< Pregovori 26 >

1 Kakor sneg poleti in kakor dež ob času žetve, tako se čast ne poda bedaku.
In the manner of snow in the summer, and rain at the harvest, so also is glory unfit for the foolish.
2 Kakor ptica s potepanjem, kakor lastovka z letenjem, tako prekletstvo brez razloga ne bo prišlo.
Like a bird flying away to another place, and like a sparrow that hurries away freely, so also a curse uttered against someone without cause will pass away.
3 Bič za konja, uzda za osla in palica za hrbet bedaka.
A whip is for a horse, and a muzzle is for donkey, and a rod is for the back of the imprudent.
4 Bedaku ne odgovori glede na njegovo neumnost, da ne bi bil tudi ti podoben njemu.
Do not respond to the foolish according to his folly, lest you become like him.
5 Odgovori bedaku glede na njegovo neumnost, da on ne bi bil moder v svoji lastni domišljavosti.
Respond to the foolish according to his folly, lest he imagine himself to be wise.
6 Kdor pošilja sporočilo po roki bedaka, si odseka stopala in pije škodo.
Whoever sends words by a foolish messenger has lame feet and drinks iniquity.
7 Nogi hromega nista enaki; takšna je prispodoba v ustih bedakov.
In the manner of a lame man who has beautiful legs to no purpose, so also is a parable unfit for the mouth of the foolish.
8 Kakor kdor poveže kamen v pračo, tak je, kdor daje čast bedaku.
Just like one who casts a stone into the pile of Mercury, so also is he who gives honor to the foolish.
9 Kakor gre trn v roko pijanca, taka je prispodoba v ustih bedakov.
In the manner of a thorn, if it were to spring up from the hand of a drunkard, so also is a parable in the mouth of the foolish.
10 Velik Bog, ki je ustvaril vse stvari, nagrajuje tako bedaka kakor prestopnike.
Judgment determines cases. And whoever imposes silence on the foolish mitigates anger.
11 Kakor se pes vrača k svojemu izbljuvku, tako se bedak vrača k svoji neumnosti.
Like a dog that returns to his vomit, so also is the imprudent who repeats his foolishness.
12 Ali vidiš modrega človeka v njegovi lastni domišljavosti? Več upanja je za bedaka kakor zanj.
Have you seen a man who seems wise to himself? There will be greater hope held for the unwise than for him.
13 Len človek pravi: » Tam je lev na poti, lev je na ulicah.«
The lazy one says, “There is a lion along the way, and a lioness in the roads.”
14 Kakor se vrata obračajo na svojih tečajih, tako se leni na svoji postelji.
Just as a door turns upon its hinges, so also does the lazy one turn upon his bed.
15 Leni skriva svojo roko v svojem naročju, žalosti ga, da jo ponovno prinese k svojim ustom.
The lazy one conceals his hand under his arms, and it is a labor for him to move it to his mouth.
16 Lenuh je modrejši v svoji lastni domišljavosti, kakor sedem mož, ki lahko izkažejo razlog.
The lazy one seems wiser to himself than seven men speaking judgments.
17 Kdor gre mimo in se vmešava v prepir, ki mu ne pripada, je podoben tistemu, ki psa zgrabi za ušesa.
Just like one who takes hold of a dog by the ears, so also is he who crosses impatiently and meddles in the quarrels of another.
18 Kakor zmešan človek, ki meče kose tlečega lesa, puščice in smrt,
Just as he is guilty who let loose the arrows and the lances unto death,
19 tak je človek, ki zavaja svojega bližnjega in pravi: »Ali nisem na zabavi?«
so also is the man who harms his friend by deceitfulness. And when he has been apprehended, he says, “I did it jokingly.”
20 Kjer ni nobenega lesa, tam ogenj poide. Tako, kjer ni tožljivca, prepir preneha.
When the wood fails, the fire will be extinguished. And when the gossiper is taken away, conflicts will be quelled.
21 Kakor je oglje za vročo žerjavico in drva za ogenj, tako je prepirljiv človek za podžiganje prepira.
Just as charcoals are to burning coals, and wood is to fire, so also is an angry man who stirs up quarrels.
22 Besede tožljivca so kakor rane in gredo navzdol v najnotranjejše dele trebuha.
The words of a whisperer seem simple, but they penetrate to the innermost parts of the self.
23 Goreče ustnice in zlobno srce sta podobna črepinji, pokriti s srebrovo žlindro.
In the same manner as an earthen vessel, if it were adorned with impure silver, conceited lips are allied with a wicked heart.
24 Kdor sovraži, prikriva s svojimi ustnicami in znotraj sebe shranjuje prevaro;
An enemy is known by his lips, though it is from his heart that he draws out deceit.
25 kadar govori lepo, mu ne verjemi, kajti sedem ogabnosti je v njegovem srcu.
When he will have lowered his voice, do not believe him, for there are seven vices in his heart.
26 Čigar sovraštvo je pokrito s prevaro, bo njegova zlobnost razkazana pred celotno skupnostjo.
Whoever covers hatred with deceit, his malice shall be revealed in the assembly.
27 Kdorkoli koplje jamo, bo padel vanjo, in kdor vali kamen, se bo le-ta vrnil nadenj.
Whoever digs a pit will fall into it. And whoever rolls a stone, it will roll back to him.
28 Lažniv jezik sovraži tiste, ki so prizadeti z njim in prilizovanje ust dela propad.
A false tongue does not love truth. And a slippery mouth works ruin.

< Pregovori 26 >