< Nehemija 11 >

1 Voditelji ljudstva so prebivali pri Jeruzalemu. Ostali ljudje pa so prav tako metali žrebe, da privedejo enega izmed desetih, da prebiva v Jeruzalemu, svetemu mestu in devet delov, da prebivajo v drugih mestih.
The leaders of the people lived in Jerusalem, and the rest of the people cast lots to bring one of ten to live in Jerusalem, the holy city, and the other nine remained in other towns.
2 Ljudstvo je blagoslovilo vse može, ki so se voljno ponudili, da prebivajo v Jeruzalemu.
Then the people blessed all those who willingly offered to live in Jerusalem.
3 Torej ti so vodje province, ki so prebivali v Jeruzalemu. Toda v judejskih mestih je vsak prebival na svoji posesti v svojih mestih, namreč Izrael, duhovniki, Lévijevci, Netinimci in otroci Salomonovih služabnikov.
These are the provincial officials who lived in Jerusalem. However, in the towns of Judah everyone lived on his own land, including some Israelites, priests, Levites, temple servants, and descendants of Solomon's servants.
4 V Jeruzalemu so prebivali nekateri izmed Judovih otrok in izmed Benjaminovih otrok. Izmed Judovih otrok: Atajá, sin Uzíjaha, sinú Zeharjá, sinú Amarjá, sinú Šefatjá, sinú Mahalaléla, izmed Perecovih otrok
In Jerusalem lived some of the descendants of Judah and some of the descendants of Benjamin. The people from Judah included: Athaiah son of Uzziah son of Zechariah son of Amariah son of Shephatiah son of Mahalalel, a descendant of Perez.
5 in Maasejája, sin Baruha, sinú Kolhozéja, sinú Hazajája, sinú Adajája, sinú Jojaríba, sinú Zeharjá, sinú Šilčana.
There was Maaseiah son of Baruch son of Kol-Hozeh son of Hazaiah son of Adaiah son of Joiarib son of Zechariah, the son of the Shilonite.
6 Vseh Perecovih sinov, ki so prebivali v Jeruzalemu, je bilo štiristo oseminšestdeset hrabrih mož.
All the sons of Perez who lived in Jerusalem were 468. They were outstanding men.
7 To so Benjaminovi sinovi: Salú, sin Mešuláma, sinú Joéda, sinú Pedajá, sinú Kolajája, sinú Maasejája, sinú Itiéla, sinú Ješajája.
These are the descendants of Benjamin: Sallu son of Meshullam son of Joed son of Pedaiah son of Kolaiah son of Maaseiah son of Ithiel son of Jeshaiah,
8 In za njim Gabáj, Saláj, devetsto osemindvajset.
and those following him, Gabbai and Sallai, 928 men.
9 Zihríjev sin Joél je bil njihov nadzornik, Senuájev sin Juda pa je bil drugi nad mestom.
Joel son of Zichri was their overseer, and Judah son of Hassenuah was second in command over the city.
10 Od duhovnikov: Jojaríbov sin Jedajá, Jahín.
From the priests: Jedaiah son of Joiarib, Jakin,
11 Serajá, sin Hilkijája, sinú Mešuláma, sinú Cadóka, sinú Merajóta, sinú Ahitúba, je bil poveljnik Božje hiše.
Seraiah son of Hilkiah son of Meshullam son of Zadok son of Meraioth son of Ahitub, the chief official of the house of God,
12 Njihovih bratov, ki so opravljali delo hiše, je bilo osemsto dvaindvajset. Adajá, sin Jeroháma, sinú Pelaljája, sinú Amcíja, sinú Zeharjá, sinú Pašhúrja, Malkijájevega sina
and their associates who did the work for the house, 822 men, along with Adaiah son of Jeroham son of Pelaliah son of Amzi son of Zechariah son of Pashhur son of Malchijah.
13 in njegovi bratje, vodje očetov, dvesto dvainštirideset. Amašsáj, sin Azaréla, sinú Ahzája, sinú Mešilemóta, sinú Imêrja
His brothers were heads of clans, 242 men; and Amashsai son of Azarel son of Ahzai son of Meshillemoth son of Immer,
14 in njihovi bratje, močni junaški možje, sto osemindvajset. Njihov nadzornik je bil Zabdiél, sin enega izmed velikih mož.
and their brothers, 128 courageous fighting men; their overseer was Zabdiel son of Haggedolim.
15 Tudi izmed Lévijevcev: Šemajá, sin Hašúba, sinú Azrikáma, sinú Hašabjája, sinú Buníja.
From the Levites: Shemaiah son of Hasshub son of Azrikam son of Hashabiah son of Bunni,
16 Šabetáj ter Jozabád izmed vodij Lévijevcev sta imela nadzor nad zunanjim poslom Božje hiše.
and Shabbethai and Jozabad, who were from the leaders of the Levites and were in charge of the outside work of the house of God.
17 Matanjá, sin Miha, sinú Zabdíja, sinú Asáfa, je bil glavni, da prične zahvaljevanje v molitvi. Bakbukjá, drugi med njegovimi brati in Abdá, sin Šamúaja, sinú Galála, sinú Jedutúna.
There was Mattaniah son of Mika son of Zabdi, a descendant of Asaph, who was the director who began the thanksgiving in prayer, and Bakbukiah, the second among his brothers, and Abda son of Shammua son of Galal son of Jeduthun.
18 Vseh Lévijevcev v svetem mestu je bilo dvesto štiriinosemdeset.
All the Levites in the holy city numbered 284.
19 Poleg tega vratarji: Akúb, Talmón in njuni bratje, ki so varovali velika vrata, jih je bilo sto dvainsedemdeset.
The gatekeepers: Akkub, Talmon, and their associates, who kept watch at the gates, 172 men.
20 Preostanek Izraela, od duhovnikov in Lévijevcev, je bil v vseh Judovih mestih, vsak v svoji dediščini.
The remainder of Israel and of the priests and the Levites were in all the towns of Judah. Everyone lived on his own inherited property.
21 Toda Netinimci so prebivali v Ofelu. Cihá in Gišpá pa sta bila nad Netinimci.
The temple workers lived in Ophel, and Ziha and Gishpa were in charge of them.
22 Nadzornik Lévijevcev v Jeruzalemu je bil tudi Uzí, sin Baníja, sinú Hašabjája, sinú Matanjája, sinú Miha. Izmed Asáfovih sinov so bili pevci nad poslom Božje hiše.
The chief officer over the Levites in Jerusalem was Uzzi son of Bani son of Hashabiah son of Mattaniah son of Mika, of the descendants of Asaph, singers over the work in the house of God.
23 Kajti to je bila kraljeva zapoved glede njih, da naj bo določen delež za pevce, kar jim je pripadalo za vsak dan.
They were under orders from the king, and firm orders were given for the singers as every day required.
24 Petahjá, sin Mešezabéla, izmed otrok Judovega sina Zeraha je bil pri kraljevi roki v vseh zadevah glede ljudstva.
Then Pethahiah son of Meshezabel, a descendant of Zerah son of Judah, was at the king's side in all matters concerning the people.
25 Glede vasi, z njihovimi polji, so nekateri izmed Judovih otrok prebivali pri Kirját Arbi in v njenih vaseh, pri Dibónu in v njegovih vaseh, pri Kabceélu in v njegovih vaseh,
As for the villages and their fields, some of the people of Judah lived in Kiriath Arba and its villages, and in Dibon and its villages, and in Jekabzeel and its villages,
26 pri Ješúi, pri Moládi, pri Bet Peletu,
and in Jeshua, Moladah, Beth Pelet,
27 pri Hacár Šuál in pri Beeršébi in v njenih vaseh,
Hazar Shual, and Beersheba and its villages.
28 pri Ciklágu, pri Mehóni in v njegovih vaseh,
Some of the people of Judah lived in Ziklag, Mekonah and its villages,
29 pri En Rimónu, pri Cori, pri Jarmútu,
Enrimmon, Zorah, Jarmuth,
30 Zanóahu, Adulámu in v njihovih vaseh, pri Lahíšu in njegovih poljih, pri Azéki in v njenih vaseh. In prebivali so od Beeršébe, do doline Hinóm.
Zanoah, Adullam, and their villages, and in Lachish its fields and Azekah and its villages. So they lived from Beersheba to the Valley of Hinnom.
31 Tudi otroci Benjamina iz Gebe so prebivali pri Mihmášu, Aji, Betelu in v njihovih vaseh
The people of Benjamin also lived from Geba onward, at Mikmash and Aija, at Bethel and its villages,
32 in pri Anatótu, Nobu, Ananjáju,
at Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah,
33 Hacórju, Rami, Gitájimu,
Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim,
34 Hadídu, Cebojímu, Nebalátu,
Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat,
35 Lodu in Onóju, dolini rokodelcev.
Lod, and Ono, the valley of craftsmen.
36 Izmed Lévijevcev so bili oddelki v Judu in v Benjaminu.
Some of the Levites who lived in Judah were assigned to the people of Benjamin.

< Nehemija 11 >