< Psalmi 45 >
1 Načelniku godbe med nasledniki Koretovimi, na šestero strun, prijateljic pesem ukovita. Iz srca mojega vre dobra beseda; pel bodem pesmi svoje o kralji, z jezikom svojim in peresom, ročen pisar.
“For the leader of the music. To be accompanied with the Shoshannim. A song of loveliness by the sons of Korah.” My heart is overflowing with a good matter; I will address my work to the king: May my tongue be like the pen of a ready writer!
2 Mnogo lepši si ustvarjen od sinóv človeških; miloba je razlita po ustnah tvojih; zatôrej te je Bog blagoslovil vekomaj.
Thou art the fairest of the sons of men; Grace is poured upon thy lips; For God hath blessed thee for ever!
3 Meč svoj opaši okolo ledja, o premočni; meč slave svoje in dike svoje.
Gird thy sword to thy thigh, thou hero!-Thy glory and ornament!
4 In z diko svojo srečno jahaj z besedo resnice, in izrekaj pravico, in stavi si spomenike sè strašnimi deli desnice svoje.
In thy glorious array ride forth victoriously, On account of truth and mildness and justice; And thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things!
5 Z ostrimi pušicami tvojimi bodo padala pód te ljudsta, po volji bodo padali sovražniki kraljevi.
Thine arrows are sharp; Nations shall fall before thee; They shall pierce the hearts of the king's enemies.
6 Prestol tvoj, o Bog, je na večne čase; žezlo pravično je žezlo tvojega kraljestva.
Thy throne is God's for ever and ever; The sceptre of thy kingdom is a sceptre of equity!
7 Ljubiš pravico, in krivico sovražiš; zatorej te je pomazilil Bog, Bog tvoj z oljem veselja pred tvojimi tovariši.
Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest iniquity; Therefore hath God, thy God, anointed thee With the oil of gladness above thy fellows!
8 Mira in aloe in kasija so vsa oblačila tvoja, ko izhajaš iz svetišč slonokoščenih, pred njimi, ki razveseljujejo.
All thy garments are myrrh, aloes, and cassia; From ivory palaces stringed instruments delight thee.
9 Hčere kraljeve so med dragimi tvojimi; žena tvoja je postavljena tebi na desno z odličnim zlatom Ofirskim.
Daughters of kings are among thy chosen women; On the right hand stands the queen In gold of Ophir.
10 Čuj, hči, in glej, in nagni uho svoje, ter pozabi ljudstva svojega in hiše očetove svoje.
Listen, O daughter! consider, and incline thine ear; Forget thy people and thy father's house!
11 In radoval se bode kralj lepote tvoje; in ker je kralj tvoj, pokloni se njemu.
For the king is captivated with thy beauty; He is now thy lord; honor thou him!
12 Tedaj bodejo hčere Tirske z darilom molile obličje tvoje, bogati med ljudstvom.
So shall the daughter of Tyre seek thy favor with gifts, The rich among the people.
13 Vsa čestita je notri hči kraljeva, v obleki predelani zlatom.
All glorious is the king's daughter in her apartment; Her robe is embroidered with gold.
14 S Frigijskimi ogrinjali nesó jo h kralju; device prijateljice za njo peljejo se k tebi.
In variegated garments shall she be led to the king; The virgin companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee.
15 Vodijo jih z največjim veseljem in radovanjem, stopajo v grad kraljevi.
With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought; They shall enter the king's palace.
16 Na mestu roditeljev tvojih bodejo sinovi tvoji: za prvake jih postaviš po vsej deželi.
Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, Whom thou shalt make princes through all the land.
17 Oznanjal bodem ime tvoje v vsaki dobi; zatorej te bodejo slavila ljudstva na vedno večno čase.
I will make thy name memorable throughout all generations; So shall the nations praise thee for ever and ever!