< Psalmi 61 >

1 Sliši moj klic, oh Bog, prisluhni moji molitvi.
For the music director. With stringed instruments. A psalm of David. God, please hear my cry for help; please listen to my prayer.
2 Od konca zemlje bom klical k tebi, ko je moje srce preplavljeno. Vôdi me k skali, ki je višja kakor jaz.
From this distant place, far from home, I cry out to you as my courage fails. Take me to a rock high above me where I will be safe,
3 Kajti zame si bil zatočišče in močna trdnjava pred sovražnikom.
for you are my protection, a strong tower where my enemies cannot attack me.
4 V tvojem šotorskem svetišču bom ostal na veke. Zaupal bom v skrivališče tvojih peruti. (Sela)
Let me live with you forever; protect me under the shelter of your wings. (Selah)
5 Kajti ti, oh Bog, si uslišal moje zaobljube; dal si mi dediščino tistih, ki se bojijo tvojega imena.
For you, God, have heard the promises I've made. You have given all those who love your character your special blessing.
6 Kralju boš podaljšal življenje in njegova leta kakor mnoge rodove.
Please give the king many extra years; may his reign last through generations.
7 Pred Bogom bo on ostal na veke. O pripravi usmiljenje in resnico, ki ga lahko varuje.
May he always live in your presence; may your trustworthy love and faithfulness protect him.
8 Tako bom na veke prepeval hvalo tvojemu imenu, da bom lahko dnevno opravljal svoje zaobljube.
Then I will always sing praises to you, and every day I will keep my promises to you.

< Psalmi 61 >