< Psalmi 38 >

1 Psalm Davidov za spomin. Gospod, v srdu svojem ne dólži me, in v togoti svoji ne pokôri me.
A Psalm. Of David. To keep in memory. O Lord, be not bitter with me in your wrath; let not your hand be on me in the heat of your passion.
2 Ker pušice tvoje so zasajene v mé, in nadme si spustil roko svojo.
For your arrows have gone into my flesh, and I am crushed under the weight of your hand.
3 Nič celega ni na mesu mojem zavoljo srdú tvojega; mirú ni v mojih kostéh zavoljo greha mojega.
My flesh is wasted because of your wrath; and there is no peace in my bones because of my sin.
4 Ker krivice moje presezajo glavo mojo, kakor težko breme; pretežke so, da bi jih prenašati mogel.
For my crimes have gone over my head; they are like a great weight which is more than my strength.
5 Segnjile so in usmradile se bule moje, zavoljo nespameti moje.
My wounds are poisoned and evil-smelling, because of my foolish behaviour.
6 Mučim se, krivim se presilno, ves dan pohajam v črni obleki.
I am troubled, I am made low; I go weeping all the day.
7 Ker drob moj je poln prisada, tako da ni nič celega na mesu mojem.
For my body is full of burning; all my flesh is unhealthy.
8 Oslabljen sem in potrt presilno; tulim od stokanja svojega srca.
I am feeble and crushed down; I gave a cry like a lion because of the grief in my heart.
9 Gospod, pred teboj je vse hrepenenje moje; in zdihovanje ni ti skrito.
Lord, all my desire is before you; my sorrow is not kept secret from you.
10 Srce moje utriplje, zapušča me moja krepost, in luč mojih očî, tudi one niso v moji oblasti.
My heart goes out in pain, my strength is wasting away; as for the light of my eyes, it is gone from me.
11 Prijátelji moji in bližnji moji stojé nadlogi moji nasproti, in sorodniki moji stojé od daleč.
My lovers and my friends keep away from my disease; my relations keep far away.
12 Stavijo pa zanke, kateri iščejo duše moje: in kateri iščejo hudega meni, govoré nadloge in izmišljajo ves dan zvijače.
Those who have a desire to take my life put nets for me; those who are designing my destruction say evil things against me, all the day their minds are full of deceit.
13 Jaz pa jih ne slišim kakor gluh, in kakor nem ne odprem svojih ust.
But I kept my ears shut like a man without hearing; like a man without a voice, never opening his mouth.
14 Ampak sem kakor ón, ki ne sliši, in kateremu ní dokazov v ustih.
So I was like a man whose ears are shut, and in whose mouth there are no sharp words.
15 Ker tebe čakam, Gospod; da me ti uslišiš, Gospod, Bog moj.
In you, O Lord, is my hope: you will give me an answer, O Lord, my God.
16 Ker pravim: Naj se ne radujejo nad menoj; ko omahuje noga moja, naj se ne povzdigujejo proti meni,
I said, Let them not be glad over me; when my foot is moved, let them not be lifted up with pride against me.
17 Ako bodem jaz za omahnenje pripravljen, in bolečina moja bode vedno pred mano.
My feet are near to falling, and my sorrow is ever before me.
18 Ker krivico svojo oznanjam, skrbi me moj greh.
I will make clear my wrongdoing, with sorrow in my heart for my sin.
19 Neprijatelji pa moji krepčajo se živi, in množijo se, kateri me sovražijo iz krivih vzrokov.
But they are strong who have hate for me without cause: those who are against me falsely are increased in numbers.
20 In vračajoč hudo za dobro nasprotujejo mi, zato ker hodim za dobrim.
They give me back evil for good; they are my haters because I go after the thing which is right.
21 Ne zapústi me, Gospod, Bog moj; ne bivaj daleč od mene.
Do not give me up, O Lord; O my God, be near to me.
22 Hiti na pomoč mojo, Gospod, blaginja moja!
Come quickly to give me help, O Lord, my salvation.

< Psalmi 38 >