< Apostolska dela 27 >
1 Kakor je bilo pa sklenjeno, da se imamo po morji odpeljati v Italijo, izročili so Pavla in nekaj drugih jetnikov stotniku, po imenu Juliju, od cesarske trume.
And when it was determined for us to sail for Italy, they delivered both Paul and some other prisoners to a centurion named Julius, of the band of Augustus.
2 In stopivši na ladjo Adramitsko, da se popeljemo poleg Azijskih krajev, odrinili smo: in bil je z nami Aristarh Macedonec iz Soluna.
And having gotten on a ship of Adramyttium that was going to sail to the places along Asia, we launched, Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us.
3 In drugi dan smo prišli v Sidon. In Julij je priljudno ravnal s Pavlom, in dovolil mu je k prijateljem iti in dati si postreči.
And on another day we put in at Sidon. And Julius, who treated Paul kindly, allowed him to undergo care, after going to his friends.
4 In ko smo odtod odrinili, peljali smo se za Ciprom, ker so nam bili vetrovi nasproti.
And having launched from there, we sailed under lee of Cyprus, because the winds were contrary.
5 In ko smo morje, ktero je med Cilicijo in Pamfilijo, prepluli, prišli smo v Miro Licijsko.
And having sailed across the depths along Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myra, of Lycia.
6 In tu je našel stotnik ladjo Aleksandrijsko, ktera je jadrala v Italijo, in del nas je va-njo.
And there, the centurion having found a ship of Alexandria sailing for Italy, he put us in it.
7 Ko smo se bili pa mnogo dnî počasi vozili, in komaj proti Gnidu prišli, ker nam veter ni dal, dopluli smo pod Kret pri Salmonu.
And sailing slowly during considerable days, and with difficulty having come along the Cnidus, the wind not allowing us further, we sailed under lee of Crete, along Salmone.
8 In komaj se vozeč mimo njega, prišli smo v neki kraj, kteri se imenuje Dobro Pristanišče, poleg kterega je bilo blizu mesto Laseja.
And sailing by it with difficulty, we came to a certain place called Fair Havens, near to which was Lasea City.
9 Ko je bilo pa veliko časa prešlo, in je bila vožnja že nevarna, ker je uže tudi post minul, opominjal je Pavel,
And considerable time having past, and the voyage now being dangerous, also because the Fast was now past, Paul urged,
10 Govoreč jim: Možjé! vidim, da hoče vožnja z nevoljo in veliko izgubo biti, ne le za blago in ladjo, nego tudi za življenje naše.
saying to them, Men, I perceive that the voyage is going to be with injury and much damage, not only of the cargo and the ship, but also of our lives.
11 Ali stotnik je krmarju in gospodarju ladje bolj verjel, nego temu, kar je Pavel pravil.
But the centurion was convinced more by the captain and the shipmaster than to those things spoken by Paul.
12 In ker pristanišče ni bilo pripravno za zimovanje, sklenili so skoro vsi, odpeljati se odtod, ne bi li kako mogli priti do Fenike, da bi prezimili v pristanišči Kretskem, ktero gleda proti jugu in zahodnjemu severju.
And since the haven was inconvenient to winter in, the majority gave counsel to launch from there also, if somehow they might be able, after arriving at Phoenix, to winter in a haven of Crete, looking toward southwest and northwest.
13 Ko je pa jug potegnil, misleč, da bodo namen dosegli, odrinili so, in peljali so se blizu ob Kretu.
And when a south wind blew gently, having presumed to have obtained their purpose, after taking up anchor, they sailed very near by Crete.
14 Ali ne dolgo po tem se vzdigne njemu nasproti vihar vrtinec, kteri se imenuje Vzhodnji sever.
But not long after, there threw against it a cyclonic wind called the Euroclydon.
15 Ko je pa ladjo zaneslo, in se ni mogla vetru upirati, izročili smo jo valovom, in nosili so nas.
And the ship having been caught, and not being able to face the wind, having given up, we were driven.
16 Ko nas je pa pod neki otočič, kteri se imenuje Klavda, zaneslo, komaj smo mogli zadržati čolnič;
And having sailed under lee of a certain island called Clauda, we were able with difficulty, to develop control of the skiff.
17 In ko so ga vzdignili, poslužili so se pripomočkov, in ovili so ladjo; in boječ se, da ne bi na kleče zadeli, spustili so jadra, in tako so se peljali.
And having taken that up, they used helps, undergirding the ship. And fearing lest they might fall off into the sandbank, having lowered the vessel, they were driven this way.
18 Ko nas je pa vihar hudo metal, izmetavali so drugi dan.
And since we were exceedingly storm-tossed, on the next day they jettisoned.
19 In tretji dan smo s svojimi rokami ladijno orodje izmetali.
And the third day we cast out by hands the tackling of the ship.
20 Ko se pa ne solnce ne zvezde niso pokazale več dnî, in ni majhena burja pritiskala, izginilo je uže vsako upanje, da bi se oteli.
And when neither sun nor stars appeared for more days, and no small storm laying on, all remaining hope for us to be saved was taken away.
21 In ko se uže dolgo časa ni jedlo, tedaj Pavel, stoječ sredi njih, reče: Imeli bi bili, o možjé! poslušati me in ne odriniti od Kreta, in obvarovati se te nevolje in izgube;
And being long without food, then Paul, who stood in the midst of them, said, Ye truly ought, O men, to have complied with me, not to launch from Crete, and gain this damage and loss.
22 A sedaj vas opominjam, da bodite srčni: kajti nobeno življenje od vas se ne bo izgubilo, razen ladja.
And now I exhort you to cheer up, for there will not be one loss of life from you, except of the ship.
23 Prikazal mi se je namreč to noč angelj Božji, kogar sem, in komur služim,
For there stood by me this night an agent of the God whose I am, whom also I serve,
24 Govoreč: Ne boj se, Pavel! pred cesarjem imaš stati; in glej, podaril ti je Bog vse, kteri se peljejo s teboj.
saying, Fear not, Paul. Thou must stand before Caesar, and lo, God has granted thee all those sailing with thee.
25 Za to bodite srčni, možjé! ker verujem Bogu, da se bo tako zgodilo, kakor mi je bilo rečeno.
Therefore men, cheer up, for I believe God, that it will be so in that way it has been told to me.
26 Imamo pa na neki otok naleteti.
But we must fall off upon a certain island.
27 Ko je pa štirinajsta noč prišla, in smo se vozili po Jadranskem morji, okoli polnočí zdelo se je mornajem, da jim se bliža neki kraj.
And when it became the fourteenth night, as we were driven about in the Adriatic sea, toward midnight the sailors suspected some region to come near them.
28 In izmerivši globočino, najdejo dvajset sežnjev; a ko so malo dalje prišli, in so zopet izmerili globočino, našli so petnajst sežnjev.
And having tossed lead, they found twenty fathoms, and having gone a little farther, and having tossed lead again, they found fifteen fathoms.
29 In boječ se, da ne bi na skalnata mesta naleteli, vrgli so s krma štiri mačke, in želeli so, da bi se dan naredil.
And fearing lest somehow we might falloff on rough places, having cast off four anchors from the stern, they prayed for day to develop.
30 Ko so pa mornarji gledali pobegniti iz ladje, in so spustili čolnič v morje, z izgovorom, kakor da hočejo s prednjega konca mačke spustiti,
And since the sailors sought to flee out of the ship, and having lowered the skiff into the sea in pretense as going to stretch out anchors from the bow,
31 Reče Pavel stotniku in vojakom: Če ti ne ostanejo v ladji, to se vi oteti ne morete.
Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, Unless these men remain in the ship, ye cannot be saved.
32 Tedaj so vojaki odsekali vrvi čolniču, in pustili so, da je izpadel.
Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the skiff, and let it fall off.
33 A ko se je uže danilo, prosil je Pavel vse, da naj vzemó jedi, govoreč: Štirinajsti dan je danes, kar čakate in živite brez jedi, ne vzemši ničesar.
And until day was going to develop, Paul urged them all to partake of food, saying, Today is the fourteenth day, waiting, ye continue without food, having taken nothing.
34 Za to vas prosim, da vzemite jedí; kajti to je za vaše zdravje: ker nikomur od vas ne bo las z glave spadel.
Therefore I encourage you to take of food, for this is for your safety. For not a hair will fall from the head of one of you.
35 In ko je to rekel, vzel je kruh, in zahvalil je Boga pred vsemi; in prelomivši, jel je jesti.
And having said these things, and having taken bread, he expressed thanks to God in the presence of all. And having broke in pieces, he began to eat.
36 Tedaj so vsi srčneji postali, in vzeli so tudi oni jedí.
And they all, having become encouraged, also took food.
37 Bilo nas je pa vseh duš na ladji dve sto šest in sedemdeset.
And all the souls in the ship were two hundred seventy-six.
38 In ko so se nasitili jedí, olajšali so ladjo, izmetavši žito v morje.
And after being filled of food, they unloaded the ship, throwing out the wheat into the sea.
39 Ko se je pa zdanilo, niso poznali dežele; ugledajo pa neki zaliv, ki je imel breg, na kterega so mislili, ko bi mogli, izvleči ladjo.
And when it became day, they did not recognize the land, but they noticed a certain bay having a beach, onto which, they decided if possible, to drive the ship.
40 In ko so bili mačke vzdignili, prepustili so ladjo morju, odvezavši obenem vrví krmil; in razpeli so prednje jadro po vetru, in vozili so se proti bregu.
And having cast off the anchors, they left them in the sea, at the same time unfastening the bands of the rudders. And having hoisted up the foresail to the wind, they held firm for the shore.
41 Ko so pa naleteli na kraj, kteri je imel po obéh stranéh morje, zaudarili so z ladjo ob peč; in prednji konec se je nasadil in je ostal trd, a krm se je razbijal od sile valovja.
And having chanced upon a place where two seas meet, they ran the ship aground. And of course, the bow having become stuck, it remained immovable, but the stern was coming apart by the force of the waves.
42 Vojaki pa so se dogovorili, da bodo jetnike pomorili, da ne bi kdo izplaval in pobegnil.
And a decision of the soldiers developed that they should kill the prisoners, lest any man, having swam away, might escape.
43 Stotnik pa, hoteč Pavla ohraniti, prepové njih naklep, in ukaže, naj tisti, kteri znajo plavati, najprej izkočijo in izidejo na zemljo;
But the centurion, wanting to save Paul, prevented them from their purpose, and commanded those who were able to swim, having first jumped out, to go to the land,
44 Drugi pa nekteri na deskah, nekteri pa na kosovih od ladje: in tako se je zgodilo, da so vsi živi izšli na zemljo.
and the remaining, some on boards, and some on any of the things from the ship. And so it came to pass for all to be saved to the land.