< Psalmi 80 >

1 Pazljivo prisluhni, Pastir Izraela, ti, ki vodiš Jožefa kakor trop, ti, ki prebivaš med keruboma, zasij.
[For the Chief Musician. To the tune of "The Lilies of the Covenant." A Psalm by Asaph.] Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock, you who sit above the cherubim, shine forth.
2 Pred Efrájimom, Benjaminom in Manásejem razvnemi svojo moč ter pridi in nas reši.
Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up your might. Come to save us.
3 Ponovno nas spreobrni, oh Bog in svojemu obrazu povzroči, da zasije in mi bomo rešeni.
Restore us, God. Cause your face to shine, and we will be saved.
4 Oh Gospod, Bog nad bojevniki, doklej boš jezen proti molitvi svojega ljudstva?
Jehovah, the God of hosts, How long will you be angry against the prayer of your people?
5 Hraniš jih s kruhom solza in jim daješ, da v veliki meri pijejo solze.
You have fed them with the bread of tears, and given them tears to drink in large measure.
6 Delaš nas prepir našim sosedom in naši sovražniki se smejijo med seboj.
You make us a source of contention to our neighbors. Our enemies have mocked us.
7 Ponovno nas spreobrni, oh Bog nad bojevniki in svojemu obrazu povzroči, da zasije in mi bomo rešeni.
Restore us, God of hosts. Cause your face to shine, and we will be saved.
8 Iz Egipta si privedel trto, spodil si pogane in jo zasadil.
You brought a vine out of Egypt. You drove out the nations, and planted it.
9 Pred njo si pripravil prostor in ji povzročil, da je napravila globoko korenino in napolnila zemljo.
You cleared the ground for it. It took deep root, and filled the land.
10 Hribi so bili pokriti z njeno senco in njene veje so bile podobne čednim cedram.
The mountains were covered with its shadow. Its boughs were like God's cedars.
11 Njene veje je poslala v morje in njene mladike v reko.
It sent out its branches to the sea, Its shoots to the River.
12 Zakaj si ti potem podrl njene ograje, tako da jo smukajo vsi, ki gredo mimo po poti?
Why have you broken down its walls, so that all those who pass by the way pluck it?
13 Merjasec iz gozda jo pustoši in poljska žival jo požira.
The boar out of the wood ravages it. The wild animals of the field feed on it.
14 Vrni se, rotimo te, oh Bog nad bojevniki, poglej dol z neba in glej in obišči to trto
Return, we beg you, God of hosts. Look down from heaven, and see, and visit this vine,
15 in vinograd, ki ga je zasadila tvoja desnica in mladiko, ki si jo zaradi sebe naredil močno.
the stock which your right hand planted, the branch that you made strong for yourself.
16 Požgana je z ognjem, posekana je. Oni se pogubljajo ob graji tvojega obličja.
It's burned with fire. It's cut down. They perish at your rebuke.
17 Naj bo tvoja roka nad človekom tvoje desnice, nad sinom človekovim, ki si ga storil močnega zase.
Let your hand be on the man of your right hand, on the son of man whom you made strong for yourself.
18 Tako od tebe ne bomo odšli nazaj. Oživi nas in mi bomo klicali tvoje ime.
So we will not turn away from you. Revive us, and we will call on your name.
19 Ponovno nas spreobrni, oh Gospod Bog nad bojevniki, svojemu obrazu povzroči, da zasije in mi bomo rešeni.
Restore us, Jehovah, the God of hosts. Cause your face to shine, and we will be saved.

< Psalmi 80 >