< Psalmi 76 >

1 Načelniku godbe na strune, psalm Asafu in pesem. Plemenit je v Judi Bog, v Izraelu veliko ime njegovo.
For the music director. To be accompanied by stringed instruments. A psalm of Asaph. A song. God is famous in Judah; his reputation is great throughout Israel.
2 V Salemu je koča njegova, in prebivališče na Sijonu.
He lives in Jerusalem; his home is in Zion.
3 Ondi je zlomil loke bliskajoče, ščit in meč in vojsko presilno.
There he broke the flaming arrows, the shields, the swords, and the weapons of war. (Selah)
4 Svetál si postal, veličasten, z gorâ plenjenja.
You shine with light; you are more majestic than the everlasting mountains.
5 V plen so se dali krepki v srci; spali so spanje svoje; tako da niso našli nobeni možje vojaki svojih rók.
Our most courageous enemies have been plundered. They sleep the sleep of death. Even the strongest of them could not raise a hand against us.
6 Od hudovanja tvojega, o Bog Jakobov, onemogel je voz in konj.
At your command, God of Jacob, both horse and rider fell down dead.
7 Ti, tí si strašán, ali bi kdo obstal pred teboj, odkar se jeziš?
You are terrifying—who can stand before you when you are angry?
8 Z neba daješ, da se čuje sodba, zemlja se boji in se je umirila,
From heaven you announced judgment. Everyone on earth was afraid and stood still,
9 Ko vstane na sodbo Bog, branit vse krotke na zemlji.
when you stood up to judge, to save the oppressed people of the earth. (Selah)
10 Ker srd človeški te slaví, z ostanki srda opasuješ svoje.
Even human anger against you makes you look glorious, for you wear it alike a crown.
11 Delajte in opravljajte obljube Gospodu Bogu svojemu; katerikoli stojé okolo njega, prinesó naj mu dar strašnemu,
Make your promises to God and be sure to keep them. Everyone bring gifts to the awe-inspiring one.
12 Kateri žanje napuh prvakov, strašán zemeljskim kraljem.
For he humbles proud leaders; he terrifies the kings of the earth.

< Psalmi 76 >