< 4 Mojzes 34 >

1 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
2 »Zapovej Izraelovim otrokom in jim reci: ›Ko pridete v kánaansko deželo (to je deželo, ki vam bo pripadla v dediščino, torej kánaansko deželo z njenimi pokrajinami),
Charge the children of Israel, and you shall say to them, You are entering into the land of Chanaan: it shall be to you for an inheritance, the land of Chanaan with its boundaries.
3 potem bo tvoja južna četrt od Cinske divjine, vzdolž edómske pokrajine in vaša južna meja bo skrajna obala slanega morja proti vzhodu
And your southern side shall be from the wilderness of Sin to the border of Edom, and your border southward shall extend on the side of the salt sea eastward.
4 in vaša meja se bo od juga obrnila k vzpetini Akrabím in šla do Cina in šla bo naprej od juga do Kadeš Barnée in šla naprej do Hacár Adárja in šla naprej k Acmónu
And your border shall go round you from the south to the ascent of Acrabin, and shall proceed by Ennac, and the going forth of it shall be southward to Cades Barne, and it shall go forth to the village of Arad, and shall proceed by Asemona.
5 in meja bo šla po ovinkih od Acmóna do egiptovske reke in izhodi te bodo pri morju.
And the border shall compass from Asemona to the river of Egypt, and the sea shall be the termination.
6 Glede zahodne meje, za mejo boste torej imeli véliko morje. To bo vaša zahodna meja.
And you shall have your border on the west, the great sea shall be the boundary: this shall be to you the border on the west.
7 In to bo vaša severna meja: od vélikega morja si jo pokažite na goro Hor,
And this shall be your northern border; from the great sea you shall measure to yourselves, by the side of the mountain.
8 od gore Hor boste vašo mejo pokazali do vstopa v Hamát in izhodi meje bodo pri Cedádu
And you shall measure to yourselves the mountain from mount [Hor] at the entering in to Emath, and the termination of it shall be the coasts of Saradac.
9 in meja bo šla naprej k Zifrónu in njeni izhodi bodi pri Hacár Enánu. To bo vaša severna meja.
And the border shall go out to Dephrona, and its termination shall be at Arsenain; this shall be your border from the north.
10 Vašo vzhodno mejo boste pokazali od Hacár Enána do Šefáma
And you shall measure to yourselves the eastern border from Arsenain to Sepphamar.
11 in pokrajina bo šla dol od Šefáma k Ribli na vzhodni strani Ajina in meja se bo spustila in segla bo do strani Kinéretskega morja proti vzhodu
And the border shall go down from Sepphamar to Bela eastward to the fountains, and the border shall go down from Bela behind the sea Chenereth eastward.
12 in meja bo šla dol do Jordana in njeni izhodi bodo pri slanem morju. To bo vaša dežela z njenimi pokrajinami naokoli.‹«
And the border shall go down to Jordan, and the termination shall be the salt sea; this shall be your land and its borders round about.
13 Mojzes je Izraelovim otrokom zapovedal, rekoč: »To je dežela, ki jo boste podedovali z žrebom, ki jo je Gospod zapovedal dati devetim rodovom in polovici rodu,
And Moses charged the children of Israel, saying, This [is] the land which you shall inherit by lot, even as the Lord commanded us to give it to the nine tribes and the half-tribe of Manasse.
14 kajti rod Rubenovih otrok, glede na hišo njihovih očetov in rod Gadovih otrok, glede na hišo njihovih očetov, sta prejela svojo dediščino in polovica Manásejevega rodu je prejela svojo dediščino.
For the tribe of the children of Ruben, and the tribe of the children of Gad have received [their inheritance] according to their families; and the half-tribe of Manasse have received their inheritances.
15 Dva rodova in pol rodu so že prejeli svojo dediščino na tej strani Jordana, blizu Jerihe, vzhodno proti sončnemu vzhodu.«
Two tribes and half a tribe have received their inheritance beyond Jordan by Jericho from the south eastwards.
16 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
17 »To sta imeni mož, ki vam bosta razdelila deželo: duhovnik Eleazar in Nunov sin Józue.
These [are] the names of the men who shall divide the land to you for an inheritance; Eleazar the priest and Joshua the [son] of Naue.
18 Vzeli boste enega princa od vsakega rodu, da deželo razdelite po dediščini.
And you shall take one ruler from [each] tribe to divide the land to you by lot.
19 Imena mož so ta: iz Judovega rodu Kaléb, Jefunéjev sin.
And these [are] the names of the men; of the tribe of Juda Chaleb the son of Jephonne.
20 Iz rodu Simeonovih otrok Amihúdov sin Šemuél.
Of the tribe of Symeon, Salamiel the son of Semiud.
21 Iz Benjaminovega rodu Kislónov sin Elidád.
Of the tribe of Benjamin, Eldad the son of Chaslon.
22 Princ rodu Danovih otrok, Joglíjev sin Bukí.
Of the tribe of Dan the prince [was] Bacchir the son of Egli.
23 Princ izmed Jožefovih otrok za rod Manásejevih otrok, Efódov sin Haniél.
Of the sons of Joseph of the tribe of the sons of Manasse, the prince was Aniel the son of Suphi.
24 Princ iz rodu Efrájimovih otrok, Šiftánov sin Kemuél.
Of the tribe of the sons of Ephraim, the prince was Camuel the son of Sabathan.
25 Princ iz rodu Zábulonovih otrok, Parnáhov sin Elicafán.
Of the tribe of Zabulon, the prince was Elisaphan the son of Pharnac.
26 Princ iz rodu Isahárjevih otrok, Azánov sin Paltiél.
Of the tribe of the sons of Issachar, the prince was Phaltiel the son of Oza.
27 Princ iz rodu Aserjevih otrok, Šelomíjev sin Ahihúd.
Of the tribe of the children of Aser, the prince was Achior the son of Selemi.
28 Princ iz rodu Neftálijevih otrok Amihúdov sin Pedahél.
Of the tribe of Nephthali, the prince was Phadael the son of Jamiud.
29 To so tisti, ki jim je Gospod zapovedal, da Izraelovim otrokom razdelijo dediščino v kánaanski deželi.«
These did the Lord command to distribute [the inheritances] to the children of Israel in the land of Chanaan.

< 4 Mojzes 34 >