< 1 Peter 2 >
1 Odloživši torej vso hudobijo in vso zvijačo in licemerstva in zavisti in vsa obrekovanja,
Having put aside, then, all evil, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envyings, and all evil speakings,
2 Kakor novorojena deteta hrepenite po pametnem, nepokvarjenem mleku,
as newborn babies, desire the reasonable, unspoiled milk, so that you may grow up to salvation,
3 Da v njem rastete, če ste res okusili, da je blag Gospod.
if [it] so be [that] you tasted that the LORD [is] good,
4 K njemu pristopivši, kamenu živemu, ki so ga zavrgli ljudje, izvoljen pa je pri Bogu in čislan,
to whom coming—a living stone—having indeed been disapproved of by men, but with God—choice [and] precious,
5 Bodite tudi vi, kakor živo kamenje zidani, hiša duševna, duhovništvo sveto, da darujete duševne daritve po volji Bogu po Jezusu Kristusu.
and you yourselves are built up as living stones [into] a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
6 Zato je tudi pisano v pismu: "Glej, na Sijon denem vogelni kamen, izvoljen, čislan, in kdor veruje vanj, ne bode se osramotil."
For this reason, also, it is contained in the Writing: “Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, choice, precious, and he who is believing on Him may not be put to shame”;
7 Vam torej čast, verujočim; nepokornim pa "kamen, katerega so zavrgli zidarji, ta je postal za vogelni kamen," in "kamen izpotike in pohujšanja skala;"
to you, then, who are believing—the preciousness; but to the unbelieving, [the] stone that the builders disapproved of—this One has become the head of [the] corner,
8 Kateri se izpotikajo, ker so nepokorni besedi, za kar so bili tudi postavljeni;
and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense—who are stumbling at the word, being unbelieving—to which they were also set.
9 Vi pa "rod izvoljeni, duhovništvo kraljevo, ljudstvo sveto," ljudstvo za last, da oznanjajte kreposti njega, ki vas je poklical iz temé v čudovito svetlobo svojo;
But you [are] a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people acquired, that you may show forth the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light,
10 Kateri nekdaj ne ljudstvo, sedaj pa ljudstvo Božje; ne pomiloščeni, sedaj pa pomiloščeni.
who [were] once not a people, but [are] now the people of God; who had not found mercy, but now have found mercy.
11 Ljubljeni, opominjam vas kakor tujce in popotnike, da se zdržujete mesnih poželenj, katera se vojskujejo zoper dušo;
Beloved, I call on [you], as strangers and sojourners, to keep from the fleshly desires that war against the soul,
12 Vedenje svoje med pogani imejte lepo, da, ker vas obrekujejo kakor hudodelnike, iz dobrih dél, ko jih vidijo, slavé Boga o dnevi obiskanja.
having your behavior right among the nations, so that whenever they speak against you as evildoers, seeing [your] good works, they may glorify God in [the] day of inspection.
13 Bodite torej podložni vsaki stvari človeški zavoljo Gospoda; bodi si kralju, kakor najvišjemu;
Be subject, then, to every human creation, because of the LORD, whether to a king, as the highest,
14 Bodi si poglavarjem, kakor po njem poslanim v kazen hudodelnikov, a dobrodelnikov hvalo;
whether to governors, as to those sent through him, for punishment, indeed, of evildoers, and a praise of those doing good;
15 Ker tako je volja Božja, da z dobrimi deli zamašujete nespametnih ljudi nevednost;
because, so is the will of God, doing good, to put to silence the ignorance of the foolish men—
16 Kakor svobodni in ne za pokrivalo hudobije imajoč svobodo, nego kakor hlapci Božji.
as free, and not having freedom as the cloak of evil, but as servants of God;
17 Vse spoštujte, bratovščino ljubite, Boga se bojte, kralja čestite!
give honor to all; love the brotherhood; fear God; honor the king.
18 Hlapci, podložni bodite v vsem strahu gospodom, ne samo dobrim in rahlim, nego tudi osornim.
Servants, be subject in all fear to the masters, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the crooked;
19 Kajti to je milost, ako kdo iz vestnosti do Boga prenaša težave, po krivem trpeč.
for this [is] grace: if anyone endures sorrows because of conscience toward God, suffering unrighteously;
20 Kaka namreč slava, če bodete trpeli grešeč in zato tepeni? Nego če ste dobro delajoč in trpeč stanovitni, to je milost pri Bogu.
for what renown [is it], if sinning and being battered, you endure [it]? But if, doing good and suffering [for it], you endure, this [is] grace with God,
21 Kajti v to ste bili poklicani, ker je tudi Kristus trpel za vas, zapustivši vam zgled, da hodite po sledovih njegovih;
for to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving to you an example, that you may follow His steps,
22 "Kateri ni storil greha, in zvijača se ni našla v ustih njegovih,"
who did not commit sin, nor was guile found in His mouth,
23 Kateri psovan ni nazaj psoval, trpeč ni pretil, nego prepuščal sodečemu pravično;
who being reviled—was not reviling again, suffering—was not threatening, and was committing Himself to Him who is judging righteously,
24 Kateri je grehe naše sam na telesu svojem nesel na les, da bi grehom odumrli in živeli pravici; "po katerega progi ste bili ozdravljeni."
who Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree that having died to sins, we may live to righteousness; by whose stripes you were healed;
25 Bili ste namreč kakor ovce tavajoče, ali povrnili ste se zdaj k pastirju in čuvaju duš vaših.
for you were as sheep going astray, but now you turned back to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.