< Psalmi 47 >

1 Načelniku gódbe; med nasledniki Koretovimi, psalm. Vsa ljudstva ploskajte z roko, ukajte Bogu z donečim glasom.
To him that excelleth. A Psalme committed to the sonnes of Korah. All people clap your hands: sing loude vnto God with a ioyfull voyce.
2 Ker Gospod najvišji, čestiti, kralj velik je nad vso zemljo.
For the Lord is high, and terrible: a great King ouer all the earth.
3 V hlev goni ljudstva, v naš kraj, in narode v kraj naših nóg.
He hath subdued the people vnder vs, and the nations vnder our feete.
4 Odbira nam posestvo naše, diko Jakoba, katerega ljubi nad vse.
Hee hath chosen our inheritance for vs: euen the glory of Iaakob whom he loued. (Selah)
5 Gor gré Bog z veselim glasom, Gospod s trombe bučanjem.
God is gone vp with triumph, euen the Lord, with the sound of the trumpet.
6 Prepevajte Bogu, prepevajte; prepevajte kralju našemu, prepevajte!
Sing prayses to God, sing prayses: sing prayses vnto our King, sing prayses.
7 Ker vse zemlje kralj je Bog, prepevajte s pesmijo ukovito!
For God is the King of all the earth: sing prayses euery one that hath vnderstanding.
8 Bog kraljuje nad narodi; Bog sedí na prestolu svetosti svoje.
God reigneth ouer the heathen: God sitteth vpon his holy throne.
9 Radovoljni se zbirajo iz ljudstev, ljudstvo Boga Abrahamovega, ker Božje so hrambe dežele; silno je vzvišen.
The princes of the people are gathered vnto the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the world belong to God: he is greatly to be exalted.

< Psalmi 47 >