< Janez 18 >
1 Rekši to Jezus, izide z učenci svojimi črez potok Cedron, kjer je bil vrt, v kterega vnide on in učenci njegovi.
HAVING thus spoken, Jesus went out with his disciples beyond the brook Cedron, where was a garden, into which he went himself, and his disciples.
2 Vedel je pa tudi Juda, izdajalec njegov, za ta kraj; ker se je pogostoma shajal Jezus tu z učenci svojimi.
Now Judas also, who betrayed him, knew the place: for frequently had Jesus consorted with his disciples there.
3 Juda torej vzeme drhal, in služabnike od vélikih duhovnov in Farizejev, in pride tje s svetilnicami in bakljami in orožjem.
Then Judas having taken a band of soldiers, and the inferior officers of the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and arms.
4 Jezus pa, ker je vse vedel, kaj se bo ž njim zgodilo, izide, in reče jim: Koga iščete?
Jesus therefore, conscious of all things that were coming upon him, going forward, said to them, Whom are ye seeking?
5 Odgovoré mu: Jezusa Nazarečana. Jezus jim reče: Jaz sem. Stal je pa ž njimi tudi Juda, izdajalelec njegov.
They answered him, Jesus the Nazarean. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. Then stood also Judas, who betrayed him, with these men.
6 Ko jim je pa rekel: Jaz sem, odstopili so nazaj, in padli so na zemljo.
As he then spake to them, I am he, they retreated backward, and fell flat on the ground.
7 In zopet jih vpraša: Koga iščete? Oni pa rekó: Jezusa Nazarečana.
Again therefore he demanded of them, Whom seek ye? Then they said, Jesus the Nazarean.
8 Jezus odgovorí: "Rekel sem vam, da sem jaz. Če torej mene iščete, pustite, naj ti odidejo.
Jesus answered, I told you that I am he: if therefore ye are seeking me, permit these to go away:
9 Da se izpolni beseda, ktero jim je bil rekel: Ktere si mi dal, nobenega od njih nisem izgubil.
that the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, That of those whom thou hast given me, I have not lost one of them.
10 A Simon Peter je imel meč, in izdere ga, in udari hlapca vélikega duhovna, in odseka mu desno uho. Ime pa je bilo hlapcu Malha.
Then Simon Peter having a sword, drew it, and struck a servant of the high-priest, and cut off his right ear. Now the servant’s name was Malchas.
11 Pa reče Jezus Petru: Vtakni meč svoj v nožnice. Ali naj keliha, kterega mi je podal oče, ne pijem?
Then said Jesus to Peter, Put up thy sword into the scabbard: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?
12 Tedaj drhal in poglavar in služabniki Judovski Jezusa zgrabijo, in zvežejo ga.
The band therefore, and the chief captain, and the inferior officers of the Jews, seized on Jesus, and bound him,
13 In odpeljejo ga najprej k Anu; bil je namreč tast Kajfa, kteri je bil tisto leto véliki duhoven.
and led him away to Annas first; for he was father-in-law to Caiaphas, who was the high-priest of that year.
14 Bil je pa Kajfa tisti, kteri je bil Judom nasvetoval, da je bolje, da eden človek za ljudstvo umre.
Now Caiaphas was the person who had given his advice to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should be destroyed instead of the people.
15 Šel je pa za Jezusom Simon Peter, in neki drugi učenec. Ta učenec je bil pa z vélikim duhovnom znan, ter vnide z Jezusom na dvor vélikega duhovna.
Now Simon Peter had followed Jesus, and another disciple: and that disciple was acquainted with the high-priest, and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high-priest.
16 A Peter je stal zunaj pri vratih. Tedaj izide drugi učenec, kteri je bil z vélikim duhovnom znan, in reče vratarici, in odpelje Simona noter.
But Peter stood without at the door. Then that other disciple, who was acquainted with the high-priest, went out, and spoke to the porteress, and introduced Peter.
17 Dekla vratarica pa reče Petru: Ali nisi tudi ti izmed učencev tega človeka? On reče: Nisem.
Then said the damsel who kept the door to Peter, Art not thou also one of the disciples of this man? He saith, I am not.
18 A hlapci in služabniki so bili zanetili ogenj, ker je bilo mraz, ter so stali in se ogrevali; stal je pa tudi Peter med njimi in se je grel.
Now the servants and inferior officers having made a fire, for it was cold, stood and warmed themselves: and there stood Peter with them, and warmed himself.
19 A véliki duhoven vpraša Jezusa za učence njegove, in za nauk njegov.
The high-priest then questioned Jesus concerning his disciples, and respecting his doctrine.
20 Jezus mu odgovorí: Jaz sem očitno govoril svetu; jaz sem vsegdar učil v shajališči in v tempeljnu, kjer se vsegdar Judje shajajo, in skrivaj nisem ničesar govoril.
Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I always taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews resorted; and in secret have I spoken nothing.
21 Kaj vprašuješ mene? Vprašaj tiste, kteri so slišali, kaj sem jim govoril; glej, oni vedó, kaj sem jaz govoril.
Why dost thou question me? ask those who have heard me, what I have spoken to them: lo, they know what I said.
22 Ko je pa to rekel, udari eden od služabnikov, kteri so tam stali, Jezusa po licu, in reče: Tako odgovarjaš vélikemu duhovnu?
As he was thus speaking, one of the servants who stood by him gave Jesus a slap on the face, saying, Dost thou answer the high-priest in this fashion?
23 Odgovorí mu Jezus: Če sem hudo govoril, izpričaj, da je hudo; če pa dobro, po kaj me biješ?
Jesus replied to him, If I have spoken in an improper manner, bear witness of the evil deed: but if properly, why strikest thou me?
24 Ana ga pošlje zvezanega k vélikemu duhovnu Kajfu.
Now Annas had sent him bound to Caiaphas the high-priest.
25 A Simon Peter je stal in se grel. Rekó mu tedaj: Ali nisi tudi ti izmed učencev njegovih? On utají, in reče: Nisem.
Meanwhile Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. Then said they to him, Art not thou also one of this man’s disciples? He denied it, and said, I am not.
26 Eden od hlapcev vélikega duhovna, rojak tistemu, kteremu je bil Peter odsekal uho, reče: Te li nisem jaz videl ž njim na vrtu?
One of the servants of the high-priest, being a kinsman of him whose ear Peter cut off, said, Did I not see thee in the garden with him?
27 Peter pa zopet utají, in precej zapoje petelin.
Then again Peter denied: and instantly the cock crew.
28 A Jezusa so odpeljali od Kajfa v sodnišnico. Bilo je pa zjutraj; in oni niso šli v sodnišnico, da se ne bi oskrunili, nego da bi jedli velikonočno jagnje.
Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetorium: and it was early: and they themselves went not into the praetorium, that they should not be defiled; but that they might eat the passover.
29 Tedaj izide Pilat k njim, in reče: Kakošno tožbo imate zoper tega človeka?
Pilate then came out to them, and said, What accusation bring ye against this man?
30 Odgovoré in rekó mu: Ko ta ne bi bil hudodelnik, to ti ga ne bi bili izročili.
They answered and said to him, If this fellow had not been a malefactor, we should not have delivered him up to thee.
31 Pa jim Pilat reče: Vzemite ga vi, in sodite ga po svojej postavi. Judje pa mu rekó: Mi ne smemo nikogar umoriti.
Pilate then said to them, Take him yourselves, and according to your own law judge him. The Jews then said to him, It is not lawful for us to put any man to death:
32 Da se izpolni Jezusova beseda, ktero jim je rekel, ko je zaznamoval, s kakošno smrtjo bo umrl.
that the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, intimating by what manner of death he should die.
33 In Pilat vnide zopet v sodnišnico, in pokliče Jezusa, in reče mu: Ti si kralj Judovski?
Pilate therefore entered again into the praetorium, and called Jesus, and said to him, Art thou the king of the Jews?
34 Odgovorí mu Jezus: Praviš li to sam od sebe, ali so ti drugi za-me rekli?
Jesus answered him, Dost thou speak this from thyself, or did others speak to thee concerning me?
35 Pilat odgovorí: Jeli sem jaz Jud? Tvoj narod in véliki duhovni so te meni izročili; kaj si storil?
Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Thy own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee to me: what hast thou done?
36 Jezus odgovorí: Moje kraljestvo ni s tega sveta; ko bi bilo moje kraljestvo s tega sveta, moji služabniki bi bili branili, da ne bi bil Judom izročen: sedaj pa kraljestvo moje ni odtod.
Jesus replied, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom had been of this world, then would my servants have struggled hard, that I should not have been delivered up to the Jews: but now my kingdom is not from hence.
37 Tedaj mu Pilat reče: Torej kralj si ti? Jezus odgovorí: Ti praviš, da sem jaz kralj. Jaz sem za to rojen, in za to sem prišel na svet, da pričam resnico. Vsak, kdor je od resnice, posluša glas moj.
Then said Pilate unto him. Art thou not a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. For this end I was born, and for this I came into the world, that I should be a witness for the truth. Every one who is of the truth heareth my voice.
38 Pilat mu reče: Kaj je resnica? In ko je to rekel, izide zopet k Judom, in reče jim: Jaz ne nahajam nobene krivice na njem.
Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And having thus spoken, he went out again unto the Jews and saith to them, I find no fault in him.
39 Je pa navada pri vas, da vam enega izpustim na Veliko noč; hočete li torej, da vam izpustim kralja Judovskega?
But ye have a custom, that I should release to you one person at the passover: will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews?
40 Pa zavpijejo zopet vsi, govoreč: Ne tega, nego Baraba. Bil je pa Baraba razbojnik.
Then again they all clamoured, saying, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber.