< Razodetje 5 >

1 In v desnici njega, ki je sedèl na prestolu, sem videl knjigo, popisano znotraj in na zadnji strani, zapečateno s sedmimi pečati.
I saw, in the right hand of him who sat on the throne, a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed shut with seven seals.
2 In videl sem krepkega angela razglašati z močnim glasom: »Kdo je vreden, da odpre knjigo in da odtrga njene pečate?«
I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the scroll, and to break its seals?"
3 In nihče na nebu niti na zemlji niti pod zemljo, ni bil zmožen, da odpre knjigo niti, da pogleda nanjo.
No one in heaven above, or on the earth, or under the earth, was able to open the scroll, or to look in it.
4 In zelo sem jokal, ker se ni našel nihče vreden, da odpre in da bere knjigo niti, da pogleda nanjo.
And I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open the scroll, or to look in it.
5 In eden izmed starešin mi reče: »Ne jokaj; glej, Lev iz Judovega rodu, Davidova Korenina, je prevladal, da odpre knjigo in da razveže njenih sedem pečatov.«
One of the elders said to me, "Do not weep. Look, the Lion who is of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so that he can open the scroll and loose its seven seals."
6 In pogledal sem in glej, na sredini prestola in štirih živali in sredi starešin je stalo Jagnje, kot bi bilo zaklano in je imelo sedem rogov in sedem oči, ki so sedem Božjih Duhov, poslanih po vsej zemlji.
I saw in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, having seven horns, and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, sent out into all the earth.
7 In prišlo je ter vzelo knjigo iz desnice tistega, ki je sedel na prestolu.
Then he came, and he took it out of the right hand of him who sat on the throne.
8 In ko je vzelo knjigo, so štiri živali in štiriindvajset starešin padli dol pred Jagnjetom in vsi izmed njih so imeli harfe in zlate stekleničke, polne dišav, ki so molitve svetih.
Now when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.
9 In peli so novo pesem, rekoč: »Vredno si, da vzameš to knjigo in da odpreš njene pečate; kajti bilo si umorjeno in s svojo krvjo si nas odkupilo Bogu izmed vsakega sorodstva in jezika in ljudstva in naroda
They sang a new song, saying, "You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals: for you were killed, and redeemed for God with your blood those from every tribe, language, people, and nation,
10 in si nas naredilo [za] kralje in duhovnike pri našemu Bogu, in mi bomo kraljevali na zemlji.«
and made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they will reign on earth."
11 In zagledal sem in zaslišal glas mnogih angelov naokoli prestola in živali in starešin, in njihovo število je bilo desettisočkrat deset tisoč in tisočev tisoči,
I saw, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousands of ten thousands, and thousands of thousands;
12 ki so z močnim glasom govorili: »Vredno je Jagnje, ki je bilo zaklano, da prejme oblast in bogastva in modrost in moč in čast in slavo in blagoslov.«
saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb who has been killed to receive the power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing."
13 In vsako ustvarjeno bitje, ki je na nebu in na zemlji in pod zemljo in takšna, kot so v morju in vse, ki so v njem, sem slišal govoriti: »Blagoslov in čast in slava in oblast naj bo njemu, ki sedi na prestolu in Jagnjetu na veke vekov.« (aiōn g165)
I heard every created thing which is in heaven, on the earth, under the earth, on the sea, and everything in them, saying, "To him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb be the blessing, the honor, the glory, and the dominion, forever and ever." (aiōn g165)
14 In štiri živali so rekle: »Amen.« In štiriindvajset starešin je padlo dol in oboževalo tistega, ki živi na veke vekov.
The four living creatures were saying, "Amen." The elders fell down and worshiped.

< Razodetje 5 >