< Razodetje 21 >
1 In videl sem novo nebo in novo zemljo, kajti prvo nebo in prva zemlja sta prešla in ni bilo več morja.
And I sawe a newe heven and a newe erth For the fyrst heven and the fyrst erth were vanysshed awaye and there was no more see.
2 In jaz, Janez, sem videl sveto mesto, novi Jeruzalem, prihajati dol od Boga, iz nebes, pripravljeno, kakor je nevesta okrašena za svojega soproga.
And I Iho sawe that holy cite newe Ierusalem come doune from God oute of heven prepared as a bryde garnysshed for hyr husband.
3 In zaslišal sem močan glas z neba, rekoč: »Glej, šotorsko svetišče Boga je z ljudmi in prebival bo z njimi in oni bodo njegovi ljudje in sam Bog bo z njimi in bo njihov Bog.
And I herde a grett voyce out of heaven sayinge: beholde the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with the And they shalbe his people and God him sylffe shalbe with the and be their god.
4 In Bog bo obrisal vse solze z njihovih oči; in ne bo več smrti, niti bridkosti, niti jokanja, niti ne bo več nobene bolečine, kajti prejšnje stvari so minile.«
And God shall wype awaye all teares fro their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth nether sorowe nether cryinge nether shall there be eny more payne for the olde thynges are gone.
5 In tisti, ki je sedel na prestolu, je rekel: »Poglej, vse stvari delam nove.« In rekel mi je: »Zapiši, kajti te besede so resnične in zveste.«
And he that sate apon the seate sayde: Behold I make all thynges newe. And he sayde vnto me: wryte for these wordes are faythfull and true.
6 In rekel mi je: »Končano je. Jaz sem Alfa in Omega, začetek in konec. Temu, ki je žejen, bom zastonj dal iz studenca vode življenja.
And he sayde vnto me: it is done I am Alpha and Omega the begynnynge and the ende. I will geve to him yt is a thyrst of the well of the water of lyfe fre.
7 Kdor premaga, bo podedoval vse stvari; in jaz bom njegov Bog, on pa bo moj sin.
He that overcometh shall inheret all thynges and I will be his God and he shalbe my sonne.
8 Toda strahopetci, neverniki, gnusneži, morilci, vlačugarji, čarodeji, malikovalci in vsi lažnivci bodo imeli svoj delež v jezeru, ki gori z ognjem in žveplom, kar je druga smrt.« (Limnē Pyr )
But the fearefull and vnbelevynge and the abhominable and murdrers and whormongers and sorcerers and ydolaters and all lyars shall have their parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone which is the seconde deth. (Limnē Pyr )
9 In k meni je prišel eden izmed sedmih angelov, ki so imeli sedem stekleničk, polnih sedmih zadnjih nadlog in govoril z menoj, rekoč: »Pridi sèm, pokazal ti bom nevesto, Jagnjetovo ženo.«
And there cam vnto me one of the vii. angels which had the vii. vyals full of the vii. laste plages: and talked with me sayinge: come hydder I will shewe the the bryde the lambes wyfe.
10 In v duhu me je odvedel proč, k veliki in visoki gori in mi pokazal tisto veliko mesto, sveti Jeruzalem, ki se je od Boga spuščal z neba,
And he caryed me awaye in the sprete to a grett and an hye mountayne and he shewed me the grett cite holy Ierusalem descendinge out of heven fro God
11 ki je imel Božjo slavo in njegova svetloba je bila podobna najdragocenejšemu kamnu, celó podobna kamnu jaspisu, čistemu kakor kristal;
havynge the brightnes of God. And her shynynge was lyke vnto a stone moste precious even a Iaspar cleare as cristall:
12 in imelo je veliko in visoko obzidje in dvanajst velikih vrat in ob velikih vratih dvanajst angelov in na njih so bila napisana imena, ki so imena dvanajsterih rodov Izraelovih otrok:
and had walles grett and hye and had xii gates and at the gates xii. angels: and names written which are the xii. trybes of Israell:
13 na vzhodu troje velikih vrat, na severu troje velikih vrat, na jugu troje velikih vrat in na zahodu troje velikih vrat.
on the est parte iii gatis and on the north syde iii gates and to wardes the south iii gates and from the west iii gates:
14 In obzidje mesta je imelo dvanajst temeljev in na njih imena dvanajsterih Jagnjetovih apostolov.
and the wall of the cite had xii foundacions and in them the names of the lambes. xii. Apostles.
15 In tisti, ki je govoril z menoj, je imel zlat trst, da izmeri mesto in njegova velika vrata in njegovo obzidje.
And he that talked with me had a golden read to measure the cite with all and the gates therof and the wall therof.
16 In mesto leži štirioglato in dolžina je tako velika kakor širina; in s trstom je izmeril mesto, dvanajst tisoč dolžin brazd. Njegova dolžina in širina in višina so enake.
And the cite was bylt iiii. square and the length was as large as the bredth of it and he measured the cite with the rede. xii M. fur longes: and the lenght and the bredth and ye heyth of it were equall.
17 In izmeril je njegovo obzidje: sto štiriinštirideset komolcev, glede na človeško mero, to je, od angela.
And he measured the wall therof. an cxliiii. cubittes: the measure that ye angell had was after the measure that man vseth.
18 In obzidje je bilo zgrajeno iz jaspisa in mesto je bilo čisto zlato, podobno čistemu steklu.
And the byldinge of the wall of it was of iaspar. And the cite was pure gold lyke vnto cleare glasse
19 In temelji mestnega obzidja so bili okrašeni z vsemi vrstami dragocenih kamnov. Prvi temelj je bil jaspis, drugi safir, tretji kalcedon, četrti smaragd,
and the foundacions of the wall of ye cite was garnisshed with all maner of precious stones The fyrste foundacion was iaspar the seconde saphyre the thyrde a calcedony the fourth an emeralde:
20 peti sardoniks, šesti sardij, sedmi hrizolit, osmi beril, deveti topaz, deseti hrizopraz, enajsti hijacint, dvanajsti ametist.
the fyft sardonix: the sixt sardeos: the seventh crysolite the ayght berall: the nynth a topas: the tenth a crysoprasos: the eleventh a iacyncte: the twelfe an amatist.
21 In dvanajst velikih vrat je bilo dvanajst biserov; vsaka posamezna velika vrata so bila iz enega bisera in ulica mesta je bila čisto zlato, kakor bi bilo prosojno steklo.
The xii. gates were xii pearles every gate was of one pearle and the strete of the cite was pure golde as thorowe shynynge glasse.
22 In v njem nisem videl templja, kajti njegov tempelj sta Gospod Bog Vsemogočni in Jagnje.
And there was no temple therin. For the lord god allmyghty and the lambe are the temple of it
23 In mesto ni potrebovalo sonca niti lune, da bi sijala nanj, kajti razsvetljevala ga je Božja slava in Jagnje je njegova svetloba.
and the cite hath no nede of the sonne nether of the mone to lyghten it. For the bryghtnes of God dyd light it: and the lambe was the light of it.
24 In narodi teh, ki so rešeni, bodo hodili v njegovi svetlobi in kralji zemlje vanj prinesejo svojo slavo in čast.
And the people which are saved shall walke in the light of it: and the kynges of the erth shall brynge their glory vnto it.
25 In njegova velika vrata se podnevi sploh ne bodo zaprla, kajti tam ne bo noči.
And ye gates of it are not shut by daye. For there shalbe no nyght there.
26 In vanj bodo prinesli slavo in čast narodov.
27 In tja nikakor ne bo stopilo karkoli, kar omadežuje niti karkoli počne ogabno ali počne laž, temveč tisti, ki so zapisani v Jagnjetovi knjigi življenja.
And there shall entre into it none vnclene thynge: nether what soever worketh abhominacion: or maketh lyes: but they only which are wrytten in the lambes boke of lyfe.