< Taariikhdii Kowaad 16 >

1 Oo iyana sanduuqii Ilaah gudahay soo geliyeen, oo dhex dhigeen teendhadii Daa'uud u dhisay, oo waxay Ilaah hortiisa ku bixiyeen qurbaanno la gubo iyo qurbaanno nabaadiino.
They brought the Sacred Chest [to Gibeon] and put it inside the Sacred Tent that David had [told his workers to] set up. Then they brought offerings to be completely burned [on the altar] and offerings to enable them to maintain fellowship [with God].
2 Oo Daa'uudna markuu dhammeeyey qurbaankii la gubayay iyo qurbaannadii nabaadiinada ee uu bixinayay ayuu dadkii ugu duceeyey magicii Rabbiga.
When David had finished presenting all those offerings, he [asked Yahweh to] bless the people.
3 Oo markaasuu reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan, nin iyo naagba, mid kasta siiyey xabbad kibis ah, iyo cad hilib ah, iyo fud sabiib ah.
He gave a loaf of bread, some dates, and some raisins to every Israeli man and woman [who was there].
4 Oo kuwii reer Laawi qaarkoodna wuxuu u doortay inay ka adeegaan sanduuqa Rabbiga hortiisa, iyo inay xusuustaan oo ku mahadnaqaan oo ammaanaan Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil,
Then David appointed some of the descendants of Levi to stand in front of [the Sacred Tent in which] the Sacred Chest [had been placed], to lead the people who worshiped and thanked and praised Yahweh, the God of the Israeli people.
5 kuwaasoo ahaa Aasaaf oo kii kowaad ahaa, iyo Sekaryaah oo ahaa kii labaad, iyo Yecii'eel, iyo Shemiiraamood, iyo Yexii'eel, iyo Matityaah, iyo Elii'aab, iyo Benaayaah, iyo Cobeed Edoom, iyo Yecii'eel oo haysan jiray shareerado iyo kataarado, oo Aasaafna wuxuu aad uga dhawaajin jiray suxuun laysku garaaco.
Asaph, who played the cymbals, was their leader. Zechariah was his assistant. The other descendants of Levi [who helped Asaph] were Jaaziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-Edom, and Jeiel. They played lyres and harps.
6 Oo Benaayaah iyo Yaxasii'eel oo wadaaddo ahaana turumbooyin ayay had iyo goorba ku haysan jireen sanduuqii axdiga Ilaah hortiisa.
Benaiah and Jahaziel were priests who blew trumpets frequently in front of [the Sacred Tent in which was] the Sacred Chest.
7 Oo maalintaas ayaa Daa'uud markii ugu horraysay ku amray inay Aasaaf iyo walaalihiis Rabbiga ku mahadnaqaan.
On that day, David gave to Asaph and his helpers this psalm to praise Yahweh:
8 Rabbiga ku mahadnaqa, oo magiciisa ku barya, Falimihiisana dadyowga ka dhex sheega.
Thank God, and pray to him [MTY]. Tell the people of all nations what he has done.
9 Isaga u gabya, oo ammaan ugu gabya, Shuqulladiisa yaabka badan oo dhanna ka hadla.
Sing to him; sing songs to praise him. Tell about all his miraculous deeds.
10 Ku faana magiciisa quduuska ah, Kuwa Rabbiga doondoona qalbigoodu ha reyreeyo.
Be glad that you belong to him [MTY]; those who want to know Yahweh better should rejoice.
11 Rabbiga iyo xooggiisa doondoona, Oo weligiinba wejigiisa doondoona.
Trust in Yahweh and in his power; continually seek to get help from him.
12 Xusuusta shuqulladiisii yaabka badnaa oo uu sameeyey, Iyo cajaa'ibyadiisii iyo xukummadii afkiisa,
Do not forget the wonderful things that he has done, the miracles and the just laws that he has given to us.
13 Kuwiinna farcanka addoonkiisii Israa'iilow, Kuwiisa uu doortay oo reer Yacquub ahow.
We people are the descendants of his servant Jacob; we are the people of Israel whom he has chosen.
14 Isagu waa Rabbiga Ilaaheenna ah, Xukummadiisiina waxay ku jiraan dhulka oo dhan.
Yahweh is our God. His just/fair laws are known by people throughout the world.
15 Bal idinku weligiin xusuusta axdigiisa, Kaasoo ah hadalkiisii uu dadkii kun qarni ku amray;
He never forgets the agreement that he has made: he made a promise that will last for 1,000 generations.
16 Kaasu waa axdigii uu Ibraahim la dhigtay, Oo uu Isxaaq ugu dhaartay,
That is the agreement that he made with Abraham, and he repeated that agreement to Isaac.
17 Oo isla kaas wuxuu u adkeeyey oo qaynuun uga dhigay Yacquub, Oo Israa'iilna wuxuu uga dhigay axdi weligiis jiraya,
It was an agreement for the Israeli people, and he wanted that agreement to endure forever.
18 Oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Dalka Kancaan waxaan kuu siinayaa Inuu ahaado qaybtii dhaxalkiinna,
What he said was, “I will give the Canaan region to you, to belong to you [and your descendants forever].”
19 Markaad dad tiro yar ahaydeen, Oo aad aad u yaraydeen, qariibna dalka ku ahaydeen.
[He said that to them] when there were only a few of them, a tiny group of people who were living in that land (like strangers/that belonged to other people);
20 Oo iyaguna quruunba quruun bay uga baxeen. Oo intay boqortooyo ka tageen ayay dad kale u gudbeen.
they continued to wander from one place to another, from one kingdom to another.
21 Isagu ninna uma oggolaanin inuu wax yeelo, Haah, oo daraaddood ayuu boqorro u canaantay,
But he did not allow others to oppress them, and he warned kings by saying to them,
22 Oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Ha taabanina kuwayga subkan, Oo nebiyadaydana waxba ha yeelina.
“Do not harm the people whom I have chosen! Do not harm my prophets!”
23 Dadka dhulka oo dhammow, Rabbiga u gabya, Oo badbaadintiisana muujiya maalin ka maalin.
You people throughout the world, sing to Yahweh. Every day proclaim [to others] that he has saved us.
24 Ammaantiisana quruumaha dhexdooda ka sheega, Oo shuqulladiisa yaabka badanna dadyowga oo dhan ka dhex sheega.
Tell the people of the nations that he is great; tell all the people-groups the marvelous things [that he has done].
25 Waayo, Rabbigu waa weyn yahay, waana mudan yahay in aad loo ammaano, Isaga waa in laga cabsado in ka sii badan ilaahyada oo dhan.
Yahweh is great, and he deserves to be praised very much. He should be revered more than all the gods,
26 Waayo, dadyowga ilaahyadooda oo dhammu waa sanamyo, Laakiinse Rabbigu isagaa sameeyey samooyinka.
because all the gods that the [other] people-groups [worship] are only idols, but Yahweh [is truly great; he] created the skies.
27 Sharaf iyo haybaduba hortiisay yaalliin, Xoog iyo farxaduna meeshiisay ku jiraan.
He is glorious and majestic; his power and joy fill his Sacred Tent.
28 Dadka qolooyinkiisow, Rabbiga ammaana, Waxaad Rabbiga ka sheegtaan ammaan iyo xoog.
You people in nations all over the world, praise Yahweh! Praise Yahweh for his glorious power [HEN]!
29 Waxaad Rabbiga ka sheegtaan ammaanta magiciisu mudan yahay, Qurbaan u keena, oo hortiisa kaalaya, Rabbiga ku caabuda quruxda quduusnimada,
Praise Yahweh like he [MTY] deserves to be praised. Bring an offering and come to his Sacred Tent. Worship Yahweh because he is holy.
30 Dadka dhulka oo dhammow, hortiisa ku gariira. Duniduna waxay u dhisan tahay si aan la dhaqaajin karin.
Everyone on the earth should tremble in front of Yahweh. He put the earth firmly [in its place]; and nothing ever will be able to move/shake it.
31 Haddaba samooyinku ha farxeen, dhulkuna ha reyreeyo, Oo quruumaha dhexdooda ha laga yidhaahdo, Rabbigu waa boqor.
Everything in the sky and on the earth should be happy. People [everywhere] should say, “Yahweh is our king!”
32 Badda iyo waxa ka buuxaba ha guuxeen, Berriga iyo waxa ku jira oo dhammuna ha farxeen,
The oceans and all the creatures that are in the oceans should shout to praise him; the fields and everything that is in them should rejoice.
33 Oo markaasay dhirta duurka Rabbiga hortiisa ku gabyi doonaan farxad daraaddeed, Waayo, isagu waa u imanayaa inuu dhulka xukumo.
When they do that, [it will be as though] the trees in the forest will sing joyfully in front of Yahweh. That will happen when he comes to judge [everyone on] [MTY] the earth.
34 Rabbiga ku mahadnaqa, waayo, isagu waa wanaagsan yahay, Oo naxariistiisuna way sii waartaa weligeedba.
Thank Yahweh, because [everything that he does is] good. He faithfully loves us forever.
35 Oo waxaad tidhaahdaan, Ilaaha badbaadadayadow, Na badbaadi, Oo na soo wada ururi oo quruumahana naga samatabbixi, Si aannu magacaaga quduuska ah ugu mahadnaqno, Oo aannu ammaantaada ugu guulaysanno.
Say to him, “God, you are the one who rescues us, so gather us together and save us from [the armies of] other nations. When you do that, we will thank you [MTY], and we will be happy to praise you.”
36 Waxaa mahad leh Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil, Tan iyo weligiis iyo weligiisba. Markaasaa dadkii oo dhammu waxay yidhaahdeen, Aamiin, oo Rabbigay ammaaneen.
Praise Yahweh, the God of us Israeli people, He has always existed, and he will exist forever. After the people [finished singing that song], they all said, “(Amen/May it be so)!”, and they praised Yahweh.
37 Kolkaasuu halkaas sanduuqii axdiga Rabbiga hortiisa kaga tegey Aasaaf iyo walaalihiis inay had iyo goor ka adeegaan sanduuqa hortiisa sidii maalin walba shuqulkeeda loo doonayay,
Then David left Asaph and the other members of his clan there in front of [the tent in which] Yahweh’s Sacred Chest [had been placed]. He told them that they must do their work there every day.
38 isaga iyo Cobeed Edoom oo ay la jiraan siddeed iyo lixdan nin oo walaalahood ah, oo weliba Cobeed Edoom oo ahaa ina Yeduutuun iyo Xosaahna wuxuu uga tegey inay ahaadaan iridjoogayaal.
David also left Obed-Edom and 68 other descendants of Levi to work with them. Hosah and Obed-Edom guarded [the entrances of the Sacred Tent].
39 Oo wadaadkii Saadooq iyo wadaaddadii walaalihiis ahaana wuxuu kaga hor tegey taambuuggii Rabbiga oo ku yiil meeshii sare oo Gibecoon,
David also told Zadok the [Supreme] Priest and the other priests who worked with him to remain in front of Yahweh’s Sacred Tent, which was still at the place where the Israeli people worshiped [God there] in Gibeon [city].
40 in had iyo goor subax iyo habeenba meeshii qurbaanka la gubo ay Rabbiga ugu dul bixiyaan qurbaanno la gubo kuwaasoo ahaa sidii dhammaan waxa ku qoran sharciga Rabbiga, oo uu reer binu Israa'iil ku amray.
Every morning and every evening they burned offerings on the altar, obeying the rules/laws that had been written [by Moses], rules/laws which Yahweh had given to the Israeli people.
41 Oo wuxuu kaloo la reebay Heemaan iyo Yeduutuun iyo kuwii kaloo la doortay oo loo magacaabay inay Rabbiga ku mahadnaqaan, maxaa yeelay, naxariistiisu weligeedba way waartaa.
With them were Heman and Jeduthun and other descendants of Levi. They [MTY] were chosen to sing songs to praise Yahweh because he faithfully loves his people forever.
42 Oo waxaa iyaga la jiray Heemaan iyo Yeduutuun oo haystay turumbooyin iyo suxuun laysku garaaco oo ay leeyihiin kuwa aad wax uga dhawaajiya, iyo alaabtii lagu qaadi jiray gabayadii Ilaah, oo ilma Yeduutuunna wuxuu kaga tegey inay iridda joogaan.
Heman and Jeduthun were appointed to play the trumpets and cymbals when [the other descendants of Levi sang sacred songs]. The sons of Jeduthun were appointed to guard the gates [of the Sacred Tent].
43 Markaasaa dadkii oo dhan qof waluba gurigiisii tegey, oo Daa'uudna wuxuu u noqday inuu reerkiisii u duceeyo aawadeed.
Then all the people left. They returned to their homes, and David returned home to [ask Yahweh to] bless his family.

< Taariikhdii Kowaad 16 >