< Matej 15 >
1 Tedaj so k Jezusu prišli pisarji in farizeji, ki so bili iz Jeruzalema, rekoč:
Then came to Jesus the scribes and pharisees from Jerusalem saying,
2 »Zakaj tvoji učenci prestopajo izročila starešin? Kajti kadar jedo kruh, si ne umijejo svojih rok.«
Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat.
3 Toda odgovoril jim je in rekel: »Zakaj vi prav tako s svojim izročilom prestopate Božjo zapoved?
But He answered and said unto them, And why do ye transgress the commandment of God for your tradition?
4 Kajti Bog je zapovedal, rekoč: ›Spoštuj svojega očeta in mater‹ in: ›Kdor preklinja očeta ali mater, naj življenje konča s smrtjo.‹
For God commanded saying, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, He that revileth father or mother, let him be put to death:
5 Toda vi pravite: ›Kdorkoli bo rekel svojemu očetu ali svoji materi: ›To je dar, s čimerkoli bi ti mogoče imel korist od mene, ‹
but ye say, If any man say to his father or mother, "that which thou mightest be profited by from me is a gift to the temple,"
6 in ne spoštuje svojega očeta ali svoje matere, bo prost. Tako ste s svojim izročilom naredili Božjo zapoved brez učinka.
and so honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. And thus have ye made void the commandment of God by your tradition.
7 Vi hinavci, Izaija je dobro prerokoval o vas, rekoč:
Well did Esaias prophecy concerning you,
8 ›Ti ljudje se s svojimi usti bližajo k meni in me spoštujejo s svojimi ustnicami, toda njihovo srce je daleč od mene.‹
saying, This people approach me with their mouth, and honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me:
9 Toda zaman me obožujejo, učeč nauke človeških zapovedi.«
but in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the injunctions of men.
10 In poklical je množico ter jim rekel: »Poslušajte in razumite:
And He called the multitude to Him, and said unto them, Hear and understand it:
11 ›Ni to, kar gre v usta, [kar] omadežuje človeka, temveč to, kar prihaja iz ust, to omadežuje človeka.‹«
not that which goeth into the mouth defileth the man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this polluteth the man.
12 Tedaj so prišli njegovi učenci in mu rekli: »Ali veš, da so bili farizeji, potem ko so slišali to govorjenje, užaljeni?«
Whereupon his disciples came and said to Him, Dost thou know that the pharisees, when they heard this assertion, were offended at it?
13 Toda odgovoril je in rekel: »Vsaka rastlina, ki je ni vsadil moj nebeški Oče, bo izkoreninjena.
But He answered and said, Every plantation which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up.
14 Pustite jih pri miru. Slepi voditelji slepih so. Če pa slepi vodi slepega, bosta oba padla v jarek.«
Regard them not; for they are blind guides of the blind: and if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch.
15 Potem je odgovoril Peter in mu rekel: »Pojasni nam to prispodobo.«
Then Peter answered, and said unto Him, Explain to us this parable.
16 Jezus pa je rekel: »Ali ste tudi vi še vedno brez razumevanja?
And Jesus replied, Are ye also still void of understanding?
17 Ali še vedno ne razumete, da karkoli vstopi pri ustih, gre v trebuh in je vrženo ven, v zunanje stranišče?
Do ye not yet know, that whatever goeth into the mouth passeth to the belly and is discharged downwards?
18 Toda te besede, ki izvirajo iz ust, prihajajo iz srca in te omadežujejo človeka.
But the things, which proceed out of the mouth, come from the heart, and those defile a man.
19 Kajti iz srca izvirajo zle misli, umori, zakonolomstva, prešuštva, tatvine, kriva pričevanja, bogokletja.
For out of the heart proceed wicked disputings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false-witnessings, slanders:
20 To so stvari, ki omadežujejo človeka, toda jesti z neumitimi rokami človeka ne omadežuje.«
these defile a man, but to eat without washing the hands doth not defile him.
21 Potem je Jezus odšel od tam in odšel v tirske in sidónske kraje.
And Jesus went from thence, and retired into the parts adjacent to Tyre and Sidon.
22 In glej, ženska iz Kánaana je prišla iz teh istih krajev ter vpila k njemu, rekoč: »Usmili se me, oh Gospod, ti Davidov Sin. Moja hči je boleče nadlegovana od hudiča.«
And there came out of those quarters a Canaanitish woman, and cried to Him saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; for my daughter is grievously tormented by a demon.
23 Toda on ji ni odgovoril niti besede. In prišli so njegovi učenci ter ga rotili, rekoč: »Pošlji jo proč, ker vpije za nami.«
But he answered her not a word: and his disciples came and intreated Him, saying, Send her away, for she crieth importunately after us.
24 Toda odgovoril je in rekel: »Nisem poslan [k nikomur], razen k izgubljenim ovcam Izraelove hiše.«
But he answered and said, I am sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
25 Potem je prišla in ga oboževala, rekoč: »Gospod, pomagaj mi.«
However, she came and worshipped Him, saying, Lord help me.
26 Toda odgovoril je in rekel: »Ni primerno vzeti kruha otrokom in ga vreči psom.«
But he answered, It is not fit to take the children's bread and throw it to dogs: and she said, True, Lord;
27 Ona pa je rekla: »Res je, Gospod, vendar psi jedo od drobtinic, ki padajo z mize njihovih gospodarjev.«
yet the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from the table of their masters.
28 Tedaj je Jezus odgovoril in ji rekel: »Oh žena, velika je tvoja vera, zgodi naj se ti, kakor hočeš.« In njena hči je bila ozdravljena od točno tiste ure.
Then Jesus answering, said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it therefore unto thee as thou desirest. And her daughter was cured from that very hour.
29 In Jezus je odšel od tam ter prišel v bližino Galilejskega morja in odšel na goro ter se tam usedel.
And Jesus departed from thence, and came near to the sea of Galilee; and going up to a mountain He sat down there.
30 In k njemu so prišle velike množice, ki so imele s seboj tiste, ki so bili hromi, slepi, nemi, pohabljeni ter mnoge druge in polagali so jih k Jezusovim stopalom in jih je ozdravil,
And great multitudes came to Him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others; and laid them at the feet of Jesus, and He healed them.
31 do take mere, da se je množica čudila, ko so videli nemega spregovoriti, pohabljenega biti zdravega, hromega hoditi in slepega videti. In slavili so Izraelovega Boga.
So that the people wondered when they saw the dumb speaking, the maimed become sound, the lame walking, and the blind seeing: and they glorified the God of Israel.
32 Potem je Jezus svoje učence poklical k sebi in rekel: »Sočutje imam do množice, ker že tri dni vztrajajo z menoj in nimajo nič za jesti; in ne bom jih poslal proč tešče, da na poti ne oslabijo.«
Then Jesus called his disciples to Him and said, I am moved with compassion to the multitude, for they have been with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: I will not let them go away fasting, least they faint in the way.
33 In njegovi učenci so mu rekli: »Od kod naj imamo v divjini tako veliko kruha, za nasičenje tako velike množice?«
And his disciples replied, Whence can we have so much bread in this desert place as to satisfy so great a multitude?
34 In Jezus jim reče: »Koliko hlebov imate?« Rekli so: »Sedem in nekaj majhnih rib.«
And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? and they said, Seven, and a few small fishes.
35 In velel je množici, naj séde na tla.
Then He bid the people sit down on the ground;
36 In vzel je sedem hlebov in ribe ter se zahvalil in jih razlomil ter dal svojim učencem, učenci pa množici.
and taking the seven loaves and the fishes, when He had given thanks, He brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
37 In vsi so jedli ter bili nasičeni in pobrali so od ostankov obeda, kar je ostalo, sedem polnih košar.
And they did all eat, and were satisfied: and they took up what was left even of fragments seven baskets full.
38 In teh, ki so jedli, je bilo štiri tisoč mož, poleg žensk in otrok.
Now they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children.
39 In odpustil je množico ter stopil na ladjo in prišel v magadánske kraje.
Then he dismissed the multitudes, and went into a ship, and came to the coasts of Magdala.