< Matej 27 >
1 Ko je prišlo jutro, so se vsi visoki duhovniki in starešine izmed ljudstva posvetovali zoper Jezusa, da ga usmrtijo.
And when it was morning, the chief priests and the elders of the people held a council against Jesus, how they might put him to death.
2 In ko so ga zvezali, so ga odvedli proč ter ga izročili voditelju Ponciju Pilatu.
And they bound him, and carried him and delivered him up to Pilate, the president.
3 Potem se je Juda, ki ga je izdal, ko je videl, da je bil obsojen, pokesal in trideset koščkov srebra prinesel nazaj k visokim duhovnikom in starešinam,
Then Judas the betrayer, when he saw that Jesus was condemned, repented. And he went and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders;
4 rekoč: »Grešil sem, ker sem izdal nedolžno kri.« Oni pa so rekli: »Kaj je to nam? Ti glej na to.«
and said: I have sinned, by betraying innocent blood. And they said: What is that to us? See to it thyself.
5 In srebrne koščke je vrgel v tempelj in odšel ter samega sebe obesil.
And he cast down the silver in the temple, and retiring, went and strangled himself
6 Visoki duhovniki pa so vzeli koščke srebra in rekli: »Ni zakonito, da jih damo v zakladnico, ker so cena krvi.«
And the chief priests took up the silver, and said: It is not lawful to put it into the treasury, because it is the price of blood.
7 In posvetovali so se ter z njimi kupili lončarjevo njivo, da bi v njej pokopavali tujce.
And they took counsel, and bought with it the potter's field, for a place to bury strangers.
8 Zatorej je bilo to polje do današnjega dne imenovano Njiva krvi.
Wherefore that field is called the field of blood, unto this day.
9 Tedaj je bilo izpolnjeno to, kar je bilo rečeno po preroku Jeremiju, rekoč: ›In vzeli so trideset koščkov srebra, ceno tistega, ki je bil ocenjen, ki so ga Izraelovi otroci ocenili,
Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by the prophet, saying: I took the thirty shekels of silver, the price of the precious one, which they of the children of Israel had stipulated;
10 in dali so jih za lončarjevo njivo, kakor mi je določil Gospod.‹
and I gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord directed me.
11 In Jezus je stal pred voditeljem in voditelj ga je vprašal, rekoč: »Ali si ti judovski Kralj?« Jezus mu je rekel: »Ti praviš.«
And Jesus stood before the president. And the resident asked him, and said to him: Art thou the king of the Jews? And Jesus said to him: Thou hast said.
12 In ko je bil obtožen od visokih duhovnikov in starešin, ni ničesar odgovoril.
And when the chief priests and elders accused him, he made no reply.
13 Tedaj mu je Pilat rekel: »Ali ne slišiš, koliko besed pričajo zoper tebe?«
Then Pilate said to him: Hearest thou not how much they testify against thee?
14 Pa mu ni odgovoril niti na eno besedo, tako, da se je voditelj silno čudil.
But he gave him no answer, not even one word: and therefore Pilate wondered greatly.
15 Torej, na ta praznik je imel voditelj navado množici izpustiti jetnika, ki bi ga hotela.
And at each festival, the president was accustomed to release to the people one prisoner, such as they preferred.
16 In takrat so imeli opaznega jetnika, imenovanega Baraba.
And they had then in bonds a noted prisoner, called Bar Abas.
17 Ko so bili torej zbrani skupaj, jim je Pilat rekel: »Katerega hočete, da vam izpustim? Baraba ali Jezusa, ki se imenuje Kristus?«
And when they were assembled, Pilate said to them: Whom will ye, that I release to you, Bar Abas, or Jesus who is called Messiah?
18 Kajti vedel je, da so mu ga izročili zaradi zavisti.
For Pilate knew that it was from enmity they had delivered him up.
19 Ko se je usedel na sodni stol, je njegova žena poslala k njemu, rekoč: »Nič ne imej s tem pravičnim človekom, kajti danes sem v sanjah zaradi njega trpela mnoge stvari.«
And as the president was sitting on his tribunal, his wife sent to him, and said: Have thou nothing to do with that just man; for I have suffered much this I day in a dream because of him.
20 Toda visoki duhovniki in starešine so pregovorili množico, da bi zahtevali Baraba in uničili Jezusa.
But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the multitude that they should demand Bar Abas, and destroy Jesus.
21 Voditelj je odgovoril in jim rekel: »Katerega od teh dveh hočete, da vam izpustim?« Rekli so: »Baraba.«
And the president answered, and said to them: Which of the two, will ye, that I release to you? And they said: Bar Abas.
22 Pilat jim reče: »Kaj naj potem storim z Jezusom, ki se imenuje Kristus?« Vsi so mu rekli: »Križan naj bo.«
Pilate said to them: And what shall I do to Jesus who is called Messiah? They all replied: Let him be crucified.
23 In voditelj jim je rekel: »Zakaj, kakšno zlo je storil?« Vendar so še bolj kričali, rekoč: »Križan naj bo.«
The president said to them: But what hath he done, that is evil? And they cried out the more, and said: Let him be crucified.
24 Ko je Pilat videl, da niti malo ne more prevladati, temveč da je bil toliko bolj storjen nemir, je vzel vodo in svoje roke umil pred množico, rekoč: »Nedolžen sem pri krvi te pravične osebe; vi glejte na to.«
And Pilate, when he saw that it availed nothing, but rather that tumult was produced, took water, and washed his hands before the eyes of the multitude, and said: I am pure from the blood of this just man: see ye to it.
25 Potem so vsi ljudje odgovorili in rekli: »Njegova kri bodi na nas in na naših otrocih.«
And all the people answered, and said His blood be on us, and on our children!
26 Tedaj jim je izpustil Baraba in ko je Jezusa prebičal, ga je izročil, da bi bil križan.
Then released he to them Bar Abas; and scourged Jesus with whips and delivered him to be crucified.
27 Tedaj so voditeljevi vojaki Jezusa vzeli v skupno dvorano in k njemu zbrali vso četo vojakov.
Then the soldiers of the president took Jesus into the Praetorium, and assembled the whole regiment against him.
28 In ga slekli ter mu oblekli škrlatno svečano oblačilo.
And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet military cloak.
29 In ko so spletli krono iz trnja, so jo dali na njegovo glavo in trst v njegovo desnico; in poklekovali so pred njim ter ga zasmehovali, rekoč: »Pozdravljen, judovski Kralj!«
And they wove a crown of thorns, and set it on his head, and put a reed in his hand, and they bowed their knees before him, and mocked him, and said: Hail, thou king of the Jews.
30 In pljuvali so vanj in vzeli trst ter ga udarjali po glavi.
And they spit in his face, and took the reed, and smote him on his head.
31 Potem pa, ko so ga zasmehovali, so z njega slekli svečano oblačilo in nanj nadeli njegova lastna oblačila ter ga odpeljali proč, da ga križajo.
And when they had mocked him, they divested him of the cloak, and clothed him in his own garments, and led him out to be crucified.
32 In ko so prišli ven, so našli človeka iz Cirene, Simona po imenu; njega so prisilili, da je nesel njegov križ.
And as they went out, they found a man of Cyrene whose name was Simon; him they compelled to bear his cross.
33 In ko so prišli na kraj, imenovan Golgota, ki se mu reče ›kraj lobanje, ‹
And they came to a place which is called Golgotha, which is interpreted a skull.
34 so mu dali piti kisa, pomešanega z žolčem; in ko je le-tega pokusil, ni hotel piti.
And they gave him to drink vinegar mixed with gall. And he tasted it, and would not drink.
35 Oni pa so ga križali in metaje žreb razdelili njegove obleke, da bi se lahko izpolnilo, kar je bilo rečeno po preroku: ›Moje obleke so si delili med seboj in za mojo suknjo so metali žrebe.‹
And when they had crucified him, they distributed his garments by lot.
36 In sedeli so ter ga tam stražili;
And they sat down, and watched him there
37 in nad njegovo glavo so namestili njegovo napisano obtožbo: TA JE JEZUS, JUDOVSKI KRALJ.
And they placed over his head the cause of his death, in the writing: THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
38 Takrat sta bila tam z njim križana dva tatova, eden na desni roki, drugi pa na levi.
And there were crucified with him two robbers, the one on his right hand, and the other on his left.
39 Tisti pa, ki so hodili mimo, so ga zasramovali in zmajevali s svojimi glavami
And they that passed by reviled him, and shook their heads
40 ter govorili: »Ti, ki podiraš tempelj in ga zgradiš v treh dneh, reši samega sebe. Če si Božji Sin, pridi s križa dol.«
and said: Destroyer of the temple, and builder of it in three days, deliver thyself; if thou art the Son of God, and come down from the cross.
41 Podobno so ga zasmehovali tudi visoki duhovniki s pisarji in starešinami ter govorili:
So also the chief priests mocked, with the Scribes and Elders and Pharisees,
42 »Rešil je druge; samega sebe ne more rešiti. Če je on Izraelov Kralj, naj sedaj pride dol s križa in mu bomo verjeli.
and said: He gave life to others, his own life he cannot preserve. If he is the king of Israel, let him now descend from the cross, and we will believe in him. †
43 Zaupal je v Boga; naj ga sedaj osvobodi, če ga hoče imeti, kajti rekel je: ›Jaz sem Božji Sin.‹«
He trusted in God; let him rescue him now, if he hath pleasure in him: for he said, I am the Son of God.
44 Prav tako sta ga sramotila tudi tatova, ki sta bila križana z njim.
In like manner the marauders also, that were crucified with him, reproached him.
45 Od šeste ure je bila torej tema po vsej deželi do devete ure.
And from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land, until the ninth hour.
46 Okoli devete ure pa je Jezus z močnim glasom zaklical, rekoč: »Elí, Elí, láma sabahtáni?« kar se reče: »Moj Bog, moj Bog, zakaj si me zapustil?«
And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice and said: O God, O God; why hast thou forsaken me?
47 Ko so nekateri izmed teh, ki so tam stali, to slišali, so rekli: »Ta človek kliče Elija.«
And some of them that stood there, when they heard it, said: He calleth for Elijah.
48 In eden izmed njih je nemudoma stekel in vzel gobo ter jo napojil s kisom in jo nataknil na trst ter mu dal piti.
And immediately one of them ran, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink.
49 Ostali so rekli: »Pústi, naj vidimo, če bo prišel Elija, da ga reši.«
But the rest said: Desist; we will see if Elijah will come to rescue him.
50 Ko je Jezus z močnim glasom ponovno zavpil, je odposlal duha.
Then Jesus cried again with a loud voice, and yielded up his spirit.
51 In glej, tempeljsko zagrinjalo se je raztrgalo na dvoje od vrha do tal; in zemlja se je stresla in skale so se razklale;
And instantly, the curtain of the door of the temple was torn asunder, from the top to the bottom; and the earth shook; and the rocks rived;
52 in grobovi so se odprli; in mnogo teles svetih, ki so spali, je vstalo
and graves were opened; and many bodies of saints who slept, arose,
53 in po njegovem vstajenju so prišli iz grobov in odšli v sveto mesto in se mnogim prikazali.
and came forth; and, after his resurrection, entered into the holy city, and appeared to many.
54 Torej, ko so stotnik in ti, ki so bili z njim, ki so stražili Jezusa, videli potres in te stvari, ki so se zgodile, so se silno bali, rekoč: »Resnično, ta je bil Božji Sin.«
And the centurion, and they that were with him guarding Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that occurred, feared greatly, and said: Verily, this was the Son of God.
55 Tam je bilo mnogo žensk, ki so zrle od daleč, ki so Jezusu sledile iz Galileje ter mu stregle,
And many women were there, looking on from a distance; the same who had followed Jesus from Galilee, and had ministered to him.
56 med katerimi je bila Marija Magdalena in Marija, Jakobova in Jožefova mati ter mati Zebedejevih otrok.
One of them was Mary of Magdala, also Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's children.
57 Ko je prišel večer, je tja prišel bogataš iz Arimateje, imenovan Jožef, ki je bil tudi sam Jezusov učenec.
And when it was evening, there came a rich man of Ramath, whose name was a Joseph, who was also a disciple of Jesus.
58 Odšel je k Pilatu in prosil za Jezusovo telo. Tedaj je Pilat ukazal, naj bo telo izročeno.
This man went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. And Pilate directed the body to be given him.
59 Ko je Jožef vzel telo, ga je ovil v čisto laneno oblačilo
And Joseph took the body, and wrapped it in a winding-sheet of clean linen;
60 in ga položil v svojo novo grobnico, ki jo je izklesal v skalo, in k vratom mavzoleja zavalil velik kamen ter odšel.
and laid it in his new sepulchre, that was excavated in a rock. And he rolled a great stone against the door of the sepulchre, and departed:
61 In tam sta bili Marija Magdalena in druga Marija, ki sta sedeli nasproti mavzoleju.
And there were present Mary of Magdala, and the other Mary, who sat over against the grave.
62 Torej naslednji dan, ki je sledil dnevu priprave, so visoki duhovniki in farizeji skupaj prišli k Pilatu,
And on the day that was next after the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees assembled before Pilate,
63 rekoč: »Gospod, spominjamo se, da je ta slepar, medtem ko je bil še živ, rekel: ›Po treh dneh bom ponovno vstal.‹
and said to him: Our Lord, we remember that this deceiver said, while he was alive, After three days, I shall arise.
64 Ukaži torej, da bo mavzolej zavarovan do tretjega dne, da ne pridejo ponoči njegovi učenci ter ga skrivaj odnesejo in rečejo ljudem: ›Obujen je od mrtvih; ‹ tako bo zadnja prevara hujša kakor prva.«
Command, therefore to guard the sepulchre; until the third day; lest his disciples come and steal him away by night, and say to the people that he hath risen from the dead; and the last delusion be worse than the first.
65 Pilat jim je rekel: »Imate stražo; pojdite svojo pot, naredite to tako varno kakor lahko.«
Pilate said to them: Ye have soldiers: go and guard it, as ye know how.
66 Tako so šli in zapečatili kamen ter postavili stražo in mavzolej naredili varen.
And they went and set a guard to the sepulchre, and sealed the stone.