< Nehemija 1 >
1 Besede Nehemija, Hahaljájevega sina. Pripetilo se je v mesecu kislévu, v dvajsetem letu, medtem ko sem bil v palači Suze,
This is the account of Nehemiah, son of Hacaliah. In the month of Kislev, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes' reign, I was in the fortress at Susa.
2 da je prišel Hananí, eden izmed mojih bratov, on in nekateri možje iz Juda. Vprašal sem jih glede Judov, ki so pobegnili, ki so preostali od ujetništva in glede Jeruzalema.
Hanani, one of my brothers, came from Judah with some other men. I asked them about the remnant of the Jewish exiles who had returned from captivity, and also about Jerusalem.
3 Rekli so mi: »Ostanek, ki je ostal od ujetništva, tam v provinci, je v veliki stiski in graji. Prav tako je porušeno jeruzalemsko obzidje in njegova velika vrata so požgana z ognjem.«
They told me, “The remnant who are left from the exile are there in the province, but they are having a great deal of trouble and feel humiliated. Jerusalem's walls have been knocked over, and its gates burned down.”
4 In pripetilo se je, ko sem slišal te besede, da sem se usedel, jokal in žaloval določene dni in se postil ter molil pred Bogom nebes
When I heard the news, I sat down, weeping and mourning for days, fasting and praying to the God of heaven.
5 in rekel: »Rotim te, oh Gospod Bog nebes, veliki in strašni Bog, ki ohranja zavezo in usmiljenje za tiste, ki ga ljubijo in obeležujejo njegove zapovedi.
Then I prayed, “Please, Lord God of heaven—the great and awesome God who keeps his agreement of trustworthy love with those who love him and keep his commandments—
6 Naj bo tvoje uho sedaj pozorno in tvoje oči odprte, da boš lahko slišal molitev svojega služabnika, ki jo sedaj molim pred teboj podnevi in ponoči zaradi tvojih služabnikov, Izraelovih otrok in priznavam grehe Izraelovih otrok, ki smo jih zagrešili zoper tebe. Tako jaz, kakor hiša mojega očeta smo grešili.
please listen and focus your attention on the prayer of your servant that I am praying to you now, day and night, on behalf of your servants, the Israelites. I confess the sins that we Israelites have committed against you, including my own sins and those of my family.
7 Zoper tebe smo postopali zelo izprijeno in se nismo držali zapovedi niti zakonov niti sodb, ki si jih zapovedal svojemu služabniku Mojzesu.
We have done terrible things to offend you and we have not kept the commandments, laws, and regulations that you gave to your servant Moses.
8 Spomni se, rotim te, besede, ki jo zapoveduješ svojemu služabniku Mojzesu, rekoč: › Če grešite, vas bom razkropil na tuje, med narode.
Please remember what you told Moses when you said, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations,
9 Toda če se obrnete k meni in se držite mojih zapovedi in jih izpolnjujete, čeprav bi bili izmed vas vrženi v najbolj oddaljen del neba, jih bom vendar zbral od tam in jih privedel na kraj, ki sem ga izbral, da tam postavim svoje ime.‹
but if you come back to me and follow my commandments and obey them, then even if you are exiled to the ends of the earth, I will gather them together and bring them to the place I have chosen where I will be honored.
10 Torej ti so tvoji služabniki in tvoje ljudstvo, ki si jih odkupil s svojo veliko oblastjo in s svojo močno roko.
They are your servants and our people. You saved them by your great power and incredible ability.
11 Oh Gospod, rotim te, naj bo sedaj tvoje uho pozorno k molitvi tvojega služabnika in k molitvi tvojih služabnikov, ki se želijo bati tvojega imena. Prosim te, naredi svojega služabnika ta dan uspešnega in zagotovi mu usmiljenje pred očmi tega človeka.« Kajti bil sem kraljevi dvorni točaj.
Lord, please respond to my prayer and to the prayers of those who love to worship you. Please let me be successful today and make the king sympathetic to me.” I was the king's cupbearer.