< Psalmi 110 >

1 Gospod je rekel mojemu Gospodu: »Sédi na mojo desnico, dokler ne naredim tvojih sovražnikov [za] tvojo pručko.«
[A Psalm by David.] YHWH says to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."
2 Gospod bo s Siona poslal palico tvoje moči; vladaj v sredi svojih sovražnikov.
YHWH will send forth the rod of your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of your enemies.
3 Tvoje ljudstvo bo voljno na dan tvoje moči, v krasotah svetosti od maternice jutra; ti imaš roso svoje mladosti.
Your people offer themselves willingly on the day of your power. On the holy mountains at sunrise the dew of your youth will be yours.
4 Gospod je prisegel in se ne bo kesal: »Ti si duhovnik na veke po Melkízedekovem redu.«
YHWH has sworn, and will not change his mind: "You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek."
5 Gospod na tvoji desnici bo na dan svojega besa udaril čez kralje.
YHWH is at your right hand. He will crush kings in the day of his wrath.
6 Sodil bo med pogani, kraje bo napolnil s trupli, ranil bo glave nad mnogimi deželami.
He will judge among the nations. He will heap up dead bodies. He will shatter the head throughout a vast territory.
7 Na poti bo pil iz potoka, zato bo dvignil glavo.
He will drink of the brook in the way; therefore he will lift up his head.

< Psalmi 110 >