< Psalmi 12 >
1 Pomagaj, Gospod, kajti bogaboječi človek izginja, kajti zvesti izmed človeških otrok slabi.
To the Overseer, on the octave. — A Psalm of David. Save, Jehovah, for the saintly hath failed, For the stedfast have ceased From the sons of men:
2 Prazne reči govorijo vsak s svojim bližnjim. Govorijo z laskavimi ustnicami in dvoličnim srcem.
Vanity they speak each with his neighbour, Lip of flattery! With heart and heart they speak.
3 Gospod bo iztrebil vse laskave ustnice in jezik, ki govori ponosne stvari,
Jehovah doth cut off all lips of flattery, A tongue speaking great things,
4 ki so rekli: »S svojim jezikom bomo prevladali, naše ustnice so naša last. Kdo je gospodar nad nami?«
Who said, 'By our tongue we do mightily: Our lips [are] our own; who [is] lord over us?'
5 »Zaradi zatiranja siromašnega, zaradi vzdihovanja pomoči potrebnega se bom sedaj vzdignil, « govori Gospod, »postavil ga bom na varno pred tistim, ki se napihuje nad njim.«
Because of the spoiling of the poor, Because of the groaning of the needy, Now do I arise, saith Jehovah, I set in safety [him who] doth breathe for it.
6 Gospodove besede so čiste besede; kakor srebro, preizkušeno v zemljini talilni peči, sedemkrat prečiščeno.
Sayings of Jehovah [are] pure sayings; Silver tried in a furnace of earth refined sevenfold.
7 Ti jih boš varoval, oh Gospod, pred tem rodom jih boš ohranil na veke.
Thou, O Jehovah, dost preserve them, Thou keepest us from this generation to the age.
8 Zlobni hodijo na vsaki strani, ko so najnizkotnejši ljudje povišani.
Around the wicked walk continually, According as vileness is exalted by sons of men!