< Zaharija 9 >
1 »Breme Gospodove besede v deželi Hadráh in Damask bo njegov počitek, ko bodo oči človeka kakor od vseh Izraelovih rodov, [usmerjene] proti Gospodu.
An oracle: The message of the Lord concerns the land of Hadrach, it rests upon Damascus. For the capital of Aram belongs to the Lord, as the tribes of Israel do,
2 Tudi Hamát bo njegova meja, Tir in Sidón, čeprav je ta zelo moder.
and also Hamath which borders on it. Tyre and Sidon, for all their wisdom.
3 [Naselbina] Tir si je zgradila oporišče in nakopičila srebra kakor prahu in čistega zlata kakor uličnega blata.
Tyre built for herself a fortress. Heaped up silver as dust, and gold like the dirt of the streets.
4 Glej, Gospod jo bo vrgel ven in udaril bo njeno oblast na morju in použita bo z ognjem.
But now the Lord will dispossess her, cast down her rampart into the sea. She will be consumed in fire.
5 Aškelón bo to videl in se bo bal. Tudi Gaza bo to videla in bo zelo žalostna in Ekrón, kajti njegovo pričakovanje bo osramočeno in kralj bo odtaval iz Gaze in Aškelón ne bo naseljen.
Ashkelon will see and fear, and Gaza writhe in anguish, Ekron, also for her hope will be put to shame. The king will perish from Gaza, Ashkelon will remain uninhabited.
6 Mešanec bo prebival v Ašdódu in jaz bom iztrebil ponos Filistejcev.
A foreign people will settle in Ashdod, and I will humble the pride of the Philistines.
7 Njegovo kri bom odvzel iz njegovih ust in njegove ogabnosti izmed njegovih zob. Toda kdor ostaja, celo on, bo za našega Boga in bo kakor voditelj v Judu in Ekrón bo kakor Jebusejec.
I will take their blood from their mouth, and their abominations from between their teeth. They also will be a remnant for our God, like a clan in Judah, and Ekron will be like the Jebusites.
8 Utaboril se bom okrog svoje hiše zaradi vojske, zaradi tistega, ki gre mimo in zaradi tistega, ki se vrača. Noben zatiralec ne bo več šel skoznje, kajti sedaj sem videl s svojimi očmi.
But I will encamp as a guard about my house, so that none will pass through or return, and no oppressor will pass through them again, for now I have seen with my own eyes.
9 Silno se veseli, oh sionska hči. Vriskaj, oh jeruzalemska hči. Glej, tvoj Kralj prihaja k tebi; pravičen je in ima rešitev duše; ponižen in jahajoč na oslu in žrebetu, osličjem žrebetu.
Rejoice greatly, daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, daughter of Jerusalem! Look, your king comes to you. Vindicated and victorious is he, humble, and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
10 Iztrebil bom voz iz Efrájima, konja iz Jeruzalema in bojni lok bo odrezan in govoril bo mir poganom. Njegovo gospostvo bo od morja celó do morja in od reke celó do koncev zemlje.
He will cut off chariots from Ephraim, and war horses from Jerusalem. The battle bow will be cut off, and he will speak peace to the nations. His rule will be from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth.
11 Tudi kar se tebe tiče, s krvjo tvoje zaveze sem tvoje jetnike poslal iz jame, v kateri ni vode.
And you, too – because of your blood covenant, I have set free your prisoners from the waterless pit.
12 Obrnite se k oporišču, vi jetniki upanja. Celo danes razglašam, da ti bom povrnil dvojno;
To the stronghold will the prisoners of hope return. This day I declare, I will restore double to you.
13 ko sem si ukrivil Juda, lok napolnil z Efrájimom in vzdignil tvoje sinove, oh Sion, zoper tvoje sinove, oh Grčija in te naredil kakor meč mogočnega človeka.«
For I have bent Judah to me, like a bow which I have filled with Ephraim like an arrow. I will urge your sons, Zion, against the sons of Greece, I will make you like the sword of a hero.
14 Gospod bo viden nad njimi in njegova puščica bo šla naprej kakor bliskanje in Gospod Bog bo zatrobil na šofar in pojde z južnimi vrtinčastimi vetrovi.
Then the Lord will be seen above them and his arrow will go forth like lightning. The Lord will blow a blast upon a trumpet, and travel on the whirlwinds of the south.
15 Gospod nad bojevniki jih bo branil in požrli bodo in podjarmili s kamni [iz] prače, in pili bodo in naredili hrup kakor od vina; in napolnjeni bodo kakor skledice in kakor oltarni vogali.
The Lord of hosts will defend them. They will devour and tread down the slingstones, they will drink their blood like wine, they will be full like a bowl, like the crevices of the altar.
16 Gospod, njihov Bog, jih bo na tisti dan rešil, kakor trop svojega ljudstva, kajti oni bodo kakor kamni krone, povzdignjeni kakor zastava nad njegovo deželo.
And the Lord their God will save them on that day, as the flock of his people, as the jewel of a crown shining in his land.
17 Kajti kako velika je njegova dobrota in kako velika je njegova lepota! Žito bo mladeniče naredilo radostne in novo vino mladenke.
How good and how beautiful will it be! Corn will make the young men flourish and new wine the young women!