< Psalmi 55 >

1 Načelniku godbe na strune, pesem Davidova ukovita, Sliši, Bog, molitev mojo, in prošnji moji se ne skrivaj!
“To the chief musician on Neginoth, a Maskil of David.” Give ear, O God, to my prayer, and hide not thyself from my supplication.
2 Ozri se v mé in usliši me; glasno jokam v premišljevanji in zdihujem:
Listen unto me, and answer me: I mourn in my grief, and moan;
3 Zavoljo glasú sovražnikovega, zavoljo krivičnega stiske; ker v mé obračajo krivico, in srditi me preganjajo sè srčnim sovraštvom.
Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked; for they cast wrong upon me, and in wrath they attack me.
4 Srce moje me boli v meni, in smrtni strahovi me obhajajo.
My heart is sorely pained within me, and the terrors of death are fallen upon me.
5 Strah in trepet me napada, in groza me pokriva.
Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and shuddering hath covered me.
6 Tako da pravim: O da bi mi dal kdó perot kakor golobu; zletel bi, kjer bi mogel prebivati.
And I said, Oh that some one would give me wings like a dove! I would fly away and dwell [quietly].
7 Glej, kar najdalje bi pobegnil, prebivat v puščavi.
Lo, I would flee far away, I would spend my night in the wilderness. (Selah)
8 Hitreje bi pobegnil od vetra viharnega, od vrtinca.
I would prepare hastily a refuge for me from the sweeping wind [and] from storm.
9 Pogúbi, Gospod, razdeli njih jezik; ker silovitost in prepir vidim v mestu.
Destroy, O Lord, divide their tongue; for I have seen violence and strife in the city;
10 Podnevi in ponoči ga obdajajo na zidovji njegovem; in krivica in hudobnost sta sredi njega.
Day and night do these encompass it upon her walls: and wrong and trouble are in her midst.
11 Težave so sredi njega, in ne umakneta se z ulic njegovih goljufija in zvijača.
Mischief is in her midst: guile and deceit depart not from her streets.
12 Ker ne nasprotnik me sramotí, to bi prenašal; ne sovražnik moj se spenja proti meni, njemu bi se skril:
For it is not an enemy that reproached me; then I could bear it: not he that hateth me hath magnified himself against me; then I would have hidden myself from him;
13 Temuč tí, človek, meni enak, vodnik moj in znanec moj,
But it is thou, a man my equal, my guide, and my acquaintance;
14 Ki sva skupaj sladkó se posvetovala, v hišo Božjo hodila z množico.
So that we took sweet secret counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in tumultuous company.
15 Napadla jih bode smrt terjalka, živi pogreznejo se v grob; ker hudobija je, kjer bivajo oni, v njih sredi. (Sheol h7585)
Let him dispense death over them; let them go down alive into the nether world; for evil is in their dwelling, in the midst of them. (Sheol h7585)
16 Jaz bodem klical Boga, in Gospod me bode rešil.
I, however, will call on God: and the Lord will save me.
17 Zvečer in zjutraj in o poludné bodem premišljal in stokal, dokler ne bode slišal mojega glasu.
At evening and morning and noon will I make my complaint and moan: and he heareth my voice.—
18 Rešil je življenje moje, da se ne vojskujejo zoper mene, postavil ga v mir; ko so z mnogimi krdeli vojskovali se, bili so poleg mene.
He delivereth my soul in peace from the battle against me; for in multitudes are they [contending] with me.
19 Slišal bode Bog mogočni in jih zarotil, kakor ostane vekomaj; v katerih ni prememb in se ne bojé Boga.
God will hear, and humble them—yea, he that sitteth enthroned from the oldest time Selah—those who dread no changes, and fear not God.
20 Roko svojo steza nad njé, ki živé v miru med seboj, oskrunja zavezo svojo.
He stretcheth out his hands against those at peace with him: he violateth his covenant.
21 Sladke so, maslene besede njegove, a vojska tiči v njegovem srci; mehkeji od olja so njegove besede, ali goli meči.
The creamy words of his mouth are smooth, yet there is war [in] his heart; his words are softer than oil, yet are they drawn swords.
22 Nad Gospoda zváli, karkoli ti dá, in on te bode podpiral; nikdar ne pripustí pravičnemu, da omahne.
Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain thee: he will never suffer the righteous to be moved.
23 Ti torej, Bog, pahneš jih v jamo gnjilobe: ljudje krvoločni in zvijačni ne doživé dní svojih polovice, jaz pa bodem tebi zaupal.
But thou, O God, thou wilt bring them down into the pit of destruction: let not the men of blood and deceit live out half their days; but I will indeed trust in thee.

< Psalmi 55 >