< 4 Mojzes 31 >

1 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
The Lord told Moses,
2 »Maščuj se Midjáncem za Izraelove otroke, potem boš pridružen svojemu ljudstvu.«
“Punish the Midianites because of what they did to the Israelites. After that you will join your forefathers in death.”
3 Mojzes je spregovoril ljudstvu, rekoč: »Oborožite nekatere izmed sebe za vojno in naj gredo zoper Midjánce in se maščujejo nad Midjánom za Gospoda.
Moses instructed the people, “Have some of your men get ready for battle, so they can go and attack the Midianites and carry out the Lord's punishment on them.
4 Po tisoč iz vsakega rodu, po vseh Izraelovih rodovih, boste poslali v vojno.«
You are to contribute one thousand men from each Israelite tribe.”
5 Tako so bili izročeni iz tisočerih Izraelovih, po tisoč iz vsakega rodu, dvanajst tisoč oboroženih za vojno.
So one thousand men were chosen from each Israelite tribe, making twelve thousand troops ready for battle.
6 Mojzes jih je poslal v vojno, tisoč iz vsakega rodu, njih in Pinhása, sina duhovnika Eleazarja, v vojno s svetimi pripravami in trobentami, da trobijo v njegovi roki.
Moses sent them into battle, one thousand from each tribe, together with Phinehas, son of Eleazar the priest. He carried with him the holy objects from the sanctuary and the trumpets used for giving signals.
7 Bojevali so se zoper Midjánce, kakor je Gospod zapovedal Mojzesu in vse moške usmrtili.
They attacked the Midianites, as the Lord had told Moses to do, and they killed all the men.
8 Usmrtili so midjánske kralje, poleg drugih izmed tistih, ki so bili umorjeni, namreč Evíja, Rekema, Curja, Hura in Reba, pet midjánskih kraljev. Tudi Beórjevega sina Bileáma so umorili z mečem.
Among those killed were the five kings of Midian, Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba. They also killed Balaam, son of Beor, with the sword.
9 Izraelovi otroci so zajeli vse midjánske ženske in njihove malčke kot ujetnike in vzeli plen iz vseh njihovih mest in vse njihove trope in vse njihove dobrine.
The Israelites captured the Midianite women and children, and they took as plunder all their herds, flocks, and possessions.
10 Z ognjem so požgali vsa njihova mesta, v katerih so prebivali, in vse njihove lepe gradove.
They set fire to all the Midianite towns and camps where they had lived,
11 Vzeli so vse blago in ves plen, tako od ljudi kakor od živali.
and carried away all the plunder and loot, including people and animals.
12 Ujetnike, plen in ukradeno blago so privedli k Mojzesu in duhovniku Eleazarju in k skupnosti Izraelovih otrok, k taboru na moábskih ravninah, ki so pri Jordanu, blizu Jerihe.
They brought the prisoners, loot, and plunder to Moses, to Eleazar the priest, and to the rest of the Israelites where they were camped on the plains of Moab, beside the Jordan opposite Jericho.
13 Mojzes, duhovnik Eleazar in vsi princi skupnosti so odšli naprej, da jih srečajo zunaj tabora.
Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the Israelite leaders went out of the camp to meet them.
14 Mojzes je bil ogorčen nad častniki vojske, nad tisočniki in stotniki, ki so prišli iz bitke.
Moses was angry with the army officers, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, who returned from the battle.
15 Mojzes jim je rekel: »Ali ste vse ženske rešili žive?
“Why did you let all the women live?” he asked them.
16 Glejte, te so po Bileámovem nasvetu Izraelovim otrokom storile, da so v zadevi Peórja zagrešili prekršek zoper Gospoda in tam je bila kuga med Gospodovo skupnostjo.
“You realize that these were the women seduced the Israelite men, leading them to be unfaithful to the Lord at Peor, following Balaam's advice! That's why the Lord's people suffered from the plague!
17 Zdaj torej ubijte vsakega fanta izmed malčkov in ubijte vsako žensko, ki je spoznala moškega z ležanjem z njim.
So go and kill all the boys and every woman who has had slept with a man.
18 Toda vse deklice, ki niso spoznale moškega z ležanjem z njim, zase obdržite žive.
Let all the girls who are virgins live. They are yours.
19 Zunaj tabora ostanite sedem dni. Kdorkoli je ubil katerokoli osebo in kdorkoli se je dotaknil kateregakoli umorjenega, na tretji in na sedmi dan očistite oboje, sebe in svoje ujetnice.
All those of you who killed someone or touched a dead body must stay outside the camp for seven days. Purify yourselves and your prisoners on the third day and the seventh day.
20 Očistite vso svojo obleko in vse, kar je narejeno iz kož in vse delo iz kozje dlake in vse stvari, narejene iz lesa.«
Also purify all your clothing garment and anything made of leather, goat's hair, or wood.”
21 Duhovnik Eleazar je rekel bojevnikom, ki so odšli v bitko: »To je odredba postave, ki jo je Gospod zapovedal Mojzesu:
Eleazar the priest told the soldiers who had gone into battle, “These are the legal regulations that the Lord has ordered Moses to be carried out:
22 samo zlato, srebro, bron, železo, kositer in svinec,
All that's made of gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin, and lead—
23 vsako stvar, ki lahko prenese ogenj, jo boste pripravili iti skozi ogenj in ta bo čista. Kljub temu bo ta očiščena z vodo oddvojitve. Vse, kar pa ne prenese ognja, boste vlekli skozi vodo.
anything that doesn't burn—must be put through fire to make it clean. But it still has to be purified using water of purification. Anything that burns must be put through the water.
24 Na sedmi dan boste oprali svoja oblačila in boste čisti in potem se boste vrnili v tabor.«
Wash your clothes on the seventh day and you will be clean. Then you can enter the camp.”
25 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
The Lord told Moses,
26 »Ti, duhovnik Eleazar in vodje očetov skupnosti popišite plen, ki je bil zajet, oboje, od ljudi in od živali.
“You, Eleazar the priest, and the Israelite family leaders are to take a record of the people and animals that were captured.
27 Plen razdêli na dva dela: med tiste, ki so se vojskovali z njimi, ki so šli ven na bitko in med vso skupnost.
Then divide them between the troops who went into battle and the rest of the Israelites.
28 Dajatev davka Gospodu od bojevnikov, ki so šli v bitko: ena duša od petstotih, tako od oseb, kakor od goveda, od oslov in od ovc,
Take as a contribution to the Lord from what is allocated to the troops who went into battle one out of every five hundred people, cattle, donkeys, or sheep.
29 to vzemi od njihove polovice in daj duhovniku Eleazarju za Gospodovo vzdigovalno daritev.
Take this from their half share and give it to Eleazar the priest as an offering to the Lord.
30 Od polovice, [ki pripada] Izraelovim otrokom, boš vzel en delež od petdeset, od oseb, od goveda, od oslov in od tropov, od vseh vrst živali in jih daj Lévijevcem, ki skrbijo za Gospodovo šotorsko svetišče.«
From the Israelites; half share, take one out of every fifty people, cattle, donkeys, or sheep, or other animals, and give them to the Levites who take care of the Lord's Tabernacle.”
31 Mojzes in duhovnik Eleazar sta storila, kakor je Gospod zapovedal Mojzesu.
Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the Lord had ordered Moses.
32 Plena, ki je ostal od plena, ki so ga bojevniki zajeli, je bilo šeststo petinsedemdeset tisoč ovac,
This was the list of plunder remaining that had been looted by the troops: 675,000 sheep,
33 dvainsedemdeset tisoč govedi,
72,000 cattle,
34 enainšestdeset tisoč oslov,
61,000 donkeys,
35 dvaintrideset tisoč žensk, ki niso spoznale moškega z ležanjem z njim.
and 32,000 virgins.
36 Polovica, ki je bila delež tistih, ki so odšli na vojno, je bila po številu tristo sedemintrideset tisoč petsto ovac
This was the half share for those who had gone to fight: 337,500 sheep,
37 in Gospodov davek od ovac je bil šeststo petinsedemdeset.
with a contribution for the Lord of 675,
38 Goveda je bilo šestintrideset tisoč. Od tega je bil Gospodov davek dvainsedemdeset.
36,000 cattle, with a Lord's contribution of 72,
39 Oslov je bilo trideset tisoč petsto. Od tega je bil Gospodov davek enainšestdeset.
30,500 donkeys, with a Lord's contribution of 61,
40 Oseb je bilo šestnajst tisoč. Od tega je bil Gospodov davek dvaintrideset oseb.
and 16,000 people, with a Lord's contribution of 32.
41 Mojzes je dal davek, ki je bil Gospodova vzdigovalna daritev, duhovniku Eleazarju, kakor je Gospod zapovedal Mojzesu.
Moses gave the contribution to Eleazar the priest as an offering to the Lord as the Lord had ordered Moses.
42 Od polovice, [ki pripada] Izraelovim otrokom, ki jo je Mojzes oddvojil od tistih, ki so se bojevali
The Israelites' half share left after Moses had given the half share to the troops who had gone to fight,
43 (torej polovice, ki je pripadala skupnosti, je bilo tristo sedemintrideset tisoč petsto ovac,
consisted of: 337,500 sheep,
44 šestintrideset tisoč govedi,
36,000 cattle,
45 trideset tisoč petsto oslov,
30,500 donkeys,
46 in šestnajst tisoč oseb),
and 16,000 people.
47 celo od polovice, [ki pripada] Izraelovim otrokom, je Mojzes vzel en delež od petdesetih, tako od ljudi kakor od živali in jih dal Lévijevcem, ki so skrbeli za Gospodovo šotorsko svetišče, kakor je Gospod zapovedal Mojzesu.
Moses took from the Israelites' half one out of every fifty people and animals and gave them the Levites who take care of the Lord's Tabernacle, as the Lord had ordered him.
48 Častniki, ki so bili nad tisočnijami vojske, poveljniki nad tisočimi in poveljniki nad stotimi, so se približali Mojzesu
The army officers, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, came to Moses
49 in Mojzesu rekli: »Tvoji služabniki so prešteli bojevnike, ki so pod nami in ne manjka nihče izmed nas.
and told him, “We, your servants, have checked the troops we command and not a single man is missing.
50 Mi smo torej prinesli dar za Gospoda, kar je vsak mož dobil dragocenosti iz zlata, verižice, zapestnice, prstane, uhane in ogrlice, da za naše duše opravijo spravo pred Gospodom.«
So we have brought the Lord an offering of the gold objects each man received—armlets, bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces—in order that we may be right before the Lord.”
51 Mojzes in duhovnik Eleazar sta od njih vzela zlato, torej vse izdelane dragocenosti.
Moses and Eleazar the priest accepted from them all the objects made out of gold.
52 Vsega zlata daritve, ki so jo Gospodu darovali poveljniki nad tisočimi in poveljniki nad stotimi, je bilo šestnajst tisoč sedemsto petdeset šeklov.
The gold that the commanders of thousands and of hundreds gave as an offering to the Lord weighed in total 16,750 shekels.
53 ( Kajti bojevniki so vzeli plen, vsak mož zase.)
(The men who had fought in the battle had each taken plunder for himself.)
54 Mojzes in duhovnik Eleazar sta vzela zlato od poveljnikov nad tisočimi in poveljnikov nad stotimi in ga prinesla v šotorsko svetišče skupnosti za spomin Izraelovim otrokom pred Gospodom.
Moses and Eleazar the priest accepted the gold from the commanders of thousands and of hundreds and took it into the Tent of Meeting as a memorial offering for the Israelites in the presence of the Lord.

< 4 Mojzes 31 >