< 4 Mojzes 22 >

1 Izraelovi otroci so se namerili naprej in se utaborili na moábskih ravninah, na tej strani Jordana, pri Jerihi.
Then the Israelis traveled west to the area of Moab that was in the valley of the Jordan [River], across the river from Jericho [city].
2 Cipórjev sin Balák je videl vse, kar je Izrael storil Amoréjcem.
But King Balak, the son of Zippor, who ruled Moab, found out what the Israelis had done to the Amor people-group.
3 Moáb je bil boleče prestrašen ljudstva, ker jih je bilo mnogo in Moáb je bil zaskrbljen zaradi Izraelovih otrok.
[When he saw that] the Israelis were very numerous, he and his people became terrified.
4 Moáb je rekel midjánskim starešinam: »Sedaj bo ta skupina polizala vse, ki so naokoli nas, kakor vol pomuli poljsko travo.« Cipórjev sin Balák je bil ob tistem času kralj Moábcev.
So the king of Moab [went to] the leaders of the Midian people-group and said to them, “This huge group [of Israelis] will (wipe out/destroy) everything around them, like an ox devours grass!” Balak was the king of Moab.
5 Poslal je torej poslance k Beórjevemu sinu Bileámu v Petór, ki je poleg reke dežele otrok njegovega ljudstva, da ga pokliče, rekoč: »Glej, tam je ljudstvo prišlo iz Egipta. Glej, pokrivajo obličje zemlje in prebivajo nasproti meni.
He sent messengers to [a prophet named] Balaam, who was living in his own area, in Pethor [town], near the [Euphrates] River. He sent this message to request that Balaam would come [to help him]: “A huge group of people has arrived here from Egypt. [It looks like] they are covering the entire land! And they have begun to live close to us.
6 Pridi torej sedaj, prosim te, prekolni mi to ljudstvo, kajti oni so premogočni zame. Morda bom prevladal, da jih lahko udarimo in da jih lahko napodimo iz dežele, kajti vem, da kogar ti blagosloviš, je blagoslovljen in kogar ti prekolneš, je preklet.«
Because they are very powerful/numerous, [we are afraid of them. So] please come and curse them for me. Then my army may be able to defeat them and expel them from the land [where they are now living]. I know that good things will happen to the people whom you bless, and disasters will happen to the people whom you curse.”
7 Moábske starešine in midjánske starešine so odrinili z nagradami vedeževanja v svoji roki in prišli k Bileámu in mu spregovorili Balákove besede.
[Balak’s messengers, who were] leaders of both the Moab and Midian people-groups, took money with them to pay Balaam in order that he would [come and] curse the Israelis. They went to Balaam and told him what Balak had said.
8 In ta jim je rekel: »To noč prenočite tukaj in ponovno vam bom prinesel besedo, kakor mi bo Gospod govoril, « in Moábovi princi so ostali z Bileámom.
Balaam said, “Stay here tonight. [Tomorrow morning] I will tell you whatever Yahweh tells me that I should say to you.” So the leaders from Moab stayed there that night.
9 Bog je prišel k Bileámu in rekel: »Kakšni možje so tile s teboj?«
During the night, God appeared to Balaam and asked him, “(Who are/Tell me about) these men who are staying with you.”
10 Bileám je rekel Bogu: »Cipórjev sin Balák, moábski kralj, je poslal k meni, rekoč:
Balaam replied, “Balak, the king of Moab, sent these men to tell me this:
11 ›Glej, tam je prišlo ljudstvo iz Egipta, ki pokriva obličje zemlje. Pridi sedaj, prekolni mi jih. Morda jih bom zmožen premagati in jih pognati ven.‹«
‘A huge group of people has come from Egypt, and they have spread all over this area. Please come immediately to curse them. Then I may be able to defeat them and expel them [from this area].’”
12 Bog pa je rekel Bileámu: »Ne boš šel z njimi, ne boš preklel ljudstva, kajti blagoslovljeni so.«
God replied to Balaam, “Do not go with them! I have blessed those people, so you must not curse them!”
13 Bileám je zjutraj vstal in Balákovim princem rekel: »Pojdite v svojo deželo, kajti Gospod mi odklanja dati dovoljenje, da grem z vami.«
The next morning, Balaam got up and told Balak’s men, “Go back home. [But go by yourselves, because] Yahweh is not allowing me to go with you.”
14 Moábski princi so vstali, odšli k Baláku in rekli: »Bileám odklanja, da pride z nami.«
So the men from Moab returned to King Balak and they reported to him, “Balaam refused to come with us.”
15 Balák je ponovno poslal prince, več in častitljivejše od onih.
But Balak sent another [group of] leaders to Balaam. It was a group that was larger and they were more important [than the men in the first group].
16 Prišli so k Bileámu in mu rekli: »Tako govori Cipórjev sin Balák: ›Naj te ničesar, prosim te, ne ovira, da bi prišel k meni,
They went to Balaam and told him this: “This is what King Balak says: ‘Please do not allow anything to hinder you from coming here.
17 kajti povišal te bom v zelo veliko čast in storil bom kakorkoli mi rečeš. Pridi torej, prosim te, prekolni mi to ljudstvo.‹«
I will pay you (a lot of money/very well) [if you come], and I will do anything that you ask me to do. Just come and curse these [Israeli] people for me!’”
18 Bileám je odgovoril ter Balákovim služabnikom rekel: »Če bi mi Balák dal svojo hišo, polno srebra in zlata, ne morem iti preko besede od Gospoda, svojega Boga, da storim manj ali več.
But Balaam answered them, “Even if Balak would give me a palace filled with silver and gold, I would not do anything to disobey Yahweh, (my God/the God whom I [worship]).
19 Zdaj torej, prosim vas, tudi vi ostanite tukaj to noč, da bom lahko vedel, kaj mi bo še povedal Gospod.«
But stay here one more night, like the other messengers did, and I will find out if Yahweh has anything more to say to me.”
20 Bog je ponoči prišel k Bileámu ter mu rekel: »Če pridejo možje, da te pokličejo, vstani in pojdi z njimi, toda reci jim samo besedo, ki ti jo bom jaz rekel, to boš storil.«
That night God appeared to Balaam again and said to him, “These men have come to request that you go back with them, so you may go with them, but do only what I tell you [to do]!”
21 Bileám je zjutraj vstal, osedlal svojo oslico in se odpravil k moábskim princem.
So the next morning, Balaam put a saddle on his donkey and he departed [with two of his servants] along with the men from Moab.
22 Božja jeza je bila vžgana, ker je odšel in Gospodov angel je stal na poti za nasprotnika zoper njega. Torej jahal je na svoji oslici in dva njegova služabnika sta bila z njim.
[Even though God had given Balaam permission to go, he was still angry]. So he sent one of his angels to Balaam. This angel stood in the road to block Balaam’s path. As Balaam and the two servants were riding on their donkeys,
23 In oslica je zagledala Gospodovega angela stati na poti in njegov meč je bil izvlečen v njegovi roki in oslica se je obrnila stran iz poti in odšla na polje. Bileám pa je udaril oslico, da jo obrne na pot.
Balaam’s donkey saw the angel. The angel was standing in the road and was holding a sword in his hand, [but Balaam did not see him]. Balaam’s donkey turned off the road into a field. So Balaam struck the donkey and forced it to go back onto the road.
24 Toda Gospodov angel je stal na stezi vinogradov, zid pa je bil na tej strani in zid na oni strani.
Then the angel stood in a place where the road was very narrow, between two vineyards, with walls on each side of the road.
25 Ko je oslica zagledala Gospodovega angela, se je pritisnila k zidu in Bileámovo stopalo zmečkala ob zid in ta jo je ponovno udaril.
When the donkey saw the angel standing there, it walked very close to the wall [to try to get past the angel]. As a result, it bashed Balaam’s foot against the wall. So Balaam struck the donkey again.
26 Gospodov angel je šel naprej in stal na ozkem kraju, kjer ni bilo nobene poti, da bi se obrnil k desni roki ali k levi.
Then the angel went further along the road and stood at a place that was extremely narrow, with the result that the donkey could not get past at all.
27 Ko je oslica zagledala Gospodovega angela, je pod Bileámom padla dol in Bileámova jeza je bila vžgana in oslico je udaril s palico.
This time, when the donkey saw the angel, it lay down [on the ground] with Balaam sitting on top of it. Balaam became extremely angry, and he struck the donkey again with his walking stick.
28 Gospod pa je oslici odprl usta in ta je Bileámu rekla: »Kaj sem ti storila, da si me že trikrat udaril?«
Then Yahweh enabled the donkey to speak! It said to Balaam, “What bad thing have I done to you that caused you to strike me three times?”
29 Bileám je rekel oslici: »Ker si me zasmehovala. Če bi bil tukaj, v moji roki meč, bi te sedaj že ubil.«
Balaam shouted, “I struck you because you have caused me to appear to be foolish! If I had a sword with me, I would kill you!”
30 Oslica pa je Bileámu rekla: »Ali nisem tvoja oslica, na kateri si jahal, odkar sem bila tvoja, do današnjega dne? Sem imela kdaj navado, da ti tako storim?« Rekel je: »Ne.«
But the donkey answered, “I am your own donkey [RHQ], the one that you have always ridden! Have I ever done anything like this previously?” Balaam said, “No.”
31 Potem je Gospod Bileámu odprl oči in zagledal je Gospodovega angela, stoječega na poti in njegov meč je bil izvlečen v njegovi roki. Sklonil je svojo glavo in padel plosko na svoj obraz.
Then Yahweh enabled Balaam to see the angel standing on the road, holding a sword in his hand. Balaam [realized that it was an angel and] prostrated himself on the ground in front of the angel.
32 Gospodov angel mu je rekel: »Zakaj si potem že trikrat udaril svojo oslico? Glej, odšel sem ven, da se ti zoperstavim, ker je tvoja pot sprevržena pred menoj,
The angel asked him, ‘(Why did you strike your donkey three times?/ You should certainly not have struck the donkey three times! [RHQ] I have come to block your path because what you are planning to do is wrong.
33 oslica pa me je zagledala in se že trikrat obrnila od mene. Razen če se ne bi obrnila od mene, bi te sedaj torej zagotovo ubil, njo pa rešil živo.«
Three times your donkey saw me and turned away from me. If it had not done that, I would certainly have killed you already, but I would have allowed the donkey to live.”
34 Bileám je rekel Gospodovemu angelu: »Grešil sem, kajti nisem vedel, da zoper mene stojiš na poti. Sedaj torej, če te je to razžalilo, se bom ponovno vrnil nazaj.«
Then Balaam said to the angel, “I have sinned. But I did not realize that you were standing there, trying to block my path. So if you do not want me to continue going, I will return home.”
35 Gospodov angel je Bileámu rekel: »Pojdi z možmi, toda samo besedo, ki ti jo jaz govorim, to boš govoril.« Tako je Bileám odšel z Balákovimi princi.
But the angel replied, “I will allow you to go with these men, but you must say only what I tell you to say!” So Balaam went on with the leaders whom Balak [had sent].
36 Ko je Balák slišal, da je Bileám prišel, je odšel ven, da ga pospremi v mesto Moáb, ki je na meji Arnóna, ki je skrajna pokrajina.
When King Balak heard that Balaam was coming, he went to meet him at a Moab town alongside the Arnon [River] that was at the border of his own land.
37 Balák je rekel Bileámu: »Ali nisem iskreno poslal k tebi, da te pokličem? Čemu nisi prišel k meni? Mar te zares ne zmorem povišati k časti?«
[When he arrived where] Balaam was, he said to him, “I sent you [RHQ] a message saying that you should come immediately [RHQ]! Why did you not come immediately? [Did you think that] I was not able to pay you a lot of money for coming?”
38 Bileám je rekel Baláku: »Glej, prišel sem k tebi. Imam zdaj sploh moč, da karkoli povem? Besedo, ki jo Bog polaga v moja usta, to bom govoril.«
Balaam replied, “I have come here now, but I am not able to say anything [that I want to]. I will say only the words that God tells me to say [MTY].”
39 Bileám je odšel z Balákom in prišla sta v Kirját Hucót.
Then Balaam went with Balak to Kiriath-Huzoth [town].
40 Balák je daroval vola in ovco in poslal k Bileámu in k princem, ki so bili z njim.
There Balak killed some cattle and sheep as sacrifices, and offered [parts of the meat] to Balaam and the leaders who were with him.
41 Pripetilo se je naslednji dan, da je Balák vzel Bileáma in ga privedel gor na Báalov visok kraj, da bi od tam lahko videl skrajen del ljudstva.
[They slept there], and the next morning Balak took Balaam part way up [the mountain] to Bamoth-Baal [village]. From there, they could see some of the Israeli people who were down below.

< 4 Mojzes 22 >