< Visoka pesem 5 >

1 Prišel sem v svoj vrt, moja sestra, moja nevesta. Nabral sem svojo miro s svojo dišavo, pojedel sem svoje satovje s svojim medom, popil sem svoje vino s svojim mlekom. Jejta, oh prijatelja, pijta, da, obilno pijta, oh ljubljena.
I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice. I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk. The friends speaking to the man and the woman Eat, friends; drink and be drunk with love.
2 Spim, toda moje srce bedi. To je glas mojega ljubljenega, ki trka, rekoč: »Odpri mi, moja sestra, moja ljubezen, moja golobica, moja neomadeževana, kajti moja glava je napolnjena z roso in moji prameni z nočnimi kapljami.«
I was asleep, but my heart was awake. There is the sound of my beloved knocking and saying, “Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled one, for my head is wet with dew, my hair with the night's dampness.”
3 Slekla sem svoj plašč, kako naj ga oblečem? Umila sem svoja stopala, kako naj jih omadežujem?
“I have taken off my robe; must I put it on again? I have washed my feet; must I get them dirty?”
4 Moj ljubljeni je svojo roko položil pri lini od vrat in moja notranjost je bila spodbujena zanj.
My beloved put in his hand through the opening of the door latch, and my heart was stirred up for him.
5 Vstala sem, da odprem svojemu ljubljenemu in moje roke so kapljale z miro in moji prsti s sladko dišečo miro na ročaje zapaha.
I got up to open the door for my beloved; my hands were dripping with myrrh, my fingers with moist myrrh, on the door handle.
6 Odprla sem svojemu ljubljenemu, toda moj ljubljeni se je umaknil in izginil. Moji duši ni zadostovalo, ko je govoril. Iskala sem ga, toda nisem ga mogla najti; klicala sem ga, toda ni mi dal odgovora.
I opened the door for my beloved, but my beloved had turned and gone. My heart sank when he spoke. I looked for him, but I did not find him; I called him, but he did not answer me.
7 Stražarji, ki so šli okoli mesta, so me našli, udarili so me, ranili so me. Čuvaji obzidja so mi odvzeli moje zagrinjalo.
The watchmen found me as they were making their rounds in the city. They struck me and wounded me; the guards on the walls took away my cloak from me.
8 Naročam vam, oh hčere jeruzalemske, če najdete mojega ljubljenega, da mu poveste, da sem bolna od ljubezni.
I want you to swear, daughters of Jerusalem, that if you find my beloved— What will you make known to him?— that I am sick from love.
9 Kaj je tvoj ljubljeni več kakor drug ljubljeni, oh najlepša med ženami? Kaj je tvoj ljubljeni več kakor drug ljubljeni, da nas ti tako bremeniš?
How is your beloved better than another beloved man, most beautiful among women? Why is your beloved better than another beloved, that you ask us to take an oath like this?
10 Moj ljubljeni je bel in rdečkast, vodilen med deset tisoči.
My beloved is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand.
11 Njegova glava je kakor najbolj čisto zlato, njegovi prameni so košati in črni kakor krokar.
His head is the purest gold; his hair is curly and as black as a raven.
12 Njegove oči so kakor oči golobice pri rekah vodá, umite z mlekom in primerno postavljene.
His eyes are like doves beside streams of water, bathed in milk, mounted like jewels.
13 Njegova lica so kakor postelja iz dišav, kakor dišeče cvetlice. Njegove ustnice [so] podobne lilijam, ki kapljajo sladko dišečo miro.
His cheeks are like beds of spices, yielding aromatic scents. His lips are lilies, dripping liquid myrrh.
14 Njegove roke so kakor niz zlatih prstanov napolnjene z berilom. Njegov trebuh je kakor svetla slonovina, prevlečena s safirji.
His arms are rounded gold set with jewels; his abdomen is ivory covered with sapphires.
15 Njegove noge so kakor marmorni stebri, postavljeni na podstavke iz čistega zlata. Njegovo obličje je kakor Libanon, odlično kakor cedre.
His legs are pillars of marble, set on bases of pure gold; his appearance is like Lebanon, choice as the cedars.
16 Njegova usta so najbolj sladka. Da, on je povsem očarljiv. To je moj ljubljeni in to je moj prijatelj. Oh hčere jeruzalemske.
His mouth is most sweet; he is completely lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem.

< Visoka pesem 5 >