< Psalmi 38 >
1 Oh Gospod, ne oštevaj me v svojem besu niti me ne karaj v svojem silnem nezadovoljstvu.
A Melody of David. To bring to Remembrance. O Yahweh, do not, in thine anger, correct me, nor, in thy wrath, chastise me;
2 Kajti tvoje puščice trdno tičijo v meni in tvoja roka me boleče pritiska.
For, thine arrows, have sunk down into me, and thy hand, presseth heavily upon me.
3 Zaradi tvoje jeze na mojem mesu ni zdravja niti ni v mojih kosteh zaradi mojega greha nobenega počitka.
There is no soundness in my flesh, By reason of thine indignation, There is no peace in my bones, By reason of my sin;
4 Kajti moje krivičnosti so presegle mojo glavo, kakor težko breme so zame pretežke.
For, mine iniquities, have passed over my head, Like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me:
5 Moje rane zaudarjajo in so okužene zaradi moje nespametnosti.
My wounds are of bad odour—they have festered, by reason of my folly:
6 Zaskrbljen sem, silno sem sklonjen, ves dan hodim in žalujem.
I am bent, I am bowed down very low. All the day, have I gloomily walked;
7 Kajti moja ledja so napolnjena z gnusno boleznijo in zdravja ni na mojem mesu.
For, my loins, are filled with inflammation, and there is no soundness in my flesh:
8 Slaboten sem in boleče zlomljen, vpil sem zaradi nemira v svojem srcu.
I am benumbed and crushed exceedingly, —I have cried aloud because of the groaning of my heart.
9 Gospod, pred teboj je vse moje hrepenenje in moje stokanje ni skrito pred teboj.
O My Lord! before thee, is all my longing, and, my sighing, from thee, hath not been hid:
10 Moje srce trepeta, moja moč me zapušča. Glede svetlobe mojih oči, je tudi ta odšla od mene.
My heart, fluttereth, my strength hath forsaken me, and, as for the light of mine eyes, even they, are not with me:
11 Moji ljubi in moji prijatelji stojijo daleč stran od moje rane in moji sorodniki stojijo daleč stran.
My lovers, and my friends, from before my stroke, stand aloof, —and, my near ones, far away, do stand:
12 Tudi tisti, ki mi strežejo po življenju, zame postavljajo zanke in tisti, ki iščejo mojo bolečino, govorijo pogubne stvari in si ves dan domišljajo prevare.
Yea they who are seeking my life, have laid snares, and they who are asking my harm, have threatened engulfing ruin, And, deceitful things—all day long, do they mutter.
13 Toda jaz, kakor gluh človek, nisem slišal in bil sem nem človek, ki ne odpira svojih ust.
But, I, as one deaf, will not hear, —and as one dumb, who will not open his mouth:
14 Tako sem bil človek, ki ne sliši in v čigar ustih ni opominov.
Thus have I become as a man who cannot hear, in whose mouth are no arguments:
15 Kajti vate zaupam, oh Gospod, ti boš uslišal, oh Gospod, moj Bog.
Because, for thee, O Yahweh, have I waited, Thou, wilt answer, O Adonay, my God!
16 Kajti rekel sem: » Usliši me, da se ne bi sicer veselili nad menoj. Ko moje stopalo zdrsuje, se poveličujejo proti meni.«
For I said, Lest they rejoice over me! When my feet were tottering, against me, have they magnified themselves:
17 Kajti pripravljen sem, da se zaustavim in moja bridkost je nenehno pred menoj.
For, I, to halt, am ready, and, my pain, is before me continually;
18 Kajti oznanil bom svojo krivičnost, žalosten bom zaradi svojega greha.
For, mine iniquity, will I declare, I shall be anxious because of my sin;
19 Toda moji sovražniki so živi in oni so močni, in tisti, ki me krivično sovražijo, so pomnoženi.
And, my foes, are alive—have become strong, —and multiplied are they who hate me for false cause:
20 Tudi tisti, ki vračajo zlo za dobro, so moji nasprotniki, ker sledim stvari, ki je dobra.
Even they who are repaying evil for good, accuse me because I pursue the good.
21 Ne zapusti me, oh Gospod. Oh moj Bog, ne bodi daleč od mene.
Do not forsake me, O Yahweh, My God! be not far from me:
22 Podvizaj se, da mi pomagaš, oh Gospod, rešitev moje duše.
Make haste to help me, My Lord, my deliverance!