< Mateyo 19 >

1 Yesu mpwalapwisha kwamba, walafumako ku Galileya, walaya mucibela ca Yudeya kutala kwa mulonga wa Yolodani.
And it came to passe when Iesus had fynisshed those sayinges he gat him from Galile and came into the coostes of Iewry beyonde Iordan
2 Nomba likoto lya bantu lyalamukonkela, kopeloko walasengula balwashi bangi.
and moche people folowed him and he healed them theare.
3 Bafalisi nabambi balesa kuli Yesu pakuyanda kumutapa mukanwa pakumwipusheti, “Sena casuminishiwa mu Mulawo, muntu kuleka mukashendi pa cebo ciliconse?”
Then came vnto him the pharises temtinge him and sayinge to him: Ys it lawfull for a man to put awaye his wyfe for all maner of causes?
4 Nendi Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Sena nkamuna mubelengapo kwambeti kumatatikilo, Mulengi walabalenga mutuloba ne mutukashi?”
He answered and sayd vnto them: Have ye not redde how that he which made man at the beginninge made them man and woman
5 Neco walambeti, “Ecebo cakendi mutuloba nakashiye baishi ne banyina, ne kuya kupamankana ne mukashendi, neco bantu babili aba nibakabeti mubili umo?”
and sayde: for this thinge shall a ma leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe and they twayne shalbe one flesshe.
6 Neco nkabacilipo babili sobwe, nsombi mubili umo, palico Lesa ncalapamankanya pamo kapataba muntu shikupansanya.
Wherfore now are they not twayne but one flesshe. Let not man therfore put a sunder that which God hath cuppled to gedder.
7 Basa Bafalisi balamwipusheti, “Inga Mose walambila cani kwambeti mutuloba welela kupa mukashendi cipepala cakumuleka?”
The sayde they to him: why did Moses comaunde to geve a testimoniall of divorsemet and to put hyr awaye?
8 Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Mose walamusuminisha kuleka ba makashenu, pakwinga kumwiyisha amwe cayuma, nsombi kumatatikilo a cindi, nkacali kubeco sobwe”
He sayde vnto them: Moses because of the hardnes of youre hertes suffred you to put awaye youre wyfes: But from ye beginnynge it was not so.
9 Lino ndamwambilishingeti, “Uliyense lalekenga mukashendi pacebo ciliconse, cabula kuba mulandu wabupombo, ne kuya kweba naumbi, ukute mulandu wabupombo.”
I saye therfore vnto you whosoever putteth awaye his wyfe (except it be for fornicacion) and maryeth another breaketh wedlocke. And whosoever maryeth her which is divorsed doeth commyt advoutry.
10 Beshikwiya bakendi balamwambileti, “Anu nacilico pakati pa mulume ne mukashendi, cilicena kwikala bunkonta.”
Then sayde his disciples to him: yf the mater be so betwene man and wyfe then is it not good to mary.
11 Nendi Yesu walabambileti, “Ciyisho ici nkacelela kutambulwa cena ne bantu bonse sobwe, nsombi abo bonka balapewa.
He sayde vnto them: all me can not awaye with that sayinge save they to whom it is geve.
12 Pali bintu bingi bikute kupa bantu kuteba batukashi, nabambi encobalasemwa, nabambi nicebo cakulakilwa kakowa pamukombo, pali nabambi balasala bene bonka kuteba kwambeti basebensele cena Lesa. Uyo welela kucikonsha kukonkela ciyisho ici, akonkele.”
Ther are chaste which were so borne out of their mothers belly. And ther are chaste which be made of men. And ther be chaste which have made them selves chaste for the kyngdome of heves sake. He that can take it let him take it.
13 Nabambi bantu balaleta bana babo kuli Yesu kwambeti abike makasa akendi palyendibo, ne kubapailila, nomba beshikwiya bakendi balabakalalila.
Then were brought to him yonge chyldre that he shuld put his hondes on them and praye And the disciples rebuked them.
14 Nomba Yesu walambeti, “Balekeni bana bese kuli njame, kamutabakanishanga sobwe, pakwinga Bwami bwakwilu ni bwa bantu bali mbuli aba.”
But Iesus sayde: suffre the chyldren and forbid them not to come to me: for of suche is the kyngdome of heven.
15 Popelapo walabika makasa palyendibo, panyuma pakendi walafumapo.
And when he had put his hondes on them he departed thence.
16 Mutuloba naumbi walesa kuli Yesu ne kumwipusheti, “Bashikwiyisha, ni cipeyo cintu caina ncondelela kwinsa kwambeti nkacane buyumi butapu?” (aiōnios g166)
And beholde one came and sayde vnto him: good master what good thinge shall I do that I maye have eternall lyfe? (aiōnios g166)
17 Nendi Yesu walamukumbuleti, “Inga ulanjipushilinga cani sha cintu caina pakwinga pali umowa Waina? Na usuni kucana buyumi butapu, konkela Milawo.”
He sayde vnto him: why callest thou me good? there is none good but one and that is God. But yf thou wylt entre in to lyfe kepe the commaundementes.
18 Nendi walepusheti, “Milawo cini?” Yesu walakumbuleti, “Kotashina, kotapombola, kotaiba, kotapa bukamboni bwabwepeshi,
The other sayde to him Which? And Iesus sayde: breake no wedloke kill not steale not: beare not falce witnes:
19 lemekesha baiso ne banyoko, kayi suna munobe mbuli ncolisuni omwine.”
honoure father and mother: and love thyne neighbour as thy sylfe.
20 Usa muntu walambeti, “Milawo yonseyi ndalatatika kwikonkela kufuma kaindi, inga ncondicili ndabulilwa nicani kayi?”
And the younge man sayde vnto him: I have observed all these thingis from my youth what lacke I yet?
21 Yesu walamwambileti, “Na ulayandanga kuba muntu walulama, koya ulishe bintu byonse mbyokute. Mali ngoshucanemo uyabile bapenshi, buboni bwakobe nukabucane kwilu, wapwisha kwinseco, wise unkonke.”
And Iesus sayde vnto him yf thou wylt be perfecte goo and sell that thou hast and geve it to the povre and thou shalt have treasure in heven and come and folowe me.
22 Usa muntu mpwalanyumfwa maswi awo walafumapo kali wongumana mumoyo, pakwinga walikuba mubile cikamba.
When ye younge ma hearde yt sayinge he wet awaye mourninge. For he had greate possessions.
23 Yesu walambila beshikwiya bakendi, “Cakubinga ndamwambilishingeti, nicapatali ku muntu mubile kwingila mu Bwami bwakwilu.”
Then Iesus sayde vnto his disciples: Verely I saye vnto you: yt is harde for a ryche ma to enter into ye kyngdome of heaven.
24 Kayi ndambangeti, “Nicapafupi munyama munene ukute kukwiweti ngamila kupita mukamulyango ka nyeleti, kupita muntu mubile kwingila mu Bwami bwa Lesa.”
And moreover I saye vnto you: it is easier for a camell to go through the eye of a nedle then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdome of God.
25 Beshikwiya mpobalanyumfweco, balakankamana ne kwambeti, “Anu na cilico, nomba niyani wela kupuluka?”
When his disciples hearde that they were excedingly amased sayinge: who then can be saved?
26 Yesu walabalangishisha walambeti, “Ibi nkabikonsheke ne bantu sobwe, nsombi bintu byonse bikute kukonsheka ne Lesa.”
Iesus behelde the and sayde vnto them: with men this is vnpossible but with God all thinges are possible.
27 Popelapo Petulo walakumbulapo, “Afwe twalashiya bintu byonse ne kumukonkela, nomba afwe lino ni tukatambulepo cani?”
Then answered Peter and sayde to him: Beholde we have forsaken all and folowed the what shall we have?
28 Nendi Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Cakubinga ndamwambilishingeti, Lesa akabibambulula cena bintu byonse, Mwana Muntu nakekale pa Cipuna cakendi ca Bulemeneno ca Bwami, ne njamwe omulankonkelenga ni mukekale pa bipuna likumi ne bibili bya Bwami, kamombolosha mikowa likumi ne ibili ya Baislayeli.
Iesus sayde vnto them: verely I saye to you: when the sonne of man shall syt in ye seate of his maieste ye which folowe me in ye seconde generacion shall syt also vpon. xii. seates and iudge ye. xii. tribes of Israel.
29 Neco uliyense walashiya ng'anda, bakwabo batuloba, nambi nkashi, nambi baishi, nambi banyina, nambi banabendi, nambi mabala pacebo cakame, uyo nendi nakatambule bingi byapita tunkanda mwanda, panyuma pakendi kayi nakapewe buyumi butapu. (aiōnios g166)
And whosoever forsaketh housses or brethren or systers other father or mother or wyfe or chyldren or landes for my names sake ye same shall receave an hundred folde and shall inheret everlastynge lyfe. (aiōnios g166)
30 Nomba abo pa cino cindi bali kuntangu nibakabe kunyuma, kayi abo bali kunyuma pacino cindi, nibakabe kuntangu.”
Many that are fyrste shalbe laste and the laste shalbe fyrste.

< Mateyo 19 >