< Psalmi 42 >
1 Kakor jelen hlepi za vodnimi potoki, tako moja duša hrepeni po tebi oh Bog.
BOOK II For the Leader; Maschil of the sons of Korah. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God.
2 Mojo dušo žeja po Bogu, po živem Bogu. Kdaj bom prišel in se pojavil pred Bogom?
My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: 'When shall I come and appear before God?'
3 Moje solze so mi bile hrana dan in noč, medtem ko mi nenehno pravijo: »Kje je tvoj Bog?«
My tears have been my food day and night, while they say unto me all the day: 'Where is Thy God?'
4 Ko se spominjam teh besed, v sebi izlivam svojo dušo, kajti odšel sem z množico, z njimi sem šel k Božji hiši, z glasom radosti in hvale, z množico, ki je praznovala sveti dan.
These things I remember, and pour out my soul within me, how I passed on with the throng, and led them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, a multitude keeping holyday.
5 Zakaj si potrta, oh moja duša? In zakaj si vznemirjena v meni? Upaj v Boga, kajti še ga bom hvalil zaradi pomoči njegovega obličja.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why moanest thou within me? Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise Him for the salvation of His countenance.
6 Oh moj Bog, moja duša je v meni potrta, zatorej se te spominjam iz jordanske in hermonske dežele, s hriba Micár.
O my God, my soul is cast down within me; therefore do I remember Thee from the land of Jordan, and the Hermons, from the hill Mizar.
7 Brezno kliče breznu ob zvoku tvojih vodnih tornadov. Vsi tvoji valovi in tvoji veliki valovi so šli čezme.
Deep calleth unto deep at the voice of Thy cataracts; all Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over me.
8 Vendar bo Gospod podnevi zapovedal svoji ljubeči skrbnosti in ponoči bo njegova pesem z menoj in moja molitev k Bogu mojega življenja.
By day the LORD will command His lovingkindness, and in the night His song shall be with me, even a prayer unto the God of my life.
9 Rekel bom Bogu, svoji skali: »Zakaj si me pozabil? Zakaj hodim in žalujem zaradi sovražnikovega zatiranja?«
I will say unto God my Rock: 'Why hast Thou forgotten me? Why go I mourning under the oppression of the enemy?'
10 Kakor z mečem v moje kosti me grajajo moji sovražniki, medtem ko mi vsak dan pravijo: »Kje je tvoj Bog?«
As with a crushing in my bones, mine adversaries taunt me; while they say unto me all the day: 'Where is Thy God?'
11 Zakaj si potrta, oh moja duša? In zakaj si vznemirjena znotraj mene? Upaj v Boga, kajti še bom hvalil njega, ki je zdravje mojega obličja in moj Bog.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why moanest thou within me? Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the salvation of my countenance, and my God.