< 4 Mojzes 14 >

1 Vsa skupnost je povzdignila svoj glas in zajokala in ljudstvo je to noč jokalo.
Then everybody there cried out loud all night.
2 Vsi Izraelovi otroci so godrnjali zoper Mojzesa in zoper Arona in celotna skupnost jima je rekla: »Da bi Bog dal, da bi umrli v egiptovski deželi! Ali da bi Bog dal, da bi umrli v tej divjini!
All the Israelites went and complained to Moses and Aaron, telling them, “If only we'd died in Egypt, or here in this desert!
3 Zakaj nas je Gospod privedel v to deželo, da pademo pod mečem, da bi bile naše žene in naši otroci plen? Ali ne bi bilo za nas bolje, da se vrnemo v Egipt?«
Why is the Lord taking us to this country only to get us killed? Our wives and children will be captured and taken away as slaves! Wouldn't we be better off going back to Egypt?”
4 Drug drugemu so rekli: »Postavimo si poveljnika in se vrnimo v Egipt.«
They said to one another, “Let's choose a new leader us and go back to Egypt.”
5 Potem sta Mojzes in Aron padla na svoja obraza pred vsem zborom skupnosti Izraelovih otrok.
Moses and Aaron fellfacedown on the ground in front of all the assembled Israelites.
6 Nunov sin Józue in Jefunéjev sin Kaléb, ki sta bila izmed tistih, ki sta preiskala deželo, sta pretrgala svoja oblačila
Joshua, son of Nun, and Caleb, son of Jephunneh, were there. They had been part of the group who had gone to spy out the land. They ripped their clothes,
7 in spregovorila vsej skupini Izraelovih otrok, rekoč: »Dežela, skozi katero sva šla, da jo preiščeva, je silno dobra dežela.
and told the Israelites, “The country we traveled through and explored has very good land.
8 Če se Gospod razveseljuje v nas, potem nas bo privedel v to deželo in nam jo izročil; deželo, v kateri tečeta mleko in med.
If the Lord is happy with us, he will take us there and give it to us, a land that's so productive it's like flowing with milk and honey.
9 Samo ne uprite se zoper Gospoda niti se ne bojte ljudstva dežele, kajti oni so za nas kruh. Njihova obramba je odšla od njih, Gospod pa je z nami. Ne bojte se jih.«
Don't rebel and fight against the Lord. You don't need to be afraid of the people living there in the country—we can take them easily! They're defenseless and the Lord is with us. Don't be frightened of them!”
10 Toda vsa skupnost ju je zaukazala kamnati s kamni. In Gospodova slava se je prikazala v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti, pred vsemi Izraelovimi otroki.
In reply all the people shouted out, “Stone them!” But the glory of the Lord suddenly appeared in the Tent of Meeting, right in the middle of the Israelites.
11 Gospod je rekel Mojzesu: »Doklej me bo to ljudstvo še dražilo? Kako dolgo bo, preden mi bodo verovali zaradi vseh znamenj, ki sem jih prikazal med njimi?
The Lord told Moses, “How long are these people going to reject me? How long are these people going to refuse to trust in me despite all the miracles I have done right in front of them?
12 Udaril jih bom s kužno boleznijo in jih razdedinil in iz tebe bom naredil večji narod ter mogočnejši, kakor so oni.«
I'm going to make them sick with a disease and kill them. Then I will make you into a nation that's greater and strong than them.”
13 Mojzes pa je Gospodu rekel: »Potem bodo Egipčani to slišali, (kajti v svoji moči si to ljudstvo privedel izmed njih)
But Moses told the Lord, “The Egyptians will find out about it! It was by your power that you led the Israelites out from among them.
14 in bodo to povedali prebivalcem te dežele, kajti slišali so, da si ti Gospod med tem ljudstvom, da si ti Gospod, viden iz obličja v obličje in da tvoj oblak stoji nad njimi in da greš pred njimi, podnevi v oblačnem stebru, ponoči pa v ognjenem stebru.
They will tell the people living in this country all about it. They've already heard that you, Lord, are with us Israelites, that you, Lord, are seen face to face, that your cloud stands guard over them, and that you lead them by a pillar of cloud during day and a pillar of fire at night.
15 Torej če boš pobil vse to ljudstvo kakor enega človeka, potem bodo narodi, ki so slišali o tvojem slovesu, govorili, rekoč:
If you kill all these people in one go, the nations who have heard about you will say,
16 ›Ker Gospod tega ljudstva ni mogel privesti v deželo, ki jim jo je prisegel, jih je zato umoril v divjini.‹
‘The Lord killed these people in the desert because he wasn't able to take them to the country he promised to give them. He's killed them all in desert!’
17 Sedaj te rotim, naj bo moč mojega Gospoda velika, glede na to, kakor si govoril, rekoč:
Now, Lord, please demonstrate the extent of your power just as you have said:
18 › Gospod je potrpežljiv in zelo usmiljen, ki odpušča krivičnost in prestopek in nikakor ne očisti krivega, ki obiskuje krivičnost očetov na otrocih do tretjega in četrtega rodu.‹
The Lord is slow to become angry and is full of trustworthy love, forgiving sin and rebellion. However, he will not allow the guilty to go unpunished, bringing the consequences of the parents' sin on their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
19 Odpusti, rotim te, krivičnost tega ljudstva, glede na veličino svojega usmiljenja in kakor si odpuščal temu ljudstvu, od Egipta, celo do sedaj.«
Please forgive the sin of these people since your trustworthy love is so great, in the same way that you have forgiven them from the time they left Egypt until now.”
20 Gospod je rekel: »Odpustil sem glede na tvojo besedo,
“I have forgiven them as you asked,” the Lord replied.
21 vendar kakor resnično jaz živim, bo vsa zemlja napolnjena z Gospodovo slavo.
“But even so, as I live and as the whole earth is filled with the Lord's glory,
22 Ker so vsi tisti ljudje, ki so videli mojo slavo in moje čudeže, ki sem jih storil v Egiptu in v divjini in so me skušali sedaj teh desetkrat in niso prisluhnili mojemu glasu;
not a single one of the those who saw my glory and the miracles I did in Egypt and in the desert—but provoked me and refused to obey me time and time again—
23 zagotovo ne bodo videli dežele, ki sem jo prisegel njihovim očetom niti je ne bo videl nobeden izmed tistih, ki so me dražili.
not a single one of them is ever going to see the country I promised to give their forefathers. None of those who rejected me will see it.
24 Toda ker je imel moj služabnik Kaléb, v sebi drugega duha in mi je popolnoma sledil, ga bom privedel v deželo, v katero je odšel, in njegovo seme jo bo vzelo v last.
But because my servant Caleb has a totally different spirit and is fully committed to me, I will lead him to the country he visited, and his descendants will own it.
25 (Torej Amálečani in Kánaanci so prebivali v dolini.) Jutri se obrnite in se odpravite v divjino, po poti Rdečega morja.«
Since the Amalekites and Canaanites are living in the valleys, tomorrow you are to turn around and head back into the desert, taking the route towards the Red Sea.”
26 Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu in Aronu, rekoč:
The Lord told Moses and Aaron,
27 »Doklej bom še prenašal to zlo skupnost, ki godrnja zoper mene? Slišal sem mrmranja Izraelovih otrok, ki mrmrajo zoper mene.
“How much longer are these wicked people going to criticize me? I've heard what they're saying, making complaints against me.
28 Reci jim: › Kakor resnično jaz živim, ‹ govori Gospod, ›kakor ste govorili v moja ušesa, tako bom jaz storil vam.
Go and tell them, ‘As I live, declares the Lord, I'll do just what I heard you say you wanted, believe me!
29 Vaša trupla bodo padla v tej divjini in vsi, kar vas je bilo izmed vas preštetih, glede na vaše celotno število, od dvajset let stari in navzgor, ki ste godrnjali zoper mene.
All of you will die in this desert, everyone who was registered in the census that counted those aged twenty or over, because you made complaints against me.
30 Zagotovo ne boste prišli v deželo, glede katere sem prisegel, da v njej prebivate, razen Jefunéjevega sina Kaléba in Nunovega sina Józueta.
Absolutely none of you will enter the country I promised to give you to live in, except for Caleb, son of Jephunneh, and Joshua, son of Nun.
31 Toda vaše malčke, za katere ste rekli, da naj bi bili plen, te bom privedel noter in oni bodo spoznali deželo, ki ste jo vi prezirali.
However, I will take your children—those you said would be taken away as plunder—into the country you rejected, and they will appreciate it.
32 Toda kar se tiče vas, bodo vaša trupla padla v tej divjini.
But you—you are all going to die in this desert.
33 Vaši otroci se bodo štirideset let potikali po divjini in nosili vaša vlačugarstva, dokler ne bodo vaša trupla propadla v divjini.
Your children will wander in the desert for forty years, suffering because of your lack of trust until all your bodies lie buried in the desert.
34 Po številu dni, v katerih ste preiskovali deželo, torej štirideset dni, vsak dan za leto, boste nosili svoje krivičnosti, celó štirideset let in spoznali boste moj odmik od obljube.‹
Just as you explored the country for forty days, so shall your punishment for your sins be forty years, a year for every day, and you will see what happens when I oppose you.
35 Jaz, Gospod, sem rekel: ›Zagotovo bom tako storil vsej tej zli skupnosti, ki je skupaj zbrana zoper mene. V tej divjini bodo použiti in tam bodo umrli.‹«
I, the Lord, have spoken! Just see if I won't do this to all these wicked Israelites who have got together to oppose me! They will end their lives in the desert—they will die there.’”
36 Možje, ki jih je Mojzes poslal, da preiščejo deželo, ki so se vrnili in vso skupnost pripravili, da je mrmrala zoper njega s prinašanjem obrekovanja nad deželo,
The men that Moses had sent to explore the country—those who came back and because they gave a bad report they made all the Israelites complain against the Lord—
37 celo ti možje, ki so nad deželo prinesli zlo poročilo, so zaradi kuge umrli pred Gospodom.
those men who gave the bad report died before the Lord from plague.
38 Toda Nunov sin Józue in Jefunéjev sin Kaléb, ki sta bila izmed mož, ki so odšli, da preiščejo deželo, sta še vedno živela.
The only ones who lived were Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh of those who went to explore the country.
39 Mojzes je te stvari povedal vsem Izraelovim otrokom in ljudstvo je silno žalovalo.
When Moses told the Israelites what the Lord had said they were very, very sad.
40 Vstali so zgodaj zjutraj in se povzpeli na vrh gore, rekoč: »Glej! Mi smo tukaj in šli bomo gor, na kraj, ki nam ga je Gospod obljubil, kajti grešili smo.«
They got up early the next morning planning to go into the hill country. “Yes we really did sin,” they said, “but now we're here and we'll go where the Lord told us.”
41 Mojzes je rekel: »Zakaj sedaj prestopate Gospodovo zapoved? Toda to ne bo uspelo.
But Moses objected. “Why are you disobeying the Lord's command? You won't succeed in your plan!
42 Ne pojdite gor, kajti Gospoda ni med vami, da ne boste udarjeni pred svojimi sovražniki.
Don't try and go, otherwise you will be killed by your enemies, because the Lord isn't with you.
43 Kajti Amalečani in Kánaanci so tam pred vami in vi boste padli pod mečem, ker ste obrnjeni proč od Gospoda, zato Gospod ne bo z vami.«
The Amalekites and Canaanites living there will attack you, and you will die by the sword. Because you rejected the Lord, he won't help you.”
44 Vendar pa so si predrznili, da gredo na vrh hriba. Vendar skrinja Gospodove zaveze in Mojzes nista odšla iz tabora.
But they were arrogant and went up into the hill country, even though Moses and the Ark of the Lord's Agreement didn't move from the camp.
45 Potem so prišli dol Amálečani in Kánaanci, ki so prebivali na tem hribu in jih udarili ter porazili, celó do Horme.
The Amalekites and Canaanites who lived there in the hill country came down and attacked the Israelites and defeated them, and chased them all the way to Hormah.

< 4 Mojzes 14 >