holy things, and over the works of the service of the house of God;
29 Oo weliba waxay kala hagaajin jireen kibistii tusniinta iyo burkii laga dhigi jiray qurbaan jidhiidh ah, hadduu ahaa kibis aan khamiir lahayn ama tii digsiga lagu dubi jiray, amase tii la qoyn jiray, iyo cayn kasta oo ah qiyaas iyo miisaan,
and for the shew-bread, and for the fine flour of the meat-offering, and for the unleavened cakes, and for the fried cake, and for the dough, and for every measure;
30 iyo inay subax kasta u istaagaan inay Rabbiga ku mahadnaqaan oo ammaanaan, oo haddana habeenkiina saasoo kalay yeeli jireen.
and to stand in the morning to praise and give thanks to the Lord, and so in the evening;
31 Oo haddana waxay had iyo goor Rabbiga hortiisa ku bixin jireen qurbaanno la gubo oo dhan, waxayna bixin jireen sabtiyada, iyo markay bilaha cusubu dhashaan, iyo iidaha, waxayna u bixin jireen si waafaqsan tiradoodii qaynuunka ku qornayd,
and [to be] over all the whole-burnt-offerings that were offered up to the Lord on the sabbaths, and at the new moons, and at the feasts, by number, according to the order [given] to them, continually before the Lord.
32 wayna ilaalin jireen teendhada shirka, iyo meesha quduuska ah, iyo reer Haaruun oo iyaga walaalahood ah, oo saasay uga adeegi jireen guriga Rabbiga.
And they are to keep the charge of the tabernacle of witness, and the charge of the holy place, and the charges of the sons of Aaron their brethren, to minister in the house of the Lord.

< Taariikhdii Kowaad 23 >