< Pregovori 24 >

1 Ne bodi nevoščljiv zlobnim niti si ne želi biti z njimi.
[My] son, envy not bad men, nor desire to be with them.
2 Kajti njihovo srce razmišlja uničenje in njihove ustnice govorijo o vragoliji.
For their heart meditates falsehoods, and their lips speak mischiefs.
3 Z modrostjo je hiša zgrajena in z razumevanjem je utrjena
A house is built by wisdom, and is set up by understanding.
4 in po spoznanju bodo sobe napolnjene z vsemi dragocenimi in prijetnimi bogastvi.
By discretion the chambers are filled with all precious and excellent wealth.
5 Moder človek je močan, da, človek spoznanja povečuje moč.
A wise man is better than a strong man; and a man who has prudence than a large estate.
6 Kajti po modrem nasvetu boš vojskoval svojo vojno, in v množici svetovalcev je varnost.
War is carried on with generalship, and aid is supplied to the heart of a counsellor.
7 Modrost je za bedaka previsoka, on svojih ust ne odpira v velikih vratih.
Wisdom and good understanding are in the gates of the wise: the wise turn not aside from the mouth of the Lord,
8 Kdor snuje delati zlo, bo imenovan [za] pogubno osebo.
but deliberate in council. Death befalls uninstructed [men].
9 Misel nespametnosti je greh in posmehljivec je ogabnost ljudem.
The fools also dies in sins; and uncleanness [attaches] to a pestilent man.
10 Če na dan nadloge slabiš, je tvoja moč majhna.
He shall be defiled in the evil day, and in the day of affliction, until he be utterly consumed.
11 Če opustiš osvoboditi tiste, ki so potegnjeni v smrt in tiste, ki so pripravljeni, da bodo umorjeni,
Deliver them that are led away to death, and redeem them that are appointed to be slain; spare not [your help].
12 če rečeš: »Glej, tega nismo vedeli, « mar ne bo tisti, ki preudarja srce, to premislil? In tisti, ki varuje tvojo dušo, mar tega ne ve? Mar ne bo vsakemu človeku povrnil glede na njegova dela?
But if you should say, I know not this man; know that the Lord knows the hearts of all; and he that formed breath for all, he knows all things, who renders to every man according to his works.
13 Moj sin, jej med, ker je dober in satovje, ki je sladko tvojemu okusu.
[My] son, eat honey, for the honeycomb is good, that your throat may be sweetened.
14 Takšno bo spoznanje modrosti tvoji duši, ko jo najdeš, potem bo nagrada in tvoje pričakovanje ne bo prekinjeno.
Thus shall you perceive wisdom in your soul: for if you find it, your end shall be good, and hope shall not fail you.
15 Ne preži v zasedi, oh zlobni človek, zoper prebivanje pravičnega, ne pokvari njegovega počivališča,
Bring not an ungodly man into the dwelling of the righteous: neither be deceived by the feeding of the belly.
16 kajti pravičen človek pade sedemkrat in ponovno vstane, toda zlobni bo padel v vragolijo.
For a righteous man will fall seven times, and rise [again]: but the ungodly shall be without strength in troubles.
17 Ne veseli se, kadar tvoj sovražnik pada in naj tvoje srce ne bo veselo, ko se spotika,
If your enemy should fall, rejoice not over him, neither be elated at his overthrow.
18 da ne bi tega videl Gospod in ga to razžali in svoj bes odvrne od njega.
For the Lord will see [it], and it will not please him, and he will turn away his wrath from him.
19 Ne razburjaj se zaradi hudobnih ljudi niti ne bodi nevoščljiv na zlobne,
Rejoice not in evil-doers, neither be envious of sinners.
20 kajti nobene nagrade ne bo za hudobnega človeka, sveča zlobnih bo ugasnjena.
For the evil man shall have no posterity: and the light of the wicked shall be put out.
21 Moj sin, boj se Gospoda in kralja in nič ne imej s tistimi, ki so nagnjeni k spremembi,
[My] son, fear God and the king; and do not disobey either of them.
22 kajti njihova katastrofa bo nenadoma vstala in kdo pozna njihov propad?
For they will suddenly punish the ungodly, and who can know the vengeance [inflicted] by both?
23 Tudi te stvari pripadajo modremu. Ni se dobro ozirati na osebe na sodbi.
And this thing I say to you that are wise [for you] to learn: It is not good to have respect of persons in judgement.
24 Kdor zlobnemu pravi: »Ti si pravičen, « njega bo ljudstvo preklinjalo, narodi ga bodo prezirali,
He that says of the ungodly, He is righteous, shall be cursed by peoples, and hateful amongst the nations.
25 toda tistim, ki ga oštevajo, bo veselje in nadnje bo prišel dober blagoslov.
But they that reprove [him] shall appear more excellent, and blessing shall come upon them;
26 Vsak človek bo poljubil ustnice tistega, ki daje pravilen odgovor.
and [men] will kiss lips that answer well.
27 Pripravi svoje delo zunaj in pripravi, [da] ti ustreza na polju in potem zgradi svojo hišo.
Prepare your works for [your] going forth, and prepare yourself for the field; and come after me, and you shall rebuild your house.
28 Ne bodi brez razloga priča zoper svojega bližnjega in s svojimi ustnicami ne zavajaj.
Be not a false witness against your [fellow] citizen, neither exaggerate with your lips.
29 Ne reci: »Tako mu bom storil, kakor je on storil meni. Človeku bom povrnil glede na njegovo delo.«
Say not, As he has treated me, so will I treat him, and I will avenge myself on him for that wherein he has injured me.
30 Šel sem mimo polja lenega in mimo vinograda človeka brez razumevanja
A foolish man is like a farm, and a senseless man is like a vineyard.
31 in glej, vse je bilo preraslo s trnjem in koprive so pokrile njegovo obličje in njegov kamniti zid je bil porušen.
If you let him alone, he will altogether remain barren and covered with weeds; and he becomes destitute, and his stone walls are broken down.
32 Potem sem videl in to dobro preudaril, pogledal sem na to in prejel poučevanje.
Afterwards I reflected, I looked that I might receive instruction.
33 Še malo spanja, malo dremanja, malo prekrižanih rok za spanje,
[The sluggard says, ]I slumber a little, and I sleep a little, and for a little while I fold my arms across [my] breast.
34 tako bo tvoja revščina prišla kakor nekdo, ki se klati in tvoja potreba kakor oborožen človek.
But if you do this, your poverty will come speedily; and your lack like a swift courier.

< Pregovori 24 >