< Psalmi 4 >

1 Poslušaj me, kadar kličem, oh Bog moje pravičnosti. Osvobodil si me, ko sem bil v stiski, usmili se me in usliši mojo molitev.
For the End, a Song of David among [the ]Psalms. When I called upon [him], the God of my righteousness heard me: you have made room for me in tribulation; pity me, and listen to my prayer.
2 Oh vi človeški sinovi, doklej boste mojo slavo spreminjali v sramoto? Kako dolgo boste ljubili prazne reči in iskali laž? (Sela)
O you sons of men, how long [will you be] slow of heart? therefore do you love vanity, and seek falsehood? (Pause)
3 Toda vedite, da je Gospod zase oddvojil tistega, ki je bogaboječ. Gospod bo slišal, kadar kličem k njemu.
But know you that the Lord has done wondrous things for his holy one: the Lord will hear me when I cry to him.
4 Stoj v strahospoštovanju in ne greši. Na svoji postelji se posvetuj s svojim lastnim srcem in miruj. (Sela)
Be you angry, and sin not; feel compunction upon your beds for what you say in your hearts. (Pause)
5 Daruj klavne daritve pravičnosti in svoje trdno upanje položi v Gospoda.
Offer the sacrifice of righteousness, and trust in the Lord.
6 Mnogi so, ki pravijo: »Kdo nam bo pokazal karkoli dobrega?« Gospod, dvigni nad nami svetlobo svojega obličja.
Many say, Who will show us good things? the light of your countenance, O Lord, has been manifested towards us.
7 V moje srce si položil veselje, več kot v času, ko je naraslo njihovo žito in njihovo vino.
You have put gladness into my heart: they have been satisfied with the fruit of their corn and wine and oil.
8 V miru se bom ulegel in spal. Kajti samo ti, Gospod, mi daješ prebivati na varnem.
I will both lie down in peace and sleep: for you, Lord, only have caused me to dwell securely.

< Psalmi 4 >