< Psalmi 127 >

1 Razen če Gospod ne zida hiše, se zaman trudijo, ki jo gradijo. Razen če Gospod ne varuje mesta, stražar le zaman bedi.
A Canticle in steps: of Solomon. Unless the Lord has built the house, those who build it have labored in vain. Unless the Lord has guarded the city, he who guards it watches in vain.
2 Zaman je zate, da vstajaš zgodaj, da hodiš pozno spat, da ješ kruh bridkosti, kajti tako on svojim ljubljenim daje spanje.
It is in vain that you rise before daylight, that you rise up after you have sat down, you who chew the bread of sorrow. Whereas, to his beloved, he will give sleep.
3 Glej! Otroci so dediščina od Gospoda in sad maternice je njegova nagrada.
Behold, the inheritance of the Lord is sons, the reward is the fruit of the womb.
4 Kakor so puščice v roki mogočnega človeka, tako so otroci mladosti.
Like arrows in the hand of the powerful, so are the sons of those who have been cast out.
5 Srečen je človek, ki jih ima poln tul; ne bodo osramočeni, temveč bodo govorili s sovražniki pri velikih vratih.
Blessed is the man who has filled his desire from these things. He will not be confounded when he speaks to his enemies at the gate.

< Psalmi 127 >