< Yohane 8 >

1 Lino Yesu walaya ku mulundu wa ma olifi.
(Jesus however went to the Mount of Olives. *KO*)
2 Mumene mene walaya ku Nga'nda yaLesa. Bantu bonse balesa kulyendiye, walekala panshi nekutatika kubeyisha.
(Early in the morning then again He came into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him, And having sat down He was teaching them. *KO*)
3 Bafalisi neBeshiwiyisha Milawo balaleta mutukashi ngobalekata bupombo, nekumwimanika pakati pabo.
(Bring now the scribes and the Pharisees *KO*) (to him *K*) (a woman *KO*) (in *K(o)*) (adultery *KO*) (having been grasped *K(o)*) (and having set her in [the] midst *KO*)
4 Lino balambila Yesu, “Bashikwiyisha, mutukashuyu wacanika kapombolwa.
(they say to Him, *KO*) (testing *O*) (Teacher, this woman *KO*) (was grasped *K(o)*) (in *ko*) ([the] very act committing adultery; *KO*)
5 Lino kwelana ne Milawo Lesa njalapa Mose mutukashi uyu wela kupwaiwa mabwe. Nomba amwe mulambangapongaconi?”
(In now the law us Moses commanded such *KO*) (to be stoned; *K(o)*) (You yourself therefore what say You? *KO*)
6 Balamwipusha mwipusho uyu pakumwelesha kwambeti bamucaninepo mulandu. Nomba Yesu pacindi copeleco walakotama, nekutatika kulemba panshi ne munwe wakendi.
(This now they were saying testing Him so that they may have [grounds] to accuse Him. But Jesus down having stooped with [His] finger *KO*) (he was writing *K(o)*) (on the ground. *KO*) (not pretending *K*)
7 Pakupitilisha kumwipusha, Yesu walakotamuka nekubambileti, “pakati penu uyo utana kucimwapo, ayambilile kumanta libwe amupwaye mutukashi uyu.”
(As however they were continuing asking Him, *KO*) (having stood up *K(o)*) (also *o*) (He said *KO*) (to *K*) (them *K(o)*) (The [one] sinless among you, *KO*) ([the] first *K(o)*) (at her *KO*) (*K*) (he should cast stone; *KO*)
8 Mpwalambeco, kayi walakotama nekupitilisha kulemba panshi.
(And again being stooped low being stooped low He was writing on the ground. *KO*)
9 Mpobalanyumfweco bantu balatatika kufumapo umo neumo, bamakulene ebalatatikila kupalangana. Lino palashalowa mutukashi usa kaliwemana pantangu pa Yesu.
(And having heard *KO*) (and by conscience being convicted *K*) (they were going away one by one having begun from the elder ones *KO*) (until of the last *K*) (and He was left alone, *KO*) (Jesus *K*) (and the woman in [the] midst *KO*) (already standing. *K(o)*)
10 Yesu walakotamuka nekumwipusha, “Mutukashi obe balayikupeyo bakupanga mulandu? Sena paliya nambi umo lashalapo kukupa mulandu?”
(Having lifted up then Jesus *KO*) (and no one having seen only woman *K*) (said to her, *KO*) (the *K*) (woman, *K(o)*) (where are they *KO*) (they the accusers of you *K*) (No [one] you has condemned? *KO*)
11 Mutukashi walambeti, “Mwami, paliya.” Neye Yesu walamwambileti, “Nenjame nkandakupanga mulandu sobwe. Koya nsombi kuyambila lelo kotakabweshapo kwipisha.”
(And she said, No [one], Sir. Said then *KO*) (to her *K*) (Jesus, Neither I myself you *KO*) (do condemn; *K(O)*) (do go and *KO*) (from now [on] *O*) (no more do sin. *KO*)
12 Kayi Yesu walambila bantu bonse, “Ame njame mumuni ulamunikilinga bantu bonse. Muntu lankonkonga, nteshi akende mumushinshe, nsombi nakekale mu mumuni weshikupa buyumi.”
Again therefore to them spoke Jesus saying; I myself am the light of the world. the [one] following Me myself certainly not (may walk *N(k)O*) in the darkness but will have the light of life.
13 Nabo Bafalisi balamwambileti, “Ulalinshilinga bukamboni omwine. Bukamboni ubo ntebo bwakubinga.”
Said therefore to Him the Pharisees; You yourself concerning Yourself are bearing witness; the testimony of You not is true.
14 Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Nambi ndalinshilinga bukamboni, bukamboni bwakame nibwakubinga, pakwinga ndikwinshi nkondalafuma nenkondenga. Nsombi amwe nkamukwinshi nkondalafuma, nambi nenkondenga.
Answered Jesus and said to them; Even if Even if I myself shall be bearing witness concerning Myself, true is the testimony of Mine, because I know from where I came and where I am going; You yourselves however not know from where I come (or *N(k)O*) where I am going.
15 Amwe mukute kombolosha pakukonka miyeyo ya bantu. Ame nkankute kombolosha muntu uliyense.
You yourselves according to the flesh judge, I myself not am judging no [one].
16 Nsombi ndambeti ng'omboloshe, kombolosha kwakame ngakuba kwancine ncine, pakwinga nkandipo ndenka sobwe, pakwinga Bata balantuma balinenjame.
And if shall judge however I myself, judgment My (true *N(k)O*) is, because alone not I am, but I myself and the having sent Me Father.
17 Kayi mumilawo yenu mwalembweti bukamboni bwa bantu babili nibwakubinga
And in the law also of you it has been written that of two men the testimony true is.
18 Ame nkute kulinshila bukamboni, nabo Bata balantuma bakute kunjinshila bukamboni.”
I myself am the [One] bearing witness concerning Myself, and bears witness concerning Me the having sent Me Father.
19 Lino nabo balamwipusheti, “Baiso abo balikupeyo?” Yesu walambeti, “Nkamunjishi, kayi ne Bata nkamubenshi. Nimunjinshi nimubenshi Bata.”
They were saying therefore to Him; Where is the Father of You? Answered (*k*) Jesus; Neither Me myself you know nor [know] the Father of Mine. If Me myself you had known also the Father of Mine then would you have known.
20 Yesu walamba maswi awa mpwalikwiyisha mu Nga'nda ya Lesa, mucipinda cakutambulilamo bupe bwa bantu. Paliya walamwikata, pakwinga cindi cakendi calinkacitana cishika.
These declarations He spoke (Jesus *k*) in the treasury teaching in the temple, and no [one] seized Him, for not yet had come the hour of Him.
21 Panyuma pakendi Yesu kayi walabambileti, “Ame ndenga, nimukanangaule, nomba nkondenga amwe nkamwela kushikako nimukafwilowa mubwipishi.”
He said then again to them (Jesus: *k*) I myself am going away and you will seek Me and in the sin of you you will die; where I myself go you yourselves not are able to come.
22 Lino Bayuda balambeti, “Sena layandanga kulishina, pakwambeti, ‘nkondenga, nkamwela kushikako?”
Were saying therefore the Jews; surely not ever will He kill Himself, for He says; Where I myself go you yourselves not are able to come’?
23 Yesu walabambileti, “Amwe njamwe ba pacishi capanshi pano, ame ndalafuma kwilu. Amwe mobapanshi pano, nsombi ame ntame wapacishi capanshi sobwe.
And (He was saying *N(k)O*) to them; You yourselves from below are, I myself from above am; You yourselves of this the world are, I myself not am of world this.
24 Weco ndalamwambilingeti. nimukafwile mubwipishi bwenu. Pakwinga na nkamulashomonga kwambeti njame wopeloyo lalyambanga, nimukafwile mubwipishi bwenu.”
I said therefore to you that you will die in the sins of you; only for unless you shall believe that I myself am [He], you will die in the sins of you.
25 Lino nabo balamwipusheti, “Obe njobe bani?” Yesu walambeti, “Mbuli ncondamwambilanga pakuyamba.
They were saying therefore to Him; You yourself who are? (and *k*) Said to them Jesus; From the beginning ([which] one *NK(o)*) also I am saying to you.
26 Nkute bingi byakwamba nebyakumomboloshelapo. Walantuma niwancine ncine, kayi nkute kwambila bantu bapanshi pano bintu mbyendalanyumfwa kulyendiye.”
Many things I have concerning you to say and to judge; but the [One] having sent Me true is, and I myself and I myself what I have heard from Him, these things (I say *N(k)O*) to the world.
27 Bantu basa baliya kwinshibeti Yesu walikwamba sha Baishi.
Not they understood that [about] the Father to them He was speaking.
28 Lino Yesu walabambileti, “Mwakantantika Mwana Muntu, popelapo nimukenshibeti njame wopeloyo lalyambanga. Nimukenshibe kwambeti nkankute kwinsa bintu pandenka, nkute kwamba ibyo Bata mbyobalanjiyisha.
Said therefore to them Jesus; When you may have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I myself am [He], and from Myself I do no [thing], but even as taught Me the Father (of mine *ko*) these things I speak.
29 Nsombi uyo walantuma, uli pamo nenjame. Nendi nkakute kunshiya ndenka, pakwinga cindi conse nkute kwinsa byeshi kumukondwelesha.”
And the [One] having sent Me with Me is; not He has left Me alone (Father *K*) because I myself the [things] pleasing to Him do always.
30 Mpobalanyumfwa Yesu nkamba makani awa, bantu bangi balamushoma.
These things when he is speaking many believed in Him.
31 Yesu walambila bantu abo balamushoma, “Na mulakonkelenga kwiyisha kwakame cindi conse, cakubinga nimube beshikwiya bakame.
Was saying therefore Jesus to the having believed in Him Jews; If you yourselves shall abide in the word of Mine, truly disciples of Mine you are,
32 Nimwinshibe cakubinga, kayi naco cakubinga nicikamusungululeni.”
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set free you.
33 Nabo balambeti, “Afwe njafwe bana ba Abulahamu, kayi nkatuna tubapo basha ba muntu uliyense. Nomba aconi ulambangeti, ‘nimukasungululwe?”
They answered (unto *no*) (Him; *N(k)O*) Seed of Abraham we are and to no [one] have we been under bondage ever; How You yourself say that Free you will become’?
34 Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Ndamwambilinga cakubinga kwambeti muntu uliyense lenshinga bwipishi nimusha kubwipishi.
Answered them Jesus; Amen Amen I say to you that everyone who is practicing the sin, a slave is of the sin.
35 Musha nkakute kwikalisha panga'nda ya mwami wakendi cindi conse, nsombi mwinepabo. (aiōn g165)
Now the slave not abides in the house to the age; the (but *o*) son abides to the age. (aiōn g165)
36 Lino namwana lamusungululu, okwambeti mulasungululwa cancine ncine.
If therefore the Son you shall set free, indeed free you will be.
37 Ndicinshi kwambeti njamwe bana ba Abulahamu, nsombi mulayandanga kunshina, pakwinga nkamulasumininga maswi akame mumyoyo mwenu.
I know that seed of Abraham you are; but you seek Me to kill, because the word of Mine not receives a place in you.
38 Ame nkute kwamba ibyo mbyondalabona kuli Bata, nsombi amwe mulenshinga mbyomwalanyumfwa kuli bameshenu.”
(Those which *N(k)O*) I myself have seen with the Father (of mine *K*) I speak; also you yourselves therefore (what things *N(k)O*) (you have heard *N(K)O*) from (the father *N(k)O*) (of you *K*) you do.
39 Nabo balambeti, “Bameshetu ni Abulahamu.” Neye Yesu walabambileti, “nemuli bana ba Abulahamu, ne mulenshinga bintu mbyalikwinsa.
They answered and they said to Him; The father of us Abraham is. Says to them Jesus; If children of Abraham (you are, *N(k)O*) the works of Abraham (you perform *NK(o)*) (then would. *k*)
40 Nomba lino mulayandanga kunshina, ame ndamwambilinga makani akubinga ngondalanyumfwa kuli Lesa. Abulahamu liya kwinsapo bintu byamushobo uyu sobwe.
now however you seek Me to kill, a man who the truth to you has spoken that I heard from God; This Abraham not did.
41 Amwe mulenshinga ibyo bameshenu mbyobakute kwinsa.” Nabo balamwambileti, “ntafwe bana bamu bupombo sobwe, tukutowa mushali wetu umo, Lesa.”
You yourselves are doing the works of the father of you. They said therefore to Him; We ourselves of sexual immorality not (have been born; *NK(o)*) one Father we have God.
42 Yesu walambeti, “Lesa nabanga mushali wenu, ne mwalansuna, pakwinga ndalafuma kuli Lesa, nomba lino ndikuno. Ndiya kwisa mungofu shakame, nsombi sha uyo walantuma.
Said (therefore *K*) to them Jesus; If God Father of you were, you were loving then would Me myself; I myself for from God came forth and am here. not for by Myself have I come, but He Me sent.
43 Nomba nicani nkamulanyumfunga mbyondambanga? Pakwinga nkamwela kukonsha nekunyumfwa maswi akame.
Because of why the speech of Mine not do you understand? Because not you are able to hear the word of Mine.
44 Amwe mwalafuma kuli mushali wenu Satana. Pakwinga emubepeshi kayi shikushina kufuminowa cindi cakunyuma kayi, mulyendiye muliya cancine ncine sobwe. Ambanga ukute kwambowa bya mumutwi wakendi
You yourselves of the father the devil are and the desires of the father of you you desire to do. He a murderer was from [the] beginning and in the truth not it has stood, because not there is truth in him. Whenever he may speak falsehood, from [his] own he speaks, for a liar he is and the father of it.
45 Nsombi ame nkute kwamba cakubinga, weco nkamulanshomonga.
I myself now because the truth speak, not you do believe Me!
46 Nibani pakati penu welakumpa mulandu wabwipishi? Nipacebo cini ndamwambilanga cakubinga, nkamulashomonga?
Which of you convicts me concerning sin? If (now *k*) [the] truth I speak, because of why you yourselves not do believe Me?
47 Muntu waLesa ukute kukutika maswi a Lesa, nomba amwe mulakananga kunyumfwa, pakwinga ntamwe bantu baLesa.”
He who is of God the declarations of God hears; because of this you yourselves not hear, because of God not you are.
48 Popelapo ba Yuda balamwipusheti, “Sena afwe nkatulambanga cakubingeti njobe wakuSamaliya, kayi wekatwa ne mushimu waipa?”
Answered (therefore *K*) the Jews and said to Him; Surely rightly say we ourselves that a Samaritan are You yourself and a demon have?
49 Yesu walambeti, “Ndiyawa mushimu waipa. Nkute kulemeka Bata, nsombi amwe nkamukute kumpa bulemu.
Answered Jesus; I myself a demon not have, but I honor the Father of Mine, and you yourselves dishonor Me.
50 Nsombi nkandayandanga kulemekwa, nsombi nkwali layandangeti mpewe bulemu, kayi eukute kombolosha mubululami.
I myself now not seek the glory of Mine; there is One seeking [it] and judging.
51 Cakubinga ndamwambilinga muntu anyumfwa maswi akame, nteshi akafwe sobwe.” (aiōn g165)
Amen Amen I say to you; if anyone My word (*k*) shall keep, death certainly not shall he see to the age. (aiōn g165)
52 Lino bantu balamwambileti, “Lino tulenshibi kwambeti ukute mushimu waipa. Abulahamu nebashinshimi bonse balafwa! Nomba obe ulambangeti muntu anyumfwa makani akobe nteshi akafwe sobwe. (aiōn g165)
Said therefore to Him the Jews; Now we have known that a demon You have. Abraham died and the prophets, and You yourself say; If anyone the word of Mine shall keep, certainly not (shall he taste *N(k)O*) of death to the age. (aiōn g165)
53 Sena obe wapita Abulahamu mushali wetu mukulukulu nebashinshimi bonse balafwa? Nomba ulayeyengeti njobe bani?”
Surely not You yourself greater are than the father of us Abraham, who died? And the prophets died! Whom yourself (you yourself *k*) make You?
54 Yesu walambeti, “Na kandilipa bulemu, bulemubo nibwabulyo. Nomba Bata, bakute kumpa bulemu, abo nenjamwe mbomulambangeti eLesa wenu.
Answered Jesus; If I myself (shall glorify *N(k)O*) Myself, the glory of Mine no [thing] is; it is the Father of Mine who is glorifying Me [of] whom you yourselves say that God (of us *N(K)O*) He is,
55 Amwe muliya kumwinshiba, nsombi ame ndimwinshi, nendalambeti nkandimwinshi nendalaba mubepeshi mbuli ncemubele. Nomba ame ndimwinshi weco nkute kunyumfwa maswi akendi.
And not you have known Him, I myself however know Him. And if And if I shall say that not I know Him, I will be like (you *N(k)O*) a liar; But I know Him and the word of Him I keep.
56 Mushali wenu mukulukulu Abulahamu walikuba walasekelela kubona kwisa kwakame. Kayi walakondwa.”
Abraham the father of you rejoiced in that he may see day of Mine and he saw and rejoiced.
57 Lino ba Yuda balamwipusheti, “Byaka byakobe nkabina bikwana nambi makumi asanu, ngowambaconi eti walamubona Abulahamu?”
Said therefore the Jews to Him; Fifty years [old] not yet are You, and Abraham You have seen?
58 Yesu walambeti, “Ndamwambilinga cakubinga, Abulahamu nkatanasemwa, ndalikubapo.”
Said to them (*ko*) Jesus; Amen Amen I say to you; before Abraham being I myself am.
59 Lino mpobalanyumfweco balabwesa mabwe kwambeti bamupwaye. Nsombi Yesu walasolama ne kupita mubantu nekufuma mu Nga'nda ya Lesa.
They took up therefore stones that they might cast at Him. Jesus however hid Himself and He went forth out of the temple (having passed through through midst of them and He was passing by thus. *K*)

< Yohane 8 >