< Psalmi 102 >

1 Molitev za ubozega, ko je v stiski in pred Gospoda izliva premišljevanje svoje. Gospod, čuj molitev mojo, in vpitje moje pridi do tebe.
“A prayer of the afflicted, when in deep distress he poureth out his complaint before the Lord.” Hear my prayer, O LORD! And let my cry come unto thee!
2 Ne skrivaj mi obličja svojega, ko sem v stiski; nagni mi uho svoje, ko kličem; naglo me usliši.
Hide not thy face from me in the day of my trouble; Incline thine ear to me when I call! Answer me speedily!
3 Ker ginejo kakor dim dnevi moji; in kosti moje se sušé kakor pogorišče.
For my life is consumed like smoke, And my bones burn like a brand.
4 Zadeto vene kakor trava srce moje, ker pozabljam použivati svojo jed.
My heart is smitten and withered like grass; Yea, I forget to eat my bread.
5 Od glasú zdihovanja mojega drži se kost moja mojega mesa.
By reason of my sighing, my bones cleave to my skin;
6 Podoben sem pelikanu v puščavi; kakor sova sem v podrtinah.
I am like the pelican of the wilderness; I am like an owl amid ruins.
7 Vedno sem podoben samotnemu vrabcu na strehi.
I am sleepless; I am like a solitary bird upon the house-top.
8 Ves dan me sramoté sovražniki moji; zoper mene divjajoč prisezajo pri meni.
All the day long my enemies reproach me; They who rage against me curse by me.
9 Ker pepel jem kakor kruh; in pijače svoje mešam z jokom.
For I eat ashes like bread, And mingle my drink with tears.
10 Zaradi nevolje tvoje in srdite jeze tvoje; ker vzdignil si me in vrgel me na tla.
On account of thine indignation and thy wrath; For thou hast lifted me up and cast me down!
11 Dnevi moji so podobni senci, ki se je nagnila; in jaz sem se posušil kakor trava.
My life is like a declining shadow, And I wither like grass.
12 Ti pa, Gospod, ostajaš vekomaj, in spomin tvoj od roda do roda.
But thou, O LORD! endurest for ever, And thy name from generation to generation!
13 Ti bodeš vstal in usmilil se Sijona, ker čas je storiti mu milost, ker prišel je čas določeni,
Thou wilt arise and have pity upon Zion, For the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come.
14 Ko se naj hlapci tvoji veselé njegovega kamenja, in milost storé njegovemu prahu;
For thy servants take pleasure in her stones; Yea, they have a regard for her dust.
15 Da česté narodi ime Gospodovo, in vsi kralji zemlje čast tvojo.
Then shall the nations fear the name of Jehovah, And all the kings of the earth thy glory.
16 Ko bode Gospod zidal Sijon in prikazal se v časti svoji,
For Jehovah will build up Zion; He will appear in his glory.
17 Ozrl se bode v nazega molitev, in ne bode zametal njih molitve.
He will regard the prayer of the destitute, And not despise their supplication.
18 Zapiše se naj to naslednjemu rodu, da ljudstvo poživljeno hvali Gospoda.
This shall be written for the generation to come, That the people to be born may praise Jehovah.
19 Ker pogledal bode z višave svetosti svoje Gospod, ozrl se z nebés na zemljo.
For he looketh down from his holy height, From heaven doth he cast his eye upon the earth,
20 Da usliši jetnika zdihovanje, da oprosti njé, ki se že izdajajo smrti;
To listen to the sighs of the prisoner. To release those that are doomed to death;
21 Da oznanjajo na Sijonu ime Gospodovo, in hvalo njegovo v Jeruzalemu,
That they may declare the name of Jehovah in Zion, And his praise in Jerusalem,
22 Ko se zbirajo ljudstva in kralji čestit Gospoda.
When the nations are assembled together, And the kingdoms to serve Jehovah.
23 Pobija sicer na tem poti moči moje, dnî moje krajša,
He hath weakened my strength on the way, He hath shortened my days.
24 Ali govorim: Bog moj mogočni, ne vzemi me v sredi mojih dnî; skozi vse rodove so dnevi tvoji,
I say, O my God! take me not away in the midst of my days! Thy years endure through all generations.
25 Predno si ustanovil zemljo, in so bila nebesa delo tvojih rok;
Of old hast thou laid the foundations of the earth, And the heavens are the work of thy hands;
26 Tisto bode prešlo, ti pa ostaneš; tisto, pravim, vse postara se kakor oblačilo; kakor obleko jih izpremeniš in izpremené se.
They shall perish, but thou shalt endure; Yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; As a vesture shalt thou change them, And they shall be changed;
27 Ti pa si isti, in let tvojih ni konca.
But thou art the same, And thy years have no end.
28 Sinovi hlapcev tvojih bodo prebivali, in njih seme se utrdi pred teboj.
The children of thy servants shall dwell securely, And their posterity shall be established before thee.

< Psalmi 102 >