< Psalmi 20 >

1 Gospod te sliši na dan stiske, ime Jakobovega Boga te brani,
For the chief musician. A psalm of David. May Yahweh help you in the day of trouble; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you
2 pošlje ti pomoč iz svetišča in te okrepi s Siona,
and send help from the holy place to support you from Zion.
3 spominja se vseh tvojih daritev in sprejema tvojo žgalno daritev. (Sela)
May he call to mind all your offerings and accept your burnt sacrifice. (Selah)
4 Usliši te glede na tvoje lastno srce in izpolni vso tvojo namero.
May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans.
5 Veselili se bomo v tvoji rešitvi duše in svoje prapore bomo postavili v imenu svojega Boga. Gospod izpolnjuje vse tvoje prošnje.
Then we will rejoice in your victory, and, in the name of our God, we will raise banners. May Yahweh grant all your petitions.
6 Sedaj vem, da Gospod rešuje svojega maziljenca; iz svojih svetih nebes ga bo uslišal z rešujočo močjo svoje desnice.
Now I know that Yahweh will rescue his anointed one; he will answer him from his holy heaven with the strength of his right hand that can rescue him.
7 Nekateri zaupajo v bojne vozove, nekateri pa v konje, toda mi se bomo spominjali imena Gospoda, svojega Boga.
Some trust in chariots and others in horses, but we call on Yahweh our God.
8 Oni so ponižani in padli, toda mi vstanemo in stojimo pokončno.
They will be brought down and fall, but we will rise and stand upright!
9 Reši, Gospod. Naj nas sliši kralj, ko kličemo.
Yahweh, rescue the king; help us when we call.

< Psalmi 20 >