< Psalmi 60 >

1 Oh Bog, zavrgel si nas, razkropil si nas, razžaljen si bil; oh, ponovno se obrni k nam.
To the Chief Musician. Upon "The Lily of Testimony." A precious Psalm of David, to instruct. When he waged war with Aram-neharaim, and with Aram-zobah, —and then Joab returned and smote of Edom in the Valley of Salt, twelve thousand. O God, thou hast rejected us—hast scattered us, Thou hast been angry, Wilt thou restore us?
2 Storil si, da zemlja trepeta, zlomil si jo; zaceli njene vrzeli, kajti trese se.
Thou hast shaken the land—hast rent it, Heal thou the fractures thereof—for it hath tottered:
3 Svojemu ljudstvu si pokazal težke stvari. Storil si nam, da pijemo vino osuplosti.
Thou hast suffered thy people to see hardship, Thou hast let them drink the wine of confusion.
4 Tem, ki se te bojijo, si dal prapor, da bi bil ta lahko dvignjen zaradi resnice. (Sela)
Thou hadst given—to them that revere thee—a banner, to float aloft, Because of [thy] faithfulness. (Selah)
5 Da bodo tvoji ljubljeni lahko osvobojeni, reši s svojo desnico in me usliši.
That thy beloved ones may be delivered, Save thou with thine own right hand—and answer us.
6 Bog je spregovoril v svoji svetosti: »Veselil se bom, razdelil bom Sihem in odmeril Sukótsko dolino.
God, hath spoken in his holiness—I will exult! I will apportion Shechem, And, the Vale of Succoth, will I measure out;
7 Gileád je moj in Manáse je moj; tudi Efrájim je moč moje glave, Juda je moj postavodajalec,
Mine, is Gilead—and mine, Manasseh, But, Ephraim, is the defence, of my head, Judah, is my commander’s staff;
8 Moáb je moj lonec za pranje, nad Edóm bom vrgel svoj čevelj; Filisteja zmaguj zaradi mene.«
Moab, is my wash-bowl, Upon Edom, will I throw my shoe, Over Philistia! raise shout of triumph.
9 Kdo me bo privedel v utrjeno mesto? Kdo me bo vodil v Edóm?
Who will conduct me to a fortified city? Who will lead me as far as Edom!
10 Mar ne ti, oh Bog, ki si nas zavrgel? In ti, oh Bog, ki nisi odšel z našimi vojskami?
Is it not, thou, O God?—thou hast rejected us! And wilt thou not go forth, O God, with our hosts?
11 Daj nam pomoč iz stiske, kajti prazna je človeška pomoč.
Grant us help out of distress, For, vain, is the deliverance of man:
12 Zaradi Boga bomo delali hrabro, kajti on je ta, ki bo pomendral naše sovražnike.
In God, we shall do valiantly, He himself, therefore, will tread down our adversaries.

< Psalmi 60 >