< Psalmi 58 >
1 Ali zares govorite pravičnost, oh skupnost? Ali sodite iskreno, oh vi človeški sinovi?
For the leader. Al tashheth. Of David. A michtam. Do you speak what is right, you gods? With equity judge you your people?
2 Da, v srcu počnete zlobnost, na zemlji presojate nasilje svojih rok.
In the land you practise iniquity – all of you; violence do you dispense with your hands.
3 Zlobni so odtujeni od maternice. Proč odidejo takoj, ko so rojeni, govoreč laži.
The wicked go astray from the womb liars take the wrong path from their birth.
4 Njihov strup je podoben kačjemu strupu. Podobni so gluhemu gadu, ki si maši svoje uho,
Venom have they like the venom of snakes, they are like the deaf adder that stops her ears,
5 ki ne bo prisluhnil glasu krotilcev, ki nikoli ne kroti tako oprezno.
and refuses to listen to the voice of the charmer, or binder of spells, no matter how cunning.
6 Oh Bog, polomi jim njihove zobe v njihovih ustih. Mladim levom izruj velik zob, oh Gospod.
O God, break to pieces the teeth in their mouth, tear out the great teeth of the young lions, Lord.
7 Naj se stopijo kakor vode, ki nenehno tečejo. Ko on napenja svoj lok, da izstreli svoje puščice, naj bodo kakor razrezani na koščke.
May they melt away like running water! Like tender grass, cut down may they be!
8 Kakor polž, ki se stopi, naj premine vsak izmed njih. Kakor preran porod ženske, da oni ne morejo videti sonca.
Like the snail that dissolves on its crawling path, like the birth untimely which sees not the sunlight.
9 Preden lahko vaši lonci začutijo trnje, jih bo odvedel proč kakor z vrtinčastim vetrom, tako žive kakor v svojem besu.
Faster than a thorn-fire heats your pots, he will come with his tempest and sweep them away.
10 Pravični se bo veselil, ko vidi maščevanje. Svoja stopala si bo umil v krvi zlobnega.
The sight of such vengeance will gladden the righteous; their feet they will wash in the blood of the wicked.
11 Tako da bo človek rekel: »Resnično je nagrada za pravičnega. Resnično, on je Bog, ki sodi na zemlji.«
People will say, “Yes, the just are rewarded: yes, on the earth is a God who is Judge.”