< Psalmi 22 >

1 Moj Bog, moj Bog, zakaj si me zapustil? Zakaj si tako daleč proč od pomoči meni in od besed mojega vpitja?
To the Chief Musician. On "the Hind of the Dawn." A Melody of David. My GOD, my GOD, why hast thou forsaken me? Far from saving me, The words of my loud lamentation?
2 Oh moj Bog, jokam podnevi, toda ti me ne uslišiš in v nočnem času in nisem tiho.
My God! I keep crying—By day, and thou dost not answer, and, By night, and there is no rest for me.
3 Toda ti si svet, oh ti, ki naseljuješ Izraelove hvalnice.
But, thou, art holy, Who inhabitest the praises of Israel.
4 Naši očetje so zaupali vate. Zaupali so in si jih osvobodil.
In thee, trusted our fathers, They trusted, and thou didst deliver them;
5 Klicali so k tebi in so bili osvobojeni. Zaupali so vate in niso bili zbegani.
Unto thee, made they outcry, and escaped, In thee, they trusted, and had not turned pale.
6 Toda jaz sem [škrlatni] črv in ne mož; graja ljudem in preziran od ljudstva.
But, I, am a worm and no one, a reproach of men, and despised of a people;
7 Vsi, ki me vidijo, se mi smejijo do norčevanja. Namrdnejo ustnico [in] zmajujejo z glavo, rekoč:
All that see me, laugh at me, —They open wide the mouth, They shake the head: —
8 »Zaupal je v Gospoda, da ga bo osvobodil. Naj ga reši, glede na to, da se je razveseljeval v njem.«
He should trust in Yahweh—let him deliver him, —Let him rescue him, seeing he delighteth in him.
9 Toda ti si ta, ki me je potegnil iz maternice. Oblikoval si mi zaupanje, ko sem bil na prsih svoje matere.
For, thou, art he that severed me from the womb, he that caused me to trust, upon the breasts of my mother;
10 Iz maternice sem bil vržen nate. Ti si moj Bog od trebuha moje matere.
Upon thee, was I cast from the time I was born, From the womb of my mother, my GOD, hast thou been.
11 Ne bodi daleč od mene, kajti stiska je blizu, kajti nikogar ni, da pomaga.
Be not far from me, for, distress, is near, For there is none to help.
12 Obdalo me je mnogo bikov. Močni bašánski biki so me obdali naokoli.
Many bulls have surrounded me, Strong oxen of Bashan, have enclosed me;
13 S svojimi gobci so zevali vame, kakor ropa željan in rjoveč lev.
They have opened wide against me their mouth, A lion rending and roaring.
14 Izlit sem kakor voda in vse moje kosti so izpahnjene. Moje srce je podobno vosku, stopljeno je v sredi moje notranjosti.
Like water, am I poured out, and, put out of joint, are all my bones, —My heart, hath become, like wax, it is melted in the midst of my body;
15 Moja moč je izsušena kakor črepinja in moj jezik se lepi k mojim čeljustim in ti si me privedel v smrtni prah.
Dried as a potsherd, is my strength, And, my tongue, is made to cleave to my gums, And, in the dust of death, wilt thou lay me.
16 Kajti psi so me obdali. Zajel me je zbor zlobnih. Prebodli so moje roke in moja stopala.
For dogs have surrounded me, —An assembly of evil doers, have encircled me, They have pierced my hands and my feet,
17 Vse svoje kosti lahko razločim. Oni pa gledajo in strmijo vame.
I may tell all my bones, They, look for—they behold me!
18 Moje obleke si razdeljujejo med seboj in za mojo suknjo so metali žrebe.
They part my garments among them, and, for my vestment, they cast lots.
19 Toda ti, oh Gospod, ne bodi daleč od mene. Oh moja moč, hiti, da mi pomagaš.
But, thou, O Yahweh, be not far off, O my help! to aid me, make haste;
20 Osvobodi mojo dušo pred mečem, mojo ljubljeno pred močjo psa.
Rescue, from the sword, my life, from the power of the dog, my solitary self:
21 Reši me pred levjimi usti, kajti uslišal si me pred rogovi samorogov.
Save me from the mouth of the lion, —Yea, from the horns of wild beasts, hast thou delivered me.
22 Tvoje ime bom oznanjal svojim bratom. Na sredi skupnosti te bom hvalil.
I will declare thy Name unto my brethren, —In the midst of the convocation, will I praise thee.
23 Vi, ki se bojite Gospoda, hvalite ga, vsi vi, seme Jakobovo, proslavite ga, in bojte se ga, vsi vi, seme Izraelovo.
Ye that revere Yahweh, praise him, All ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him, And, stand in awe of him, all ye seed of Israel.
24 Kajti ni zaničeval niti preziral stiske stiskanih niti svojega obraza ni skrival pred njim; toda ko je klical k njemu, je slišal.
For he hath not despised nor abhorred the humbling of the patient one, neither hath he hid his face from him, but, when he cried for help unto him, he heard.
25 Moja hvala v veliki skupnosti bo o tebi. Svoje zaobljube bom izpolnil pred tistimi, ki se ga bojijo.
Of thee, is my praise in the great convocation, My vows, will I pay, before them who revere him.
26 Krotki bodo jedli in bodo nasičeni. Hvalili bodo Gospoda [tisti], ki ga iščejo. Vaše srce bo živelo na veke.
The patient wronged-ones shall eat and be satisfied, They shall praise Yahweh, who are seekers of him, Let your heart live for aye.
27 Vsi konci zemlje se bodo spomnili in obrnili h Gospodu in vsa sorodstva narodov bodo oboževala pred teboj.
All the ends of the earth, will remember and turn to Yahweh, Yea all the families of the nations, will bow themselves down before thee,
28 Kajti kraljestvo je Gospodovo in on je voditelj med narodi.
For, to Yahweh, belongeth the kingdom, And One to Rule over the nations.
29 Vsi tisti, ki so na zemlji obilni, bodo jedli in oboževali. Vsi tisti, ki gredo dol v prah, se bodo poklonili pred njim, svoje lastne duše pa nihče ne more ohraniti žive.
All the great ones of the earth, shall eat and bow down, Before him shall kneel, all that go down to the dust, Even he who had not kept alive, his own soul!
30 Seme mu bo služilo; to bo šteto h Gospodu za rod.
My seed, shall serve him, It shall be recounted, of the Lord, to a generation that shall come:
31 Prišli bodo in oznanjali bodo njegovo pravičnost ljudem, ki bodo rojeni, da je on to storil.
That his righteousness may be declared to a people to be born, That he wrought with effect!

< Psalmi 22 >